eThekwini's Water & Sanitation Programme Overview Drawing of eThekwini latrine Costs
Guideline for the Design and Construction of Toilets Where the
Basic Level of Service is Appropriate (eThekwini Water, 2001)
Durban’s poor get water [and
services long denied (
Science, 2008)
Health risk assessment of the operation and maintenance of a urine
diversion toilet (eWISA, 2006)
A comparative study evaluating health outcomes of sanitation,
water services and hygiene education in eThekwini District, Durban, South
Africa (presentation at the International Conference on
Sustainable Sanitation,
Dongsheng, China, August 2007)
Safety aspects of
handling and using fecal material from urine-diversion toilets − A field investigation
(WER, 2008)
Reaching low-income communities: Experiences from eThekwini,
Durban (presentation at AfricaSan2008, Durban, February 2008))
Provision of free sustainable basic sanitation: The Durban
experience (WEDC Conference, 2006)
Improving water services in eThekwini’s periurban and rural
settlements (
Innovation Insights #1,
2004) [see pdf pages 3−7]
Selecting sanitation systems for
sustainability in developing countries [eThekwini is the case study] (WST,
for the furtherance of knowledge and good practice of ecological sanitation technology
in South Africa (Water Research Commission, 2006):
1: Pathogen destruction in UD sanitation systems
►See also: Research into UD/VIDP (Urine Diversion Ventilated
Improved Double Pit) Toilets: Prevalence and Die-off of Ascaris Ova in
Urine Diversion Waste (WRC, 2008)
2: Use and acceptance of UD sanitation systems in South Africa
3: Use of human excreta from UD toilets in food gardens: Agronomic
and health aspects
4: Guidelines for the design, operation and maintenance of UD
sanitation systems
►See also: Ecological Sanitation − Literature Review (WRC, 2005)
Design and Operation Criteria for Urine-diversion Ecological
Sanitation Systems with particular reference to Public Health (PhD thesis, University of Pretoria, 2007)
The National Water and Sanitation Programme in South Africa:
Turning the ‘Right to Water’ into Reality (WSP ‘Blue Gold’ Field Note #8,
National Sanitation Policy (Government of South Africa, 1996)
An Observational Study to Determine the Length of Time
Necessary to Eradicate Parasitic Ova and Pathogenic Bacteria in Human Excreta Kept
in the Storage Vaults of Urine-Diverting Dehydration Toilets in Cagayan de Oro
City: 2007-2008: A Preliminary Report (Xavier University, The Philippines, 2008)