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Links to reports on the state of global water supply and sanitation
MDG Environmental sustainability The Millennium Development Goals: see UN Millennium Project 
See also: The MDGs
− a web animation (UNEP) 
Goal 7:  Ensure Environmental Sustainability      
Target 10:
 Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation

How many days left to achieve the Millennium Development Goals? Check here.

Building a Better World: Online Atlas of the MDGs (World Bank, 2008)

International Year of Sanitation 2008     Duncan Mara's Sanitation blog

Progress on sanitation and drinking-water 2010 update (WHO/UNICEF JMP, 2010)

Progress on Drinking-water and Sanitation: Special Focus on Sanitation (WHO/UNICEF JMP, 2008)
See also:
WatSan Monitoring

Africa: Development Support Monitor 2009 (African Monitor, 2009) − WatSan pages here.

Global costs of attaining the Millennium Development Goal for water supply and sanitation (Bull. WHO, 2008)

Global Monitoring Report 2008: MDGs and the Environment − Agenda for Inclusive and Sustainable Development (World Bank/IMF, 2008) − Listen and Watch
While much of the world is on track to halve extreme poverty by the deadline, prospects are much graver for the goals of reducing child and maternal mortality, and serious shortfalls are also expected in education, nutrition, and sanitation. On current trends, Sub-Saharan Africa could miss all the MDGs, despite impressive growth perform- ance of recent years. 

Status of Implementation of CSD-13 Policy Actions on Water and Sanitation (UN DESA, 2008)

Progress towards achieving the MDGs

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2008 (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2008) − read the section on water and sanitation.

The Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS): 2008 Pilot Report − Testing A New Reporting Approach (UN-Water & WHO, 2008)

Progress for Children: A World Fit for Children − Statistical Review No. 6 (UNICEF, 2007)
Read progress
towards achieving the MDG 7 water supply target here and sanitation target here.

Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment Report 2000  (WHO/UNICEF, 2000)
See how we may miss the WatSan MDG targets here.

Meeting the MDG Drinking Water and Sanitation Target: The Urban and Rural Challenge of the Decade (WHO/UNICEF, 2006)

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2007 (UN, 2007)

Let’s Speak Out for MDGs: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Indonesia 2007/2008 (Government of Indonesia, 2008)

The State of African Cities 2008
(UN-Habitat, 2008)
From Commitments to Action − Progress on Implementing eThekwini in Eastern Africa (WaterAid, 2009)
− Quote: The 2015 MDG target on sanitation in Africa is seriously off-track − at current rates of progress it will not be met until 2084.
A Snapshot of  Sanitation in Africa (WHO/UNICEF JMP, 2008)
Can Africa Afford to Miss the Sanitation MDG Target? A Review of the Sanitation and Hygiene Status in 32 Countries (AMCOW, AfDB, World Bank and WSP, 2008)
Where every drop counts: tackling rural Africa’s water crisis (iied, 2009)
"In rural Africa, ‘water poverty’ can destroy lives and livelihoods. Children under the age of five are especially susceptible to waterborne diseases. While a broken waterpipe in London may be a temporary inconvenience, a failed well in sub-Saharan Africa is potentially catastrophic. And this is a catastrophe that is spreading across the continent, where an estimated 50,000 water supply points have effectively died. The root cause is the water community’s failure to plan for maintenance of the infrastructure in a systematic way, creating a massive drag on meeting the Millennium Development Goal target on water and sanitation."
Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: 2007 Update (UN, 2007) Quote: Only 42 per cent of people in rural areas had access to clean  water, according to the latest 2004 data, and 63 per cent of the entire population lacked access to basic sanitation facilities – down only barely from 68 per cent in 1990, and far from the target of cutting this proportion in half by 2015.
But see: 
MDG monitoring for urban water supply and sanitation: Catching up with reality in Sub-Saharan Africa (GTZ, 2007)

How the Millennium Development Goals are unfair to Africa (World Development, 2009) 
The trouble with the MDGs: Confronting expectations of aid and development success (World Development, 2006)

State of the World Population 2007: Unleashing the Potential of Urban Growth (UNFPA, 2007)
Multimedia presentation

The State of the World's Children 2009 (UNICEF, 2009) downloadable Statistical Tables (Table 1 for IMR and U5MR; Table 3 for access to improved water supply and sanitation). Earlier SOWC reports.

Best Practices in Water Supply and Sanitation: Learning from Successful Projects (ADB, 2007)

Sanitation: Progress in meeting the goals, targets and commitments of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (UN Commission on Sustainable Development, 12th session, 2004)

Dignity, Disease, and Dollars: Asia’s Urgent Sanitation Challenge (ADB, 2007)

Getting Africa on Track to Meet the MDGs on Water and Sanitation (WSP, 2006)  

United Nations World Water Development Reports
3. Water in a Changing World (2009)
2. Water: A Shared Responsibility (2006)
1. Water for People, Water for Life (2003)

The 2006 Human Development Report  
Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis
The 2003 Human Development Report
Millennium Development Goals: A compact among nations to end human poverty

Taps and Toilets for All: Two Decades Already, and Now a Quarter Century More (Water21, 2001)

MDG7: An assessment of progress with respect to water and sanitation: legacy, synergy, complacency or Policy (UNU-WIDER, 2006)

Water and Sanitation in the World's Cities: Meeting Development Goals in Small Urban Centres (UN-Habitat, 2006)  University of Leeds Library catalogue entry.

