Low-cost Sanitation Microsoft Producer Presentations International Year of Sanitation 2008 Essential reading for IYS2008 and beyond IYS2008 Factsheets (UN Water, 2008) ►Duncan Mara's Sanitation blog The Unserved Billions [links to reports on the state of global water supply and sanitation; also advocacy and finance] A New Paradigm for Periurban Water Supplies & Sanitation
On-site sanitation technologies Water, sanitation and hygiene for the
prevention of diarrhoea (Int. J.
Epidemiol., 2010) Listen to Toilets (mp3 file, BBC World Service, 2009) Video: Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation (Clinton Global Initiative, 2008) − 60 mins!Sanitation and hygiene: approaches for sustainable development (Jon Lane, WSSCC, 2007) Quote: "At present, about half the planet is clean and about half is, literally, shitty: covered in millions of tons of shit annually by people who lack the dignity and convenience of basic sanitation facilities. This is a world of two halves, a job half-done. Half the world's people have sanitation (collection, transport, treatment and disposal or re-use of human excreta, domestic wastewater and solid waste and associated hygiene promotion) and half do not even have basic sanitation (disposal of human excreta)." Manual on the Right to Water and
Sanitation (Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Swiss Agency for
Development and Cooperation, American Association for the Advancement of
Science and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2007) Improved water supplies and sanitation contribute to the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals − see what WHO has to say here. Poor water and sanitation kills hundreds of thousands of young children every year − will MDG #4 be achieved? See what The Lancet has to say here. Children and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: The Evidence (background paper for HDR 2006 by UNICEF) See also: Health benefits of improved water supplies and sanitation The Case for Sanitation: A Literature Review of the Non-Health and Social Impacts of Sanitation (LSHTM, 2007) (see also here) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Quantifying the Health
Impact at National and Local Levels in Countries with Incomplete Water Supply
and Sanitation Coverage (Environmental
Burden of Disease Series #15, WHO, 2007) Livelihoods, water and sanitation (ELDIS webpage) Water and Sanitation as Human Rights
of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, undated but ? 2009) Urine-diverting alternating twin-vault ventilated improved vault (VIV) latrines
− also called eThekwini latrines Supporting material:
Water and Sanitation (PLoS Medicine, November 2010) − a collection
of four papers: Sanitation for unserved populations: Technologies, implementation challenges, and opportunities [Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 2008] Information on Improved
Latrine Options [WSP, 2010] − “This booklet is really meant to be useful to anyone
interested in and working on sanitation programs, and raise people’s awareness
of options, create sanitation demand and work on actual construction of
latrines.” Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies [Sandec/Eawag, 2008] See also: Sanitation planning Sanitation technology selection Sanitation practice − this page has links to short (1-2 page) descriptions of the
eleven 'Good Practice' sanitation technolgy options and two 'Poor Practices' (the 'Good Practice' sanitation systems are those that can be used to meet the MDG sanitation target). Technical and public health
aspects of low-cost sanitation programme planning [Journal of Tropical
Appropriate Sanitation Technologies for Addressing
Deficiencies in Provision in Low- and Middle- Beyond Construction: Use by All − A collection of case studies from sanitation and hygiene promotion practitioners in South Asia [WaterAid and IRC, 2008] Public Funding for Sanitation: The many faces of sanitation
subsidies [WSSCC, 2009] VIP latrines: Laboratory protocols for testing the efficacy of commercial pit latrine additives [eWISA, 2008] Manual for the Construction of Pit Latrines [Connect
International, 2008] − note: this is not really a “construction
manual”, more about making dome-shaped cover slabs; and the pit latrine model
is not a VIP latrine − why not?
Pour-flush toilets The Design of Pour-Flush Latrines [World Bank, 1985] Manual on the Design of Low-cost Pour-flush Waterseal Latrines in India [World Bank, 1984] Sustainable technologies for on-site human waste and wastewater management: Sulabh experience (ADB, 2005) [Alternating twin-pit PF latrines in What to do with our waste: the Sulabh solution (InfoChange See also: Sitters & Squatters and Washers & Wipers Pit Emptying www.toiletsforall.org − website of Gramalaya, an Indian NGO, with drawings, bills of quantities and costs for
many different on-site sanitation systems; also includes details of a
polypropylene squat-pan with integral water seal for use in pour-flush toilets - see photo below] See also Gramalaya's Centre for Toilet Technology and Training.
