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Sanitation Technology Selection

Microsoft Producer presentation

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Supporting material

Selection of sustainable sanitation arrangements [Water Policy, 2007]

Selecting sanitation systems for sustainability in developing countries [WST, 2009}

Decision-making for sanitation systems [SANDEC News #10, 2009 – pp. 20−21]

See also: Sanitation Technologies: Practical Choices for Large-scale Implementation
                     Simplified sewerage: Financial cost advantages
  Sanitation Practice

Towards a sanitation selection algorithm for enhancing decentralized service delivery [WEDC Conference, 2006]

Guide to Decisionmaking: Technology Options for Urban Sanitation in India [WSP, 2008] − useful for many other countries as well!

Pro-poor sanitation technologies [Geoforum, 2007]

Sanitation for a Healthy Nation: Sanitation Technology Options [DWAF, South Africa, 2002]

Economic Analysis of Sanitation Technologies [Chapter 4 of  Appropriate Sanitation Alternatives:
A Planning and Design Manual]

A decision support system for selecting sanitation systems in developing countries (Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2002) − SANEXTM

Simplified sewerage is often the institutionally most appropriate option for large-scale application in poor urban/periurban areas

Simplified sewerage was accepted by the Brazilian State Water and Sewerage Companies precisely because it was a sewerage system and one that was introduced (in fact, in 1986) into the national sewerage design code [for further details Microsoft Producer presentation Simplified Sewerage #4]. Moreover their engineers could readily understand its hydraulic design basis [see Microsoft Producer presentations Simplified Sewerage #1−3] since it is very similar to that used for conventional sewerage.  In contrast the Brazilian State Water and Sewerage Companies have absolutely ‘nothing to do with’ on-site sanitation systems as they regard their provision to be solely a municipal responsibility.

Whatever sanitation facility you choose, don't choose this one!

but we don't expect you to go this far!