Water and Sanitation in the World's Cities  (UN-Habitat, 2003) University of Leeds Library catalogue entry

Meeting the MDG Drinking-water and Sanitation Target: A Mid-term Assessment of Progress (WHO/UNIFEF, 2004)

Health, Dignity, and Development: What will it Take?  (UN Millennium Development Project,
Task Force on Water and Sanitation, 2006)

Progress for Children: Report Card for Water & Sanitation #5 (UNICEF, 2006)

Strategic Thinking to Achieve Water MDGs (ADB, 2006)

Challenges to International Waters: Regional Assessments in a Global Perspective (UNEP, 2006)

Millennium Project: Focusing on improved water and sanitation for health  (The Lancet, 26 Feb. 2005)

Water for Life: Making it Happen  (WHO/UNICEF, 2005)

The role of science in solving the world’s emerging water problems (PNAS, 2005)

Progress in Meeting the WatSan MDG  (from The MDG Report 2005)

For an effective right to water  (Green Cross International, 2005)

Policy Options and Practical Measures to Expedite Implementation in Water, Sanitation and Human Settlements  (CSD13, 2005)

Millennium Development Goals in Latin America & the Caribbean (IDB, 2005)

Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Services on the Threshold of the XXI Century [in Latin America and the Caribbean] (ECLAC, 2004)

The Right to Water: From Concept to Implementation  (World Water Council, 2006)

The Challenge in Disaster Reduction for the Water and Sanitation Sector  (PAHO et al., 2006)

Serve the Essentials: What Governments and Donors must do to Improve South Asia's
Essential Services
(Oxfam International, 2006)

Asia Water Watch 2015: Are Countries in Asia on Track to Meet Target 10 of the MDGs? (ADB, 2006)

Feeling the Heat [effects of climate change on water supplies in developing countries] (Tearfund, 2006). 
See also:

Water and sanitation goals: Is progress in the pipeline? (id21 insights #45, 2003)

Water for the Poor (World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2002)

Business in the World of Water: The H2O Scenarios (
WBCSD, 2006)

Fiction, facts and future: Norad’s assistance to water supply and sanitation development in Tanzania and Kenya during the 70s, 80s and 90s – Executive Summary (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, 2008)

UK Parliament
       Sanitation and Water (House of Commons International Development Committee, 2007):  
       Volume 1 (Main Report)   Volume 2 (Evidence)
The latest information on water and sanitation, including country reports, is given by:

Privatization: Good or Bad?
Privatization Revisited: Water Supply and Sanitation
[ADB, 2009] − “Read about the preconditions for successful private sector participation in the water supply and sanitation sector.”
Private-sector participation in the water and sanitation sector [Annual Review of Environment and
, 2005]
Water and sanitation privatisation: do poor people benefit? [id21, 2007]
Beyond Boundaries: Urban Services for the Poor − Theme Paper on Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste
   (ADB, 2001)
Privatising Basic Utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: The MDG Impact [UNDP Policy Research Brief, 2007]
   Quote: Privatisation has been a widespread failure.
Pipe Dreams − Failure of the private sector to invest in water services in developing countries [PSI & WDM, 2006]
Book: Privatization and Alternative Public Sector Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: Delivering on Electricity and
   Water [Palgrave Macmillan, 2007]  Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview.
Website: Water Justice

Advocacy for Water, Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene [IRC Thematic Overview Paper, 2003]
Advocacy Sourcebook [WaterAid & WSSCC, 2003]
Advocacy Manual for Gender & Water Ambassadors [GWA, 2002]
Advocacy: What's It All About? A Guide to Advocacy Work in the Water and Sanitation Sector

See also:  Finance, Governance and Corruption in the WatSan Sector

Other "good reads":
Poverty and water: are we drowning in debate? [WWF, 2006]
Beyond inaccurate crisis narratives: meeting the water and sanitation MDGs [IIED, 2003]
Improving Access to Water and Sanitation: Rethinking the way forward in light of the MDGs [IIED, 2003]
Thirsty Cities: Water,
Sanitation, and the Urban Poor [WaterAid, 1996]
Cities, Politics and Poverty: India's Politics of Sanitation [E & U, 1999]
Livelihoods and Gender in Sanitation, Hygiene & Water Services among Urban Poor [in Kenya]
[ITDG Practical Action, 2005]
The MDGs and urban poverty reduction: great expectations and nonsense statistics [E&U, 2003]
Achieving Millennium Development Goals: A View from Ghandi’s Window [2003]
 Redefining poverty: A new poverty line for India [EPW, 2006]

"A poverty line that only takes into account calorie consumption and does not include other basic needs is unacceptable.  There is clearly an imperative need to redefine this poverty line in tune with basic needs such as proper nutrition, drinking water availability, shelter, hygiene, clothing and education."
New Global Poverty Counts [UNDP International Poverty Centre, 2006]
In 2001 there were 1.9 billion people living below the newly computed poverty threshold of USD 1.50 per day (which is a better estimate than the World Bank figure of 1.1 billion living on less than USD 1.08 per day). These dollars are 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) dollars.
Public health reform: Lessons from history [PICE, Municipal Engineer, 2006]
This shit drama: are there ways out? [Skat, 2003]

One of the best books you’ll ever read!
The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It (OUP, 2007)
  University of Leeds Library catalogue entry
And this is pretty good too: You Have to Admit It's Getting Better: From Economic Prosperity to Environmental Quality (Hoover Press, 2004)

And a "good listen":  The future of cities [David Satterthwaite, World Urban Forum, June 2006]