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Settled Sewerage
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Settled sewerage collage


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Part 1     Transcript of Part 1 (includes slides)

Part 2     Transcript of Part 2 (includes slides)

Part 3     Transcript of Part 3 (includes slides)

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The Design of Small Bore Sewer Systems [small-bore sewerage = settled sewerage]

Small Diameter Gravity Sewers [US EPA Technology Fact Sheet]

Small-diameter gravity sewers can mean big savings for communities

Subsidy and sustainability in urban sanitation: The case of Quetta Katchi Abadis Environment Management Programme (Waterlines, 2008) [the sanitation technology selected is settled sewerage (“small bore sewerage”)]

‘Dhoke Tabarak Shaheed’ − A community-managed integrated area upgrading model (ADB, 2005) [Settled sewerage in rural Pakistan]

A new approach to sanitation in Palestine

Using local organizations to design low-cost sanitation systems in Pakistan

South Australia's septic tank effluent disposal schemes

Septic Tank Effluent Disposal Schemes (STEDS): Information Package [Local Government Association of South Australia]

Community Wastewater Management Systems [formerly the STEDS Programme, LGASA] 

A comparison of sewer reticulation system design standards: gravity, vacuum and small-bore sewers [Botswana] [small-bore sewerage = settled sewerage]

India − Punjab Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project [World Bank, 2006] [see pdf page 121 of 131 on “small bore” (= settled) sewerage]

The evolution of the small diameter variable gradient sanitary collection system into the Small Bore Sewer™ (Water Practice, 2007)

Appropriate Design Standards and Construction Specifications for Tertiary Sewerage Systems [Faisalabad, Pakistan] (GHK, 2002) − in this publication settled sewerage is recommended: “Solids traps and interceptor tanks on household connections are therefore an integral component of the recommended design for tertiary sewerage systems” (pdf page 28) −  interceptor tank design is given on pdf pages 41−43.

Book: Low-cost Sewerage (1996) [slightly strange page-by-page html format]

Septic [Interceptor] tank design: Rational design of septic tanks in warm climates (The Public Health Engineer, 1986)

Septage management: A Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Asia: Policies and Practices in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam (USAID/ EAWAG/Waterlinks, 2010)

See also: Low-cost combined sewerage