The Handwashing Handbook: A guide for developing a hygiene
promotion program to increase
handwashing with soap [World Bank, 2009]
Key messages.
Hand washing for
preventing diarrhoea [Cochrane review, 2008]
Hands, water, and health: Fecal contamination in Tanzanian communities
with improved, non-
networked water supplies [Environmental Science and Technology, 2010] – “Levels of fecal
contamination on
hands of mothers and children were positively correlated to fecal contamination
in stored drinking water within households. Household
associated with hand contamination included mother’s educational
use of an improved toilet, an infant in the household, and
dissatisfaction with
the quantity of water available for hygiene. In addition, fecal
on hands was associated with the prevalence of gastrointestinal
and respiratory
symptoms within a household. The results suggest that reducing
fecal contamination on hands should be investigated as a strategy for improving
stored drinking water quality and health among households using non-networked
water supplies.”
the e-newsletter of
the Global PPP for Handwashing with Soap.
Video: Malawi Handwashing Advertisement
[PSI/UNICEF, 2009]
The effect of a soap
promotion and hygiene education campaign on handwashing behaviour in rural
India: a cluster randomised trial [Tropical
Medicine & International Health, 2009]
Efficacy of waterless hand hygiene compared
with handwashing with soap: A field study in
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania [American Journal of
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2010]
of liquid soap and hand sanitizer against Norwalk virus on contaminated hands [AEM,
Evaluation of a pre-existing, 3-year household water treatment and
handwashing intervention in rural
Guatemala [International Journal of Epidemiology, 2009]
Use of ash and mud for handwashing in low income communities
[International Scientific Forum on
Home Hygiene, 2009]
of the spread of infection: The need for a family-centered approach to hygiene promotion
[American Journal of Infection Control, 2010]
In the Fight to Save Children’s Lives Handwashing Takes
Center Stage [WSP, 2008] − watch
the video!
Changing the world, one lather at a time: 'Yuck factor' boosts
handwashing habits in Ghana
campaign [San Francisco Chronicle, 2008]
Hand washing for preventing diarrhoea (Cochrane Review)
[Evidence-based Child Health, 2009]
Hand washing for
preventing diarrhoea [Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2008]
Are Ugandans’ Hands
Clean Enough? Summary findings of a
formative and baseline survey on
handwashing with soap (WSP, 2007) − “although 84 percent of the
adults recognized
the need to wash hands with soap after using the toilet, only
14 percent were
observed to do so.”
motivated and habitual hygiene behaviour: an eleven country review [Health
Research, 2009 − free access to pdf]
A matter of hygiene and hand washing [Chapter 9 of Toilets That Make Compost]
Beyond tippy-taps: The role
of enabling products in scaling up and sustaining handwashing [IRC,
The “Canacla”: a new water-saving handwashing technology introduced in Rwanda [Source
Weekly, 2007] − watch here.
