Part 1:
Introduction Transcript of Part 1 (includes slides)
Part 2:
Health aspects Transcript of Part 2
(includes slides)
Part 3:
Quantitative microbial risk analysis Transcript of Part 3
(includes slides)
Health protection Transcript of Part 4
(includes slides)
Presentation downloads
See also: Wastewater storage & treatment reservoirs
Urban agriculture
Wastewater use in aquaculture
Sewage waters a tenth of world's irrigated crops [New Scientist, 2004]
Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater -
Volume 2:
Wastewater Use in Agriculture − the 2006 WHO Guidelines.
Information Kit #1: Using human waste
safely for livelihoods, food production and health: Information kit on
the 3rd edition of the Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and
greywater in agriculture and aquaculture (WHO, FAO, IDRC and IWMI, 2008).
►Kit #1 includes: Guidance Note for Programme Managers and Engineers: A Numerical Guide to
Volume 2 of the Guidelines and Practical Advice on how to Transpose them into
National Standards.
Information Kit #2: The Guidelines
for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater in Agriculture and
Aquaculture “Using Human Waste Safely for
Livelihoods, Food Production and Health”
►Kit #2 includes: Updating the 2006 WHO Guidelines: More Appropriate Tolerable Additional Burden of Disease, Improved Determination of Annual Risks, Norovirus and Ascaris Infection Risks, Extended Health-Protection Control Measures, Treatment and Non-treatment Options.
Explanatory note on DALYs here − see also: Using Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Setting Health
Priorities (DCPP, 2008)
Health risks
in wastewater irrigation: comparing estimates from quantitative microbial
analyses and epidemiological studies [
Journal of Water and Health, 2007]
►See also: Quantitative microbial risk analysis − Monte Carlo computer programs
QMRA: A Beginner's Guide
Nematode eggs
Wastewater Use in Agriculture: An Emerging Priority [Policy Research Working
No. 5412, World Bank, 2010] − a more detailed version of this report is
available here.
The Wealth of
Waste: The Economics of Wastewater Use in Agriculture [FAO, 2010]
The challenges of wastewater
irrigation in developing countries [Agricultural
Water Management,
Wastewater Reuse [whole
issue of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, June 2010]
The Accra Consensus: Agenda for Research, Capacity Building & Action on the Safe Use of
Wastewater and Excreta in Agriculture [IWMI, 2008]
Water for Urban
Agriculture [whole issue of Urban
Agriculture, September 2008]
Quality Control of
Wastewater for Irrigated Crop Production [FAO, 1997]
Wasting away: Effluent water bolsters urban agriculture, but
poses serious health risks [Circle of
Blue, 2008]
Water for farming:
Running dry [The Economist,
2008] − “The world has a water
shortage, not a food
shortage”. Use wastewater!
Biofuels in India:
Power plants [The
Economist, 2008] − Irrigate them with wastewater!
Drivers and characteristics of wastewater agriculture in
developing countries – results from a global
assessment [IWMI, 2008]
Coming clean on wastewater irrigation [New Agriculturalist, 2008]
Land application of wastewater in arid regions: The
challenge of balancing plant water requirements
and nitrogen uptake [New Mexico State University,
Private Standards in the United States and European Union Markets for Fruit
and Vegetables:
Implications for Developing Countries [FAO, 2007 −
download file "a1245e00.pdf"]
The Hyderabad Declaration on Wastewater Use in Agriculture [14 November 2002]
Wastewater reuse in Jordan [H2O Knowledge Fair, UNDP]
Water from (Waste)Water: The Dependable Resource [Stockholm
Water Prize: Laureate's
Lecture, August 2001; also published
Water reclamation, reuse and public health [
WST, 2007]
Cities versus Agriculture: Revisiting Intersectoral Water
Transfers, Potential Gains and
Conflicts [IWMI, 2006]
Irrigated urban vegetable production in Ghana: microbiological
contamination in farms and markets
and associated consumer risk groups [JWH, 2007]
Water Recycling and Reuse [in California, 2006]
Waste Reuse in Agriculture [SANDEC webpage with
links to pdf files]
Wastewater reclamation and reuse in France [unknown date]
Small and decentralized systems for wastewater treatment and
reuse − in the USA [in Water
Conservation, Reuse, and Recycling: Proceedings of an Iranian-American Workshop, NAP, 2005]
Water reuse in Europe [E-WAter, 2007]
Use of treated municipal wastewater in irrigated
agriculture − Review of some practices in Spain
and Greece [Agricultural Water Management, 2010]
Water Recycling Centre of Excellence (website) –
Discussion papers.
