Sitters & Squatters, Washers & Wipers
People can be divided into two groups twice:
The first division
is into the preferred position for defecation: sitters and squatters.
You can make a good physiological argument in favour of squatting
(better bowel evacuation), but life's too short and there are more
important things to do, so if people are sitters give them pedestal
seats, and if they are squatters give them squat-pans or squat-holes.
The second division
is into the preferred material for anal cleansing after defecation:
washers (people who use water) and wipers (people who use toilet paper
or other
equally or nearly equally suitable material, such as
newspaper, maize cobs, etc.).
Toilet paper use around the
world: Matters of Scale: Into the Toilet (Worldwatch Mag-
azine, 2007). The photo
on the right is of a plastic kettle which is widely used in
West Africa to carry water into the toilet/latrine for anal cleansing.
Provision for both washers and wipers ... ... ... and for sitters and squatters!