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International organizations

UK flag

WaterAid   WaterAid 25 logo     Documents & Publications    End Water Poverty Campaign
                                               Water for Life (video)

WELL Briefing Notes − for example:  The Environmental Sustainability Millennium Development Goal − What water, sanitation and hygiene can do.  See also list of WELL publications on environmental sanitation.

Department for International Development (DFID)  See also DFID's Action on WatSan publications, and DEW Point − links to key water, sanitation and hygiene documents.

International Institute for Environment and Development   Water & Sanitation

Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC, University of Loughborough)

Overseas Development Institute       Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion                                                               List of WPP publications

Bradford Centre for International Development: Water Governance

Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science (University of Dundee, Scotland/UNESCO)

Swiss flag

Sandec (Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries, EAWAG)

Skat (Swiss Resource Centre & Consultancies for Development)


Danish flag

Copenhagen Consensus Center    Sanitation and Water Challenge 2008

South African flag

Water Research Commission

Indian flag

Centre for Science and Environment

WES-Net India

Bangladesh flag

NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation

Indonesian flag


USA flag

Safe Water and Sanitation (a Research Thrust Area of the Berkeley Water Center, UC Berkeley)

Water for People 

Water & Sanitation (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Water & Environmental Health (USAID)
Environmental Health Webliography (Environmental Health at USAID)

Making Cities Work (USAID)

Cities Alliance - Cities without Slums

Urban Health (USAID)

Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act 2005     June 2006 Report    June 2007 Report    June 2008 Report
                                                                   June 2009 Report

“Perhaps no two issues are more important to human health, economic development, and peace and security than basic sanitation and access to sustainable supplies of water. I have witnessed this first-hand. Without reliable supplies of clean water, people cannot live, farmers cannot grow crops, and the environment on which we all depend cannot survive. Without proper sanitation, human health and dignity suffer, and the environment and water supplies often become contaminated. Together, we must work to ensure that no child dies from a preventable water-related disease, that no girl fears going to school for lack of access to a separate toilet, that no woman walks six kilometers to collect water for her family, and that no war is ever fought over water”.  Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, USA, in her introduction to the Report to Congress of the Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act, June 2009 (Source: Source News, 6 August 2009).

Literature searching Literature searching
We all know about Google, but Scirus is better for scientific literature searches. Tip: uncheck "Preferred Web sources" and "Other Web sources" to get journal articles only.
Try Google Scholar as well.