Home Hygiene in Developing Countries [IFH & WSSCC,
Encouraging Good Hygiene and Sanitation [Tearfund,
Hygiene Promotion [IRC Thematic Overview Paper,
Local Initiatives for Better Hygiene − Four Case Studies from Asia [IRC, 2007]
Hygiene Promotion in Burkina Faso and Zimbabwe: New Approaches to Behaviour Change
[WSP, 2002]
The Value of Hygiene Promotion [WELL, 2003]
Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion [WSSCC, 2005]
Dirt, disgust, and disease: Is hygiene in our genes? [
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine,
Domestic hygiene and diarrhoea – pinpointing the problem [Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2000]
Home hygiene and the prevention of infectious disease in
developing countries [whole issue of
International Journal of Environmental
Health Research, June 2003]
Is hygiene promotion cost-effective? A case study in Burkina Faso [Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2002]
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Understanding [WEDC Technical
Hygiene Education [WaterAid Fact Sheet]
A Manual on Hygiene Promotion [UNICEF & LSHTM, 1999]
Hygiene Education [WHO Drinking-water Quality Guidelines, 2nd
ed., Vol. 3, Chapter 7]
Western Cape
Health and Hygiene
Education Programmes [WIN-SA, n.d])
Evaluation of a water, sanitation, and hygiene intervention
on diarrhoea in northern Pakistan
[Bull. WHO, 2003]
Social Returns from Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Education: A Case Study of Two
Coastal Villages in Kerala [India] [Centre
for Development Studies, Trivendrum, 2002]
What is the Role of Household Hygiene and Safe Water in the
Child Health Agenda? (APHA,
2007) [Links to four presentations]
Hygiene Central [
London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Director of The Hygiene Centre is Dr Val Curtis who graduated in civil
engineering from the University of Leeds in
Hygiene Improvement
Project [USAID website]
The Hygiene Improvement Framework: A Comprehensive Approach for
Preventing Childhood Diarrhea (USAID Environmental Health Project, 2004)
Improving Health through Behavior Change A Process Guide on Hygiene
Promotion (USAID
Environmental Health Project, 2004)
Advancing Hygiene Improvement for Diarrhea Prevention: Lessons Learned (USAID
Health Project, 2004)
Comprehensive Family
Hygiene Promotion in Peri-Urban Cape Town: Gastrointestinal and Skin
Reduction in Children Under Five [abstract of paper presented at the International
Congress on Infectious Diseases, Kuala Lumpur, June 2008]
The faecal coliform fingertip
count: a potential method for evaluating the effectiveness of low-cost
supply and sanitation initiatives [Journal
of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1988]
Field trial of a low-cost method to evaluate hand
cleanliness [Tropical Medicine & International
Health, 2007]
The Global Burden of
Hygiene-related Diseases in relation to the Home and Community
Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene, 2009]
Home hygiene in developing countries: prevention of
infection in the home and peri-domestic settings
[International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene, 2006]
Guidelines for the Prevention of Infection and
Cross-Infection in the Domestic Environment: Focus
on Home Hygiene Issues in
Developing Countries [ISFHH, 2002]
Handwashing and respiratory infections
Handwashing with
soap – a new way to prevent ARIs? [Tropical Medicine & International
Health, 2003] [ARIs = acute respiratory infections]
Handwashing and risk of respiratory infections: a
quantitative systematic review [Tropical
Medicine & International
Health, 2006]
Comprehensive Family
Hygiene Promotion in Peri-Urban Cape Town: Reduction of Respiratory
Illness in
Children Under Five [abstract of paper presented at the International Congress
Infectious Diseases, Kuala Lumpur, June 2008]
among handwashing indicators, wealth, and symptoms of childhood respiratory
in urban Bangladesh [Tropical
Medicine & International Health, 2008]
Comparing the performance of indicators of hand-washing
practices in rural Indian households
[Tropical Medicine & International
Health, 2008]
You’d Better Wash Your Hands [Foodsafe, UC
Davis − double click on the white
► in the black
strip above the lyrics]
[courtesy of]
Can Hygiene be Cool and Fun? Insights from School Children
in Senegal [WSP, 2007]
Child-centred Course
for Teachers to Promote Basic Health and Hygiene Awareness in Rural
Communities [WRC, South Africa,
How to make soap:
Clean Freak Patrol: Superheroes of the Micro World − an entertaining educational website
washing hands fun for kids (with music, videos, songs and interactive games)

Soil-transmitted Parasites: Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms []
Hygiene Education [Institut Pasteur] − includes games

Singing the message home [WaterAid, 2007]
When 5,000 children die every day as a result of diseases
caused by unclean
water and poor sanitation, the need for hygiene education is
a serious issue. In
Singida District in Tanzania children are having fun
learning about sanitation
through songs, games and drama. Translation of part
of one of their songs:
We can prevent
diseases like cholera, bilharzia and diarrhoea
We have to get rid of them completely and wipe them out
We should not walk barefoot by water
We should boil water before drinking it
We should wash our hands after going to the latrine and before eating
Don't wash at the waterpoint
We can get rid of diarrhoea.
Listen here.