Waste not, Want not!
Much of the drinking water produced at water treatment plants is
wasted, either by leakage in the distribution system, or by excessive
use (either intentionally or not) by users (domestic, commercial,
industrial). Water conservation is important as the number of people
living in water-stressed and water-scarce areas of the world is
increasing rapidly:
The major part of 'non-revenue water' or 'unaccounted-for water')
The Challenge of Reducing Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in
Developing Countries − How the Private Sector Can Help: A Look at Performance-based
Service Contracting (World Bank, 2006)
Non-revenue Water (Chapter 9 of Asian Water Supplies: Reaching the Urban Poor, ADB, 2003)
of managing non-revenue water: experience from a water utility in Uganda (WEDC
Conference, 2003)
The Status and Use of Drinking Water Conservation and
Savings Devices in the Domestic and Commercial Environments in South Africa (Water
Research Commission, 2008)
Leakage Management: Introduction to WRC Tools to Manage
Non-Revenue Water (WRC SA, 2004)
The Reduction and Control of Unaccounted-for Water: Working Guidelines
(World Bank, 1987)
Water Efficiency Handbook: Identifying opportunities
to increase water use efficiency in industry, buildings, and agriculture in the
Arab world (Arab Forum for Environment and Development, 2010)
Water: Sustainable Management of a Scarce Resource (Arab
Forum for Environment and Development, 2010)
by the IWA Water Loss Task Force (Water21, 2003−2004)
Part 1. A practical approach to water loss reduction
Part 2. Assessing non-revenue water and its components
Part 3. Managing leakage by managing pressure
Part 4. Leak detection practices and techniques
Part 5. Managing leakage by district metered areas
Part 6. Assessing real water losses
Part 7. Apparent water loss control
Part 8. Best practice performance indicators
Books: Integrated Water Meter Management (IWA Publishing, 2007)
Water Auditing and Water Conservation (IWA Publishing, 2004)
In-house water conservation
Use of water-saving plumbing fixtures, such as low-flow taps and showerheads and low-volume flush toilets
The Conservation of Drinking-water Supplies: Techniques for
Low-income Settlements (UNCHS, 1989)
Three-litre flush toilet (
Ifö Sanitär AB, Sweden)
Attitudes to conservation
and water consumption (Environmental
Science & Policy, 2008)
Hygienic toilet with
fast flush and low water consumption (WTO, undated)
Book: The Water Book: find it, move it, store it, clean it... use
it (CAT Publications, 2005) Podcast
Water conservation planning in Austin, Texas (
Water Practice
& Technology, 2007)
Environmental beliefs and water
conservation: An empirical study [in
Journal of Environmental Psychology,
Water stewardship in the desert: water conservation projects
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Water Practice & Technology, 2007)
Water conservation in arid and semi-arid regions (Desalination, 1989)
Effect of pricing policy on water conservation: a
case study [in Abu Dhabi]
(Water Policy, 2001)
Water management strategies in the Arabian
Gulf countries (Developments
in Water Science, 2003)
Behavioural attitudes towards water saving?
Evidence from a study of environmental actions (Ecological Economics,
2006). Summary.
Water Efficiency and Public Information for Action (WEPIA) Program 2000−2005: Final Report (USAID Jordan, 2005)
Mexico City's
Water Supply: Improving the Outlook for Sustainability (National Academies
Press, 1995) Chapter 6: Water Demand
Household Water Conservation (Penn State University, 2004)
Saving water in the home (savewater!
Australian website)
Installing a water flow controller [it is really this simple!]
EPA WaterSense publications (2007):
High-Efficiency Toilets
High-Efficiency Bathroom Sink Faucets [i.e.,
Water Conservation Programs − A Planning Manual (AWWA, 2006)
Water Conservation Plan Guidelines (US EPA, 1998)
H2OUSE: Water Saver Home (California Urban Water
Conservation Council website)
A global perspective on changing sustainable
urban water supplies (Global and Planetary Change, 2006)
& Wales: Call for
widespread water meters (BBC News, 2009) − see also Water meters and you (BBC
News, 2009)
Water-Saving Gadgets
to Cut Bills (European Water News, 2009) “Thousands of newly metered Thames Water customers are being offered
free products in a bid to help them reduce their water consumption and bring
down bills. Water-saving devices,
including aerated showerheads, water butts to collect rainwater for use
outdoors and digital shower timers, will be given free of charge to customers
who have had a meter fitted since April 2008.”
Role of water-saving devices in reducing urban water
consumption in the mega-city of Tehran, case study: A residential complex (Journal
of Environmental Health, 2008)
Comparing Price and Non-Price Approaches to Urban Water
Conservation (National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, 2008)
Life-cycle perspective on
residential water conservation strategies (Journal
of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 2010)
Also: Water Conserving Landscapes (CSBE website)
See also: Designing sewers for
reduced wastewater flows (CIB, 2009)