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Many people feel a little uneasy about quantitative microbial risk analysis (QMRA) and thus also about the 2006 WHO
Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture. However, QMRA is not a difficult concept and the QMRA-Monte Carlo computer programs are very easy to use.


The file [47 Mb] contains the following documents (which can also be downloaded from the links below):

Improving Wastewater Use in Agriculture: An Emerging Priority (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5412, September 2010) − a more detailed version of this report is: Improving Wastewater Use in Agriculture: An Emerging Priority (World Bank, June 2010) – Annex A of this report is: Development of Guidelines for Wastewater Use in Agriculture 1918−2010.

Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis:The 2006 WHO Guidelines and Beyond How to Use the QMRA-Monte Carlo Computer Programs in Wastewater-use Planning (University of Leeds, 2010)

COMPUTER PROGRAMS AND USER GUIDES also contains the following six QMRA-MC programs (which can also be downloaded from the links below):

For rotavirus, Campylobacter and Cryptosporidium risks:

    P1: QMRA-MC_UnrestrictedIrrigation_2

    P2: QMRA-MC_RestrictedIrrigation_2

For norovirus and Ascaris risks:

    P3: QMRA-MC_UnrestrictedIrrigation_Norovirus_2

    P4: QMRA-MC_UnrestrictedIrrigation_Ascaris

    P5: QMRA-MC_RestrictedIrrigation_Norovirus_2

    P6: QMRA-MC_RestrictedIrrigation_Ascaris  

USER GUIDES: G1-2 (for programs P1 and P2), G3 (for P3) and G4 (for P4) (which can also be downloaded from here). [By the time you get to programs P5 & P6 you won't need a user guide!]

REFERENCE DOCUMENTS also contains the following reference documents (which can also be down- loaded from the links below):

#1: Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater, volume 2: Wastewater Use in Agriculture. WHO, Geneva, 2006.

#2: D. D. Mara, P. A. Sleigh, U. J. Blumenthal and R. M Carr (2007). Health risks in wastewater irrigation: comparing estimates from quantitative microbial risk analyses and epidemiological studies. Journal of Water and Health 5 (1), 39−50.

#3: D. D. Mara (2008). Third Edition of the Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater in Agriculture and Aquaculture − Guidance Note for Programme Managers and Engineers: A Numerical Guide to Volume 2 of the Guidelines and Practical Advice on how to Transpose them into National Standards. World Health Organization, Geneva.

#4: Duncan Mara and Annika Kramer (2008). The 2006 WHO Guidelines for wastewater and greywater use in agriculture: a practical interpretation. In: Efficient Management of Wastewater: Its Treatment and Reuse in Water-scarce Countries (ed. I. Al Baz, R. Otterpohl and C. Wendland), pp. 1−17. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

#5: Duncan Mara and Robert Bos (2010). Risk analysis and epidemiology: The 2006 WHO guidelines. In Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risks in Low-income Countries (ed. P. Drechsel, C. A. Scott, L. Raschid-Sally, M. Redwood and A. Bahri), pp. 51−62. Earthscan, London.

#6: Duncan Mara, Andrew Hamilton, Andrew Sleigh, Natalie Karavarsamis and Razak Seidu (2010). Tools for risk analysis: Updating the 2006 WHO guidelines. In Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risks in Low-income Countries (ed. P. Drechsel, C. A. Scott, L. Raschid-Sally, M. Redwood and A. Bahri), pp. 89−100. Earthscan, London.

#7: Duncan Mara and Andrew Sleigh (2010). Estimation of Ascaris infection risks in children under 15 from the consumption of wastewater-irrigated carrots. Journal of Water and Health 8 (1), 35−38.

#8: Duncan Mara and Andrew Sleigh (2010). Estimation of norovirus infection risks to consumers of waste-water-irrigated food crops eaten raw. Journal of Water and Health 8 (1), 39−43.

#9: Duncan Mara and Andrew Sleigh (2010). Estimation of norovirus and Ascaris infection risks to urban farmers in developing countries using wastewater for crop irrigation. Journal of Water and Health 8(3), 572−756.

#10: Duncan Mara, Andrew Hamilton, Andrew Sleigh and Natalie Karavarsamis (2010). Updating the 2006 WHO Guidelines: More Appropriate Tolerable Additional Burden of Disease, Improved Determination of Annual Risks, Norovirus and Ascaris Infection Risks, Extended Health-Protection Control Measures, Treatment and Non-treatment Options. World Health Organization, Geneva.

Monto Carlo collage