National Guidelines for Water Recycling [2006]
Reclaimed Water Guidelines [in Australian States]
Australian Handbooks on using Recycled Water
Growing Crops with Reclaimed Wastewater [CSIRO Publishing,
Guidelines for Developing Recycled Water Schemes in
Horticulture [2005]
Newsletters [on use of recycled water in Australian horticulture]
Position of the Australian horticultural industry with
respect to the use of reclaimed water
Water Management, 2005]
An Analysis of the Social
Aspects of Establishing Agricultural Recycled Water Schemes [Bureau of
Rural Sciences, Australian
Government, 2008]
Recycled water: how
good should it be? Focus on fit-for-purpose [ReWater, 2009]
Recycled water saving
viticulture [in Australia] [reWater, 2008]
Squeezing Wine from Wastewater: Lessons in Reuse
Now you know why Australian
wines have that certain je ne sais quoi!
Vin de Merde − are the French trying to catch
Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture [CABI Publishing,
Listen to audioclip.
Water: More Nutrition per Drop [SIWI & IWMI,
Wastewater Reuse [World Bank, 2003]
Critical Review of Epidemiological Evidence of the Health Effects
of Wastewater and
Excreta Use in Agriculture [WHO, 2002]
Integrated Systems for the Treatment and Recycling of Waste
Water in Latin America: Reality and
Potential [CEPIS, 2002 - executive summary]
Wastewater Reuse in Urban
Agriculture [
UA Magazine #8,
Water Quality: Guidelines, Standards and Health: Assessment of
Risk and Risk
Management for Water-related Infectious Disease [WHO,
Wastewater Reuse for Crop Production in the Water-short Guanajuato River
Basin (
Mexico City
Irrigation Districts) [IWMI, 2000]
Wastewater reuse conserves water and protects waterways [NESC, 2000]
Analysis of Wastewater for Use in Agriculture [WHO,
Watch: Analysis of wastewater for use in
agriculture [this is a scanned version of a videotape
presented in Microsoft Producer format]
Reuse of Wastewater in Agriculture: A Guide for Planners
[World Bank, 1994]
Treatment and Reuse in Agriculture [FAO, 1992]
Guidelines for the Use of Wastewater in Agriculture and
[The 1989 WHO Guidelines]
− see also: Use of sewage and sewage sludge in
Lancet, 1990]
Human Wastes: Health Aspects of their Use in Agriculture and
[IRCWD News #24/25, May 1988]
Health Aspects of Nightsoil and Sludge Use in Agriculture and
[IRCWD News #23, December 1985 - includes
The Engelberg
Wastewater Irrigation in Developing Countries: Health Effects and
Technical Solutions
[World Bank, 1986]
Summary Report
Epidemiologic studies of Cyclospora cayetanensis in
Guatemala [
EID, 1999]
Greywater irrigation: see Greywater Management
Physicochemical quality
Quality for Agriculture [FAO, 1985]
The Use of Saline Waters for Crop Production [FAO, 1992]
Salinity Management for Sustainable Irrigation:
Integrating Science, Environment, and Economics
[World Bank, 2000]
in the Assessment and Monitoring of Salinization and Status of Biosaline Agriculture
[FAO, 2009]
Agricultural Drainage Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid
Areas [FAO, 2002]
Annex 1
contains crop salt tolerance data (useful when irrigating with wastewater).
Sodicity and salinity in a Brazilian oxisol cultivated with
sugarcane irrigated with wastewater
Agricultural Water Management,
Salinity Management Guide [Southern California Salinity
Coalition and National Water Research
Institute, 2009]
− “for landscape designers, park
managers and anyone else using
recycled water for landscape irrigation”.
Recycled water: how
good should it be? Focus on fit-for-purpose [ReWater, 2009]
Wastewater use in Islamic countries
Reuse of wastewater effluents for irrigation [excerpt from Chapter 6 of Water Management in
Islam, IDRC, 2001]
FAO animation:
Water 101 − Part 1: Water for Food
►The Wastewater
Database [FAO] – this Database contains
information on
wastewater production, treatment, re-use, as well as economic
provided by FAO member states. Published data in peer-reviewed
workshop/conference/meeting proceedings, and FAO's related databases
as AQUASTAT and FAOSTAT are also included.
►CLIMWAT (FAO) – this database includes data from a total of 3,262
stations in 144 countries.
History: The
excremental chain [2002]
Books (for
purchase or loan only):
Water Reuse: An International Survey [IWA Publishing,
Efficient Management
of Wastewater: Its Treatment and Reuse in Mediterranean Countries
ULL catalogue entry.
►Free download link (pdf file).
More Crop Per Drop [IWA Publishing, 2006]
Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment
of Water Management in
Agriculture [Earthscan/FAO, 2007]
Summary ULL
catalogue entry
Water Reuse for
Irrigation: Agriculture, Landscapes, and Turf Grass [CRC Press, 2004]
catalogue entry (e-book).