Polypropylene squat-pans (Gramalaya)
Best Practices in Water and Sanitation (CRS, 2008) Innovations in Water and Sanitation (CRS, 2009) The household-centred environmental sanitation approach (Waterlines, 2007) Household-centred Environmental Sanitation: Implementing the Bellagio Principles in Urban Environmental Sanitation − Provisional Guideline for Decision-Makers (Sandec, 2005). Background papers. Bellagio Principles. Principles of Town
Water Supply & Sanitation (World Bank, 2007) – for small- and medium- sized towns (2000−50000
population). “This guidance note provides a methodology for setting targets and
mobilizing resources to achieve those targets. Topics include oversight
arrangements and management models, appropriate design, financing arrangements,
contracting professional support, and business planning.” Essays on urban
sanitation (IRC, 2008) A pathway to sustainability in urban sanitation for
developing Asian countries (PhD thesis, Institute of Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology, Sydney, 2008) Association between intestinal parasitic infections and type of sanitation system in rural El Salvador (Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2006) Indian Toilets and Tanzanian Mosquito Nets: Understanding Households’ Environmental Health Decisions in Developing Countries (PhD thesis, Duke University, 2008) Toilet Technology Flipbook (WaterAid/WEDC, 2009) – design and cost your own latrine! Building Toilets − Chapter
7 of A Community Guide to Environmental Health (Hesperian Foundation, 2008) Improving Water Supply and Sanitation Services for the Urban Poor in India (WSP, 2009) Sewerage and
Low-cost Sanitation: A Solution to Sanitation Problems in Developing Countries
(IDRC, 1980) Gender − see also Gender. Sanitation for All? (IRC TOP, 2007) Groundwater pollution: Groundwater, Latrines and Health (WELL, 1999) Quote: "a decision to protect groundwater which leads, in practice, to a reduction in sanitation is a step backwards for public health". (British Geological Survey, 2001) Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection (SuSanA, 2009) The Microbiological Contamination of Water Supplies (WELL Factsheet, 2006) Assessment of the impacts of pit latrines on groundwater quality in rural areas: A case study from Marondera district, Zimbabwe (Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2006) A Protocol to Manage the Potential of Groundwater Contamination from On Site Sanitation, 2nd ed. (DWAF, South Africa, 2003) A WHO classic:
& Lanoix: Excreta Disposal for Rural Areas and Small
Communities (WHO Mono- graph Series #39, 1958):
Part 1 Part 2
Updated by A Guide to the Development of On-site
Sanitation (WHO, 1992)
Video: Water/Child Survival (Global Health TV, 2008) See also: Sanitation Technology Selection
Sanitation Planning Benefit-cost ratios for sanitation investments Microfinance/Microcredit Greywater Management Community Sanitation Blocks Ecological Sanitation ("EcoSan") Household-level Water Treatment Hygiene and Hygiene Education School Sanitation and Hygiene Education Water Conservation − important because, if the rich use less water, then there's more for the poor Emergencies and Disasters Water Management in Islam (UNUP/IDRC, 2001) Sanitation, Health and Environment (presentations made at Water Week 2007, World Bank) WatSan Blogs and Wikis Listen (mp3 format): Why water and sanitation? (World Bank, 2005) Watch (wmv format) Attacking Poverty through Job Creation in the Delivery of Sustainable Sanitation Courtesy of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa See also: Job creation opportunities for the operation and maintenance of basic sanitation service provision to informal settlements (eWISA, 2008) DVD: Video for Kids What Makes Cities Healthy? (World
Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2007) Quote: The benefits of good health to individuals and to society are strongly positive and improving the health of the poor is a key Millennium Development Goal. If the objective is better health outcomes at the least cost and a reduction in urban health inequity, this research suggests that the four most potent policy interventions are: water and sanitation systems; urban land use and transport planning; effective primary care and health programs aimed at influencing diets and lifestyles; and education. The payoff from these four in terms of health outcomes dwarfs the returns from new drugs and curative hospital-based medicine. Benefits and costs: Estimating the costs and health benefits of water and
sanitation improvements at global level (JWH,
2007) Return to Index page |