Publications 1970-1999
Duncan Mara

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Complete list 1970-89 (not all available as pdf files)   Complete list 1990-99 (not all available as pdf files)

D. D. Mara and D. J. Williams (1970). The evaluation of media used to enumerate sulphate-reducing bacteria. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 33 (3), 543−552.

D. D. Mara and D. J. A. Williams (1971). Polarization studies of pure Fe in the presence of hydrogenase-positive microbes – I. Non-photosynthetic bacteria. Corrosion Science 11, 895–900.

D. D. Mara and D. J. A. Williams (1972). Polarization studies of pure Fe in the presence of hydrogenase-positive microbes – II. Photosynthetic bacteria and microalgae. Corrosion Science 12, 29–34.

D. D. Mara (1972).  The use of agar dip-slides for estimates of bacterial numbers in polluted waters.  Water Research 6, 16051607.

D. D. Mara (1973).  Coliform counts of polluted waters: a comparison of media and methods.  Water Research 7, 18991903.

D. D. Mara (1973).  A single medium for the rapid detection of Escherichia coli at 44oC.  Journal of Hygiene 71 (4), 783−786.

D. D. Mara (1973).  Low cost facilities for the bacteriological examination of drinking water samples.  Water Research 7, 12431246.

D. D. Mara (1974).  A note on the design of facultative sewage lagoons. Water Research 8, 493496.
Comment by G. v. R. Marais (Water Research 8, 497−8).

Author’s reply; comment by M. J. Gromiec [in defence of the Gloyna formula] and author’s reply (Water Research 9, 595−7).

A. A. Opara, D. D. Mara and D. W. F. Wheater (1977).  Teepol and triton media for the enumeration of Escherichia coli by membrane filtration.  Water Research 11, 949954.

R. G. Feachem and D. D. Mara (1977). Water and wastewater engineering in low income communities in developing countries [informal discussion]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 1 62, 163−165.

D. D. Mara and R. G. Feachem (1980). Technical and public health aspects of low-cost sanitation programme planning.  Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83, 229−240.

D. W. F. Wheater, D. D. Mara, L. Jawad and J. I. Oragui (1980). Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli in sewage and fresh water. Water Research 14, 713−721.

J. I. Oragui and D. D. Mara (1981). A selective medium for the enumeration of Streptococcus bovis by membrane filtration. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 51 (1), 85−93.

D. D. Mara and J. I. Oragui (1981).  Occurrence of Rhodococcus coprophilus and associated actinomycetes in faeces, sewage and freshwater. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 42 (6), 1037−1042.

J. I. Oragui and D. D. Mara (1983).  Investigation of the survival characteristics of Rhodococcus coprophilus and certain fecal indicator bacteriaApplied and Environmental Microbiology 46 (2), 356−360.

D. D. Mara and J . I . Oragui (1983). Sorbitol-fermenting bifidobacteria as specific indicators of human faecal pollution. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 55 (2), 349−357.

J. I . Oragui and D. D. Mara (1984). A note on a modified membrane-Bovis agar for the enumeration of Streptococcus bovis by membrane filtration. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 56 (1), 179−181.

D. D. Mara (1984). On-site sanitation.  Diarrhoea Dialogue (18), 7.

D. D. Mara (1985). Macedo's modification of Manning's equation. The Public Health Engineer 13 (4), 214.

G. Sinnatamby, M. McGarry and D. Mara (1985).  Sewerage: shallow systems offer hope to slums.  World Water 9 (1), 3941.

D. D. Mara and J. I. Oragui (1985). Bacteriological methods for distinguishing between human and animal faecal pollution of water: results of fieldwork in Nigeria and Zimbabwe. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 63 (4), 773783.

D. D. Mara and G. S. Sinnatamby (1986). Rational design of septic tanks in warm climates.  The Public Health Engineer 14 (4), 49−55.

