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Finance, Governance and Corruption
in the Water & Sanitation Sector


Smart Finance Solutions: Examples of innovative financial mechanisms for water and sanitation [NWP & IRC, 2009]

Financing Sanitation: Improving Hygiene Awareness and Sanitation [KfW Water Symposium, 2009] – Symposium homepage with links to presentations.

Water, sanitation and shelter: A fresh look at finance − Chapter 2 of Century of the City: No Time to Lose [Rockefeller Foundation, 2008 − the link gives details of how to apply for a free copy of the book]

Public Funding for Sanitation: The Many Faces of Sanitation Subsidies [WSSCC, 2009]

Financing On-Site Sanitation for the Poor: A Six Country Comparative Review and Analysis [WSP, 2010]

Innovations in financing urban water and sanitation [Center for Sustainable Urban Development, Columbia University, 2007] 

Financing water supply and sanitation systems [OECD webpage]  

Managing Water for All: An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing [OECD, 2009]: Full report  Key Messages for Policy Makers.

Financing Mechanisms for Peri-Urban, Small Towns and Rural Water Supply [Danida, 2007]

Financing Water and Environmental Infrastructure for All [OECD, 2004]

Financing Water for All ["The Camdessus Report", World Water Council et al., 2003]
See also:

Water Finance - A Discussion Note [PSI, 2004]

Global costs of attaining the Millennium Development Goal for water supply and sanitation [Bull. WHO, 2008]

Cost Estimates, Budgets, Aid and the Water Sector: What’s Going on? An Analysis Illustrated with Data from 12 Sub-Saharan African Countries [IRC, 2006]

Costing MDG Target 10 on Water Supply and Sanitation [World Water Council, 2006]

Financing Facilities for the Water Sector [IRC TOP, 2006]

The Challenge of Financing Sanitation for Meeting the MDGs [WSP, 2004]

Financing and Cost Recovery [IRC Thematic Overview Paper, 2006]

Evaluation of the Costs and Benefits of Water & Sanitation Improvements at the Global Level
[WHO, 2004] 

Water Financing and Governance [GWP, 2008] − “the financial needs [of the water sector] will not be met without major reforms in water governance. By improving water governance the enabling environment for investment will improve as risks, commercial and political, will be better understood and addressed.”

Financing water and sanitation at local levels: Synthesis paper [WaterAid, 2008]

Think local, act local: Effective financing of local governments to provide water and sanitation services [WaterAid, 2008]

See also:  Microfinance/Microcredit

Is the World short of money?
No, it is not!

Quote from Richard Feachem in 2004 (Public Health 118 (7), 477-479) talking about the $2−8 billion per year needed for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB & Malaria, but it applies equally to WatSan.

"Some people say that these numbers are too large and are over ambitious.  One has to ask too large compared to what?  Too large compared to the $70−80 billion to be spent this year in Iraq and Afghanistan?  Too large in relation to the $350 billion that the EU and USA spend in subsidizing their farmers in order that they can compete unfairly with the farmers of the developing world?  Too much in relation to the $1.5 trillion that those who live in the USA will spend on their own health in 2004? ... I do not think so!" 

Governance, Transparency and Corruption

About Corruption and Transparency in the Water and Sanitation Sector [IRC TOP, 2006]

Book: Global Corruption Report 2008: Corruption in the Water Sector [CUP for Transparency International, 2008] – free download here.

Understanding Governance: Pathways to Sustainability [STEPS Centre, University of Sussex, 2007]

UNDP Water Governance Facility [website]

RULE: Reforming Water Governance [IUCN, 2009]

Enhancing Governance on Water [UN General Assembly Panel Discussion, 6 November 2009] − read the Background Note and the Summary Note.

Deterring Corruption and Improving Governance in the Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Sector [World Bank, 2008] − Key messages and findings.

A framework for tackling corruption in the water and sanitation sector in Africa [32nd WEDC International Conference, 2006]

Deterring Corruption and Improving Governance in the Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Sector [World Bank, 2008]

Water Integrity Network – “Fighting corruption in water worldwide”

The Dark Figure of Corruption: Crippling economies around the world [Policy Review, 2009] Quote: “It is thus particularly important that the role of corruption now be properly and prominently appraised. The fact that this is very hard to do should not mean that no one tries to do it. We have not had nearly as much success curing cancer as we would like, although we can cure syphilis quite easily. This does not mean that ten times more funding should go to syphilis research than cancer research. Corruption is the cancer of economics, with all that the metaphor implies — it is enigmatic, poorly understood, hydra-headed, deadly, and often hidden until it is too late. If the patient is riddled with it, the treatment of other afflictions will be no more than a temporary palliative.”

Risks of corruption in government infrastructure projects [Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer, 2008]

Output-Based Aid in Infrastructure: A Tool for Reducing the Impact of Corruption [World Bank, 2007]

Infrastructure Governance and Corruption: Where Next? [World Bank, 2007] 

Rethinking Governance in Water Services [ODI Working Paper, 2007]

Corruption and Anti-corruption Efforts: Research, policy highlights and ways forward [ODI Background Note, 2006]

Local Elected Leadership Series − Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance [UN-Habitat, 2005]
− the pdf file contains all four volumes in the series [vol. 1: Quick Guide (an overview of the LEL Series); vol. 2: User Guide (to maximize use beyond training workshop); vol. 3: Concepts and Strategies (for each of the roles and competencies); vol. 4: Training Tools (to support enhanced learning and application). Alternatively download each volume here.

Making Anti-Corruption Approaches Work for the Poor: Issues for consideration in the development of pro-poor anti-corruption strategies in water services and irrigation [SIWI, 2007]

Breaking Corruption’s Grip on the Water Sector [SIWI, 2006]

Allies Fighting Corruption in the Water Sector [World Bank webpage]

Tackling Corruption, Transforming Lives [Asia Pacific Human Development Report, UNDP, 2008]

The Athens Agenda: Corruption and Sustainable Development [Outcome of the 13th International Anti-Corruption Conference, Athens, 2008]

Transparency International: The Global Coalition against Corruption [website]

DFID Anti-corruption Online [website]

Governance reform under real world conditions: a dialogue on communication challenges [World Bank, 2007] − see also the book Governance Reform Under Real World Conditions: Citizens, Stakeholders, and Voice [World Bank, 2008]

The role of governance in countering corruption: an African case study [Water Policy, 2007]

Corruption in public service delivery: experience from South Asia’s water and sanitation sector [World Development, 2003]

Threshold effects of corruption: theory and evidence [World Development, 2008]

Fighting corruption [OECD webpage] Watch: Corruption 

Governance and Anticorruption [World Bank webpage]

Fighting Corruption through Collective Action [World Bank, 2008] – supporting website and resources for the water and sanitation sector.

Distilling or diluting? Negotiating the water research−policy interface [Water Alternatives, 2008] − examines some of the tensions in the generation of knowledge about water governance and poverty, and the translation of this knowledge into policy and practice.

Gender and Involvement of Women in Local Governance [UN-Habitat, 2006]

U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

Conflict mediation in the water and sanitation sector: And how to reach solutions [IRC TOP, 2008]

Documents on transparency in the IRC digital library

United Nations Convention against Corruption [UN Office on Drugs and Crime, 2004]

Governance Assessment Portal [UNDP webpage]  Corruption  GAP Dossier (links to reports on GAP)

A Users’ Guide to Measuring Corruption [UNDP, 2008]

Corruption and Development: Anti-Corruption Intervention for Poverty Reduction, Realization of the MDGs and Promoting Sustainable Development [UNDP, 2008]

Pro Poor Urban Governance: Lessons from Life [UNDP, 2005]