Title, Acknowledgements, Abstract, Contents [256 kB]
Chapter 1: Team learning projects [82 kB]
Chapter 2: Problem formulation [898 kB]
Chapter 3: Developing theory [261 kB]
Chapter 4: Research design [154 kB]
Chapter 5: Strengthening local capacities to deliver WSS services [2132 kB]
Chapter 6: National programme for sustainability of WSS systems in Colombia [531 kB]
Chapter 7: Conceptual proposals [836 kB]
Chapter 8: Validation [999 kB]
Chapter 9: Discussion [130 kB]
Chapter 10: Conclusions and recommendations for further work [86 kB]
References [160 kB]
Annexes [280 kB]
Spreadsheets [107 kB] (Microsoft Excel files zipped for download)