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Microfinance or microcredit (small loans to poor people) is generally only needed for on-site sanitation systems, although it might also be necessary to provide an in-house pour-flush toilet and connection to a simplified sewerage system.

Grameen Foundation (website)

Video: Banker to the Poor: Muhammad Yunus and the Founding of Grameen (Ashoka, 2006)

The Nobel for an idea (InfoChange News & Features, India, 2006)

Microcredit Summit Campaign (website)

Microcredit and Microfinance (website of the Global Development Research Center)

Microcredit Enterprises (website)

WaterCredit Initiative (Water Partners International)

Where credit’s due − is microcredit the world’s most powerful weapon against poverty? (DFID Developments #38, 2007)

Microfinance: Macro Benefits (IFAD, 2004)

Microfinance: A lifeline for poor rural people (IFAD, 2008)

Banking on the Poor: Unleashing the Benefits of Microfinance (International Food Policy Research Institute, 2002)

Making Microfinance Work for the Poor: Key Principles (World Bank, 2005)

Graduating the Poorest into Microfinance: Linking Safety Nets and Financial Services
(World Bank, 2006)

Realising the Potential of Microfinance (Insight #51, id21, 2004)

Fighting Poverty with Microcredit: Experience in Bangladesh (World Bank, 1998)

Assessing Microfinance for Water and Sanitation: Exploring Opportunities for Sustainable Scaling Up (Gates Foundation, 2008) 

Micro-credit – a Nobel Peace Prize Winning Initiative – but could it also be the way to tackle the
    sanitation crisis? (SIWI, 2007)

Microfinance for Sanitation (WELL Factsheet, 2006)

Microfinance for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: An Introduction (IRC, 2007)

Regional Workshop on Microfinance for Water Supplies and Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa (Dakar, December 2005 − IRC, 2006)

Microfinance for Infrastructure: Recent Experiences (WSP, 2000)

Financial Services and Environmental Health: Household Credit for Water and Sanitation (EHP, 1995)

Improving access to water supply and sanitation in urban India: microfinance for water and sanitation infrastructure development (WST, 2008) 

Microfinance for Rural Piped Water Services in Kenya (WSP, 2007)

Financing for the Urban Poor (whole issue of Habitat Debate, 2007)

Successes and struggles of loan finance in supporting housing and infrastructure development in low-income communities (HiFi News #9, IIED, 2001)
Finance for low-income housing and community development (October 2007 issue of
Environment & Urbanization)   

Low-cost urban sanitation in Lesotho (World Bank, 1994) [see pdf pages 23-26]

Watch: Streets of Mumbai − how pavement dwellers take control of their lives and improve their communities.

Journal: Enterprise Development & Microfinance (an international journal of microfinance and business development, Practical Action Publishing) (also here)

Microfinance: eBay launches MicroPlace − money transfer by mobile phone (Source Weekly, 2007)

Mobile banking to transform microfinance (World Bank, 2008)