Wastewater Use in Aquaculture
Microsoft Producer presentation

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The Design
of Wastewater-fed Fishponds: A Summary
Wastewater-fed fish pond design (Annex I of next link)
Understanding and Applying Risk
Analysis in Aquaculture: A Manual for Decision-makers (FAO, 2009)
Confronting the realities of wastewater aquaculture in peri-urban Kolkata
with bioeconomic modelling (Water
Research, 2007) [compares the rational and traditional designs of
wastewater-fed fishponds in Kolkata]
Food-borne trematodiases (Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 2009)
Trematode life cycles: Schistosomes Clonorchis Fasciolopsis
Fishborne zoonotic intestinal trematodes, Vietnam (EID, 2007)
Update on the human broad tapeworm (genus Diphyllobothrium),
including clinical relevance (Clinical
Microbiology Reviews, 2009). Life cycle of Diphyllobothrium.
Microbiological quality of fish
grown in wastewater-fed and non-wastewater-fed fishponds in Hanoi, Vietnam:
influence of hygiene practices in local retail markets ( Journal of Water and Health, 2007)
Wastewater use − food safety and health aspects (special
issue of Tropical Medicine & International Health, December 2007)
Fish vs AIDS: Fish ponds are helping in the fight against
AIDS (The Economist, 2007)
Clearly better if
the World Fish Center promoted wastewater-fed fishponds!
The Importance of Fisheries for Development (id21, 2006) −
only oblique reference to wastewater-fed aquaculture but worth reading anyway
(especially David Stirling’s piece on p. 4 − more information here).
Aquaculture homepage
FAO Cultured Aquatic Species Fact Sheets
Urban Aquatic Production
( Urban Agriculture Magazine #14, 2005)
Integrated dynamic
aquaculture and wastewater treatment modelling for recirculating aquaculture
systems (Aquaculture, 2009)
Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia
GIFT Technology Manual: An Aid to Selective Tilapia Breeding
(World Fish Center, 2004)
An Impact Evaluation on the Development of Genetically Improved
Farmed Tilapia and their
Dissemination in Selected Countries (ADB,
GIFT: Research
(World Fish Center, 2001)
►Why hasn't any research been done on wastewater-fed GIFT culture? This should
be the future of wastewater-fed aquaculture.
Wastewater Treatment and Aquaculture Production (RIRDC, 2003)
Urban Aquaculture (section 2.4 of Annotated Bibliography on
Urban Agriculture, RUAF, 2003)
Aquaculture Using treated Effluents from the San Juan
Stabilization Ponds, Lima, Peru
(CEPIS, 1996)
Reuse of Human Wastes in Aquaculture: A Technical Review (WSP,
Wastewater use in aquaculture (Chapter 7 of Wastewater
Use in Agriculture, FAO, 1992)
Success Stories in Asian Aquaculture
(IDRC, 2010)
Photos of
wastewater-fed fishponds: Yen
so, Hanoi East Kolkata