H. W. Pearson, D. D. Mara and C. Bartone (1987).  Guidelines for the minimum evaluation of the performance of full-scale waste stabilization pond systems.  Water Research 21, 10671075.

H. W. Pearson, D. D. Mara, W. Thompson and S. Maber (1987).  Studies on high altitude waste stabilization ponds in Peru.  Water Science and Technology 19 (12), 349-353.

D. D. Mara (1987).  Waste stabilization ponds: problems and controversies.  Water Quality International (1), pp. 20–22.

Pearson, H. W., Mara, D. D. and Mills, S. W. (1988).  Rationalizing waste stabilization pond design: the biological factor.  In Water Pollution Control in Asia (ed. T. Panswad, C. Polprasert and K. Yamamoto), pp. 691−697.  Oxford: Pergamon Press.

U. Blumenthal, M. Strauss, D. D. Mara and S. Cairncross (1989).  Generalised model of the effect of different control measures in reducing health risks from waste reuse.  Water Science and Technology 21 (Brighton), 567577.

J. V. Pinfold, N. J. Horan and D. D. Mara (1988).  The faecal coliform fingertip count: a potential method for evaluating the effectiveness of low cost water supply and sanitation initiativesJournal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 91, 67-70.

J. I . Oragui and D. D. Mara (1989).  Simple method for the detoxification of wastewater ultrafiltration concentrates for rotavirus assay by indirect immuno- fluorescence.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 55 (2), 401-405.

J. V. Pinfold, N. J. Horan and D. D. Mara (1991). Seasonal effects on the reported incidence of acute diarrhoeal disease in northeast Thailand.  International Journal of Epidemiology 20 (3), 777-786.

J. Pinfold, J. Hubley and D. D. Mara (1991). A hygiene intervention study in northeast Thailand.  Waterlines 10 (1), 9−12. 

J. V. Pinfold, N. J. Horan and D. D. Mara (1991). Seasonal effects on the reported incidence of acute diarrhoeal disease in northeast Thailand. International Journal of Epidemiology 20 (3), 777−786.

R. M. Ayres, R. Stott, D. L. Lee, D. D. Mara and S. A. Silva (1991). Comparison of techniques for the enumeration of human parasitic helminth eggs in treated wastewater. Environmental Technology 12 (7), 617–623.

D. D. Mara, S. W. Mills, H. W. Pearson and G. Alabaster (1992).  Waste stabilization ponds:  a viable alternative for small community treatment systems.  Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management 6 (1), 72−78.

T. P. Curtis, D. D. Mara and S. A. Silva (1992).  Influence of pH, oxygen & humic substances on ability of sunlight to damage fecal coliforms in waste stabilization pond water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 58 (4), 13351345.

R. M. Ayres, R. Stott, D. D. Mara and D. L. Lee (1992). Wastewater reuse in agriculture and the risk of intestinal nematode infection. Parasitology Today 8 (1), 32–35.

R. M. Ayres, G. P. Alabaster, D. D. Mara and D. L. Lee (1992).  A design equation for human intestinal nematode egg removal in waste stabilization ponds.  Water Research 26 (6), 863865.

D. D. Mara and H. W. Pearson (1992).  Sequential batch-fed effluent storage reservoirs: A new concept of wastewater treatment prior to unrestricted irrigation.  Water Science & Technology 26 (7-8), 1459-1464.

J. V. Pinfold, N. J. Horan, W. Wirojangud and D. D. Mara (1993).  The bacteriological quality of rainjar water in rural northeast Thailand.  Water Research 27 (2), 297302.

R. M. Ayres, D. D. Mara, D. L. Lee and W. N. Thitai (1993). Monitoring full-scale waste stabilisation ponds in Kenya for nematode egg removal. Environmental Technology 14 (3), 295–300.

J. I. Oragui, H. Arridge, D. D. Mara, H. W. Pearson and S. A. Silva (1993). Vibrio cholerae O1 (El Tor) removal in waste stabilization ponds in northeast Brazil.  Water Research 27 (4), 727728.

