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DFID's Action on Water & Sanitation

DFID is the Department for International Development of the UK Government. It "manages Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty".

 homepage.  DFID's Water & Sanitation page.

Water Action Plan (DFID Policy Paper, 2004)
"This Action Plan describes how DFID will take forward its commitments in water and sanitation and continue to contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in a way that recognises that such efforts are most effective when they support developing country governments' own plans."

Update on DFID’s work in water and sanitation since the Water Action Plan (DFID, 2005) 

Keeping our promises: A second update on DFID’s work in water and sanitation since the Water Action Plan (DFID, 2006)

Why we need a global action plan on water and sanitation (DFID, 2006)

Meeting our promises: A third update on DFID’s work in water and sanitation since the 2004 Water Action Plan (DFID, 2007)

New Year’s resolution on sanitation: 2008 is the International Year of Sanitation − a unique opportunity to tackle a global crisis and save lives (DFID webpage, 1 January 2008)

Water: An increasingly precious resource − Sanitation: A matter of dignity (DFID, 2008)

Meeting our promises: A fourth update on DFID’s work in water and sanitation since the 2004 Water Action Plan (DFID, 2008)