
Professor Gerrit Marais (1927−2005)
Emeritus Professor, University of Cape Town
Major contributions to wastewater engineering:
►Sewered aqua-privies in Zambia (i.e., settled sewerage)
design of waste stabilization ponds (application of first-order
kinetics to facultative pond design and faecal coliform removal)
►Activated sludge, biological nutrient removal

Professor David Bradley
Emeritus Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London
Major contributions to international public health and inter- national public health engineering:
►Concept of water-washed disease transmission
►Environmental classification of water-related communicable diseases (Drawers of Water 1972)

John Kalbermatten (1931−2009)
Formerly Senior Water and Wastes Adviser, The World Bank
Major contribution to environmental engineering:
►Low-cost sanitation: application and design philosophy
Appropriate Sanitation Alternatives 1 2
►See pp. 21-23 of this pdf file (published here)
In Memory of John Kalbermatten (Roland Schertenleib, 2009)

Professor Sir Richard Feachem, KBE
Global Health Group, University of California, San Francisco
Wikipedia entry
Major contributions to environmental engineering and international public health:
►Environmental classification of excreta-related communicable diseases (Sanitation and Disease 1983)
►Rural water supplies: design philosophy and health impact
►Health impact of low-cost sanitation systems (1 2)
Fighting the Great Pandemics (Australian
National University,
See: Scaling the heights of global health leadership (The Lancet, 6 November 2010)
PubMed publications listing |

Dr Peter Morgan, MBE
Aquamor (Private) Ltd, Harare, Zimbabwe
Major contributions to low-cost sanitation:
►Development of the VIP latrine, the Arborloo and the Fossa Alterna
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José Carlos Melo
Empreendimentos Ambientais Ltda,
Recife, Brazil
Major contribution to environmental engineering:
►Development and application of condominial
water supplies and sewerage in low-income urban areas
Docendo dedici: |

Professor Tom Curtis
University of Newcastle
Major contributions to environmental engineering and wastewater treatment:
►Mechanisms of faecal bacterial removal in waste stabilization ponds (1)
►Application of molecular and evolutionary microbiology
to wastewater treatment (2 3)
PubMed publications listing