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All these presentations are © Duncan Mara 2006, except 'WSP in Europe and the UK' and 'Rock Filters' which are © Michelle Johnson 2006.
All presentations are audio presentations except where noted.
Water- and Excreta-related Communicable Diseases Parts 1−5 [Video]
WERD 1 [10.1 MB] WERD 2 [10.1 MB] WERD 3 [3.1 MB]
WERD 4 [9.6 MB] WERD 5 [9.0 MB]
New Paradigm for Periurban Water Supplies and Sanitation
PeriurbanWS [2.8 MB] New Paradigm [4.5 MB]
Case Study: Water and Sanitation in eThekwini
eThekwini [3.4 MB]
On-site Sanitation
SinglePitVIPs [5.1 MB] TwinPitVIPs [2.7 MB] PFtoilets [3.6 MB]
Ecological Sanitation
EcoSan [3.9 MB]
Sanitation Technology Selection
SanTechSel [2.9 MB]
Settled Sewerage Parts 1−3 [Video]
Settled sewerage 1 [17.2 MB] Settled sewerage 2 [15.6 MB]
Settled sewerage 3 [12.0 MB]
Simplified Sewerage Parts 1−4 [Video]
Simplified sewerage 1 [15.3 MB] Simplified sewerage 2 [22.0 MB]
Simplified sewerage 3 [9.4 MB] Simplified sewerage 4 [15.2 MB]
ReturnDrainGang [9.0 MB]
Waste Stabilization Ponds Parts 1−7