J. I. Oragui, H. M. Arridge, D. D. Mara, H. W. Pearson and S. A. Silva (1993). Enumeration of salmonellae in wastewater by the MPN technique.  Water Research 27, 16971699.

D. D. Mara, P. Edwards, D. Clark and S. W. Mills (1993). A rational approach to the design of wastewater-fed fishponds.  Water Research 27, 17971799.

R. M. Ayres, D. L. Lee, D. D. Mara and S. A. Silva (1993).  The accumulation, distribution and viability of human parasitic nematode eggs in the sludge of a primary facultative waste stabilization pond.  Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 87 (3), 256-258.

D. D. Mara and N. J. Horan (1993).  BOD test for tropical countries: discussion.  Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, American Society of Civil Engineers 119 (4), 764-766.

T. P. Curtis, D. D. Mara, N. G. H. Dixo and S. A. Silva (1994).  Light penetration in waste stabilization ponds.  Water Research 28, 10311038.

H. D. Taylor, M. P. Gambrill, D. D. Mara and S. A. Silva (1994).  Upgrading a low-cost physicochemical wastewater treatment plant to solve operational problems.  Water Science and Technology 29 (12), 247-254.

D. D. Mara and S. W. Mills (1994). Who's afraid of anaerobic ponds? Water Quality International (2), 3436.

D. D. Mara (1994).  Waste stabilization ponds and effluent standards.  Lecture given to the New Zealand Water and Wastes Association at the University of Auckland, 21 September.

E. C. Kaltenthaler, A. M. Elsworth, M. S. Schweiger, D. D. Mara and D. A. Brauxholtz (1995). Faecal contamination on children's hands and environmental surfaces in primary schools in Leeds. Epidemiology and Infection 115 (3), 527−534.

D. D. Mara and G. P. Alabaster (1995).  An environmental classification of housing-related diseases in developing countries.  Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 98 (1), 4151.

H. W. Pearson, D. D. Mara and H. A. Arridge (1995).  The influence of pond geometry and configuration on facultative and maturation waste stabilisation pond performance and efficiency.  Water Science and Technology 31 (12), 129139.

H. Arridge, J. I. Oragui, H. W. Pearson, D. D. Mara and S. A. Silva (1995). Vibrio cholerae O1 and Salmonella spp. removal compared with the die-off of faecal indicator organisms in waste stabilisation ponds in northeast Brazil.  Water Science and Technology 31 (12), 249256.

J. I. Oragui, H. Arridge, D. D. Mara, H. W. Pearson and S. A. Silva (1995). Rotavirus removal in experimental waste stabilisation pond systems with different geometries and configurations.  Water Science and Technology 31 (12), 285290.

S. A. Silva, R. de Oliveira, J. Soares, D. D. Mara and H. W. Pearson (1995). Nitrogen removal in pond systems with different configurations and geometries. Water Science and Technology 31 (12), 321-230.

H. D. Taylor, R. K. X. Bastos, H. W. Pearson and D. D. Mara (1995).  Drip irrigation with waste stabilisation pond effluents:  solving the problems of emitter fouling.  Water Science and Technology 31 (12), 417424.

R. K. X. Bastos and D. D. Mara (1995).  The bacterial quality of salad crops drip- and furrow- irrigated with waste stabilization pond effluent: an evaluation of the WHO guidelinesWater Science and Technology 31 (12), 425−430.

D. D. Mara (1995).  Faecal coliforms everywhere, but not a cell to drink.  Water Quality International (3), 2930.

D. D. Mara (1996).  Waste stabilization ponds: effluent quality requirements and implications for process design.  Water Science and Technology 33 (7), 2331.

R. de Oliveira, S. A. Silva, A. L. C. Araujo, J. Soares, D. D. Mara and H. W. Pearson (1996). The performance of a pilot-scale series of ten ponds treating municipal sewage in northeast Brazil.  Water Science and Technology 33 (7), 5761.

