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Drip Irrigation

Two aspects of drip irrigation are considered here:
  (1) low-cost drip irrigation systems for poor farmers, and
  (2) drip irrigation with treated wastewater, including waste stabilization pond
         effluents, and the concomitant problem of emitter clogging.

1.  Low-cost drip irrigation systems

Increasing water productivity in crop production  A synthesis (Agricultural Water Management, 2008)
Low Cost Micro Irrigation Technologies for the Poor [Intermediate Technology Consultants, 2003]
Low-cost drip irrigation − a suitable technology for southern Africa? An example with tomatoes using saline irrigation water [Agricultural Water Management, 2007]
Low-cost Drip Irrigation: On-farm Implementation in South Africa
[Luleå University of Technology, 2005]
Low-cost gravity-based drip irrigation research, Zimbabwe [Wageningen Agricultural University, 2001]
Can Drip Irrigation Improve Food Security for Vulnerable Households in Zimbabwe?
[ICRISAT Bulawayo, 2007]
Chapin Living Waters − watch: Drip Irrigation for Third World Kitchen Gardens (audio-Power- Point presentation)
A comparison between low-cost drip irrigation, conventional drip irrigation, and hand watering in Nepal [AWM, 2003]
Drip irrigating the gardens of the Sahel [New Agriculturist, 2007] − listen here.
Micro Irrigation [ITDG]
Think big with small drops [Down to Earth, CSE India, 2003]

The IDE low-cost drip irrigation system:
A low-cost drip irrigation system for small farmers in developing countries [Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1997]
Opening access to affordable micro-plot irrigation for small farmers [IDE, undated]
The Design Process for the IDE Low Cost Drip Irrigation System [IDE, undated]

Low-cost drip irrigation as a poverty reduction tool [IDE India, 2005]
The experiences of IDE in the mass marketing of small-scale affordable irrigation devices  [in Irrigation Technology Transfer in Support of Food Security, FAO Water Report #14, 1997]

2.  Drip irrigation with treated wastewater, including WSP effluents, and emitter clogging

Effect of flushing frequency on emitter clogging in micro-irrigation with effluents [Agricultural Water Management, 2010]

Effect of filter, emitter and location on clogging when using effluents [Agricultural Water Management, 2009]
Laboratory experiment on drip emitter clogging with fresh water and treated sewage effluent [
Agricultural Water Management, 2009]

Recycling of poor quality urban wastewater by drip irrigation systems [
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2007]
Hydraulic performance of drip irrigation subunits using WWTW effluents [Agricultural Water Management, 2005]
The Utility of Drip Irrigation for the Distribution of On-site Wastewater Effluent [Ohio State University, 2004]

Clogging Incidence of Drip Irrigation Emitters Distributing Effluents of Differing Levels of Treatment [ASAE, 2004]
Control of clogging in drip irrigation with stored treated municipal sewage effluent [
Agricultural Water Management, 1997]

Drip irrigation with waste stabilization pond effluents: solving the problem of emitter fouling [WST, 1995]
Emitter and filter tests for wastewater reuse by drip irrigation [AWM, 2004]

Greywater: The first drip system designed for greywater [ReWater, 2008]