R. Lawty, J. de B. Ashworth and D. D. Mara (1996). Waste stabilization pond decommissioning: a painful but necessary decision.  Water Science and Technology 33 (7), 107115.

J. Soares, S. A. Silva, R. de Oliveira, A. L. C. Araujo, D. D. Mara and H. W. Pearson (1996). Ammonia removal in a pilot-scale WSP complex in northeast Brazil. Water Science and Technology 33 (7), 165171.

D. D. Mara, H. W. Pearson, S. A. Silva, R. de Oliveira, A. L. C. Araujo, R. E. de Oliveira and J. Soares (1996).  Process performance of experimental deep effluent storage reservoirs under different organic loadings in northeast Brazil. Water Science and Technology 33 (7), 243249.

H. W. Pearson, D. D. Mara, J. I. Oragui, L. R. Cawley and S. A. Silva (1996). Pathogen removal dynamics in experiment deep effluent storage reservoirs. Water Science and Technology 33 (7), 251260.

H. W. Pearson, D. D. Mara, H. Arridge, L. R. Cawley and S. A. Silva (1996). The performance of an innovative tropical experimental waste stabilization pond system operating at high organic loadings.  Water Science and Technology 33 (7), 6373.

O. Vazquez-Montiel, N. J. Horan and D. D. Mara (1996).  Management of domestic wastewater for reuse in irrigation.  Water Science and Technology 33 (10/11), 355362.

U. J. Blumenthal, D. D. Mara, R. M. Ayres, E. Cifuertes, A. Peasy, R. Stott, D. Lee and G. Ruiz-Palacios (1996).  Evaluation of the WHO nematode egg guideline for restricted and unrestricted irrigation.  Water Science and Technology 33 (10/11), 277283.

D. D. Mara and M. Schweiger (1996).  Water meters and gastroenteritis.  Water Quality International (3), 12−14.

D. D. Mara and D. Clapham (1997). Water-related carcinomas: an environmental classification.  Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 123 (5), 416422.

D. D. Mara (1997). Waste stabilization ponds: appropriate response. Water Quality International, May/June, pp. 36−37.

D. D. Mara (1997). Ponds’ wasted opportunity. Water Quality International, Sept-ember/October, p. 11.

D. D. Mara, C. A. Cogman, P. Simkins and M. C. A. C. Schembri (1998). Performance of the Burwarton Estate waste stabilization ponds.  Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 12 (4), 260264.

D. D. Mara (1998). Low-cost sewerage.  In Sanitation Promotion (ed. M. Simpson-Hébert and S. Wood). pp. 249262. Report No. WHO/EOS/98.5. Geneva: World Health Organization/Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council.

K. P. Tsagarakis, D. D. Mara and A. N. Angelakis (1998).  Evaluation of municipal wastewater treatment plants in Greece.  Technika Chronika I, Athens, 18 (3), 97109 [in Greek with extended English summary]. 

D. D. Mara and H. W. Pearson (1999). A hybrid waste stabilization pond and wastewater storage and treatment reservoir system for wastewater reuse for both restricted and unrestricted crop irrigation.  Water Research 33 (2), 591594.

D. D. Mara and R. G. A. Feachem (1999).  Water- and excreta-related diseases: unitary environmental classification.  Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers 125 (4), 334339.

U. J. Blumenthal, A. Peasey, G. Ruiz-Palacios and D. D. Mara (1999).  Guidelines for Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture and Aquaculture: Recommended Revisions Based on New Research Evidence.  WELL Study Task No. 68, Part I.  London: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

A. Peasey, U. J. Blumenthal, D. D. Mara and G. Ruiz-Palacios (1999).  A  Review of Policy and Standards for Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture: A Latin American Perspective.  WELL Study Task No. 68, Part II.  London: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

D. D. Mara and A. S. P. Guimarães (1999).  Simplified sewerage: potential application in industrialized countries.  Urban Water 1 (3), 257259. 

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