World Map of Urban Slums
Today, a billion people live in slums, 90 per cent of whom
are in developing countries. The battle to reach the Millennium Development
Goals, and cut extreme poverty in half by 2015, will be waged in the world’s
slums. To win it, policymakers need to
be proactive and start working with the urban poor so they can lift themselves
out of poverty [Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director of UNFPA, speaking at
the launch of State of World Population 2007].
Supercourse PowerPoint: Slums: The New Face of Developing World Cities
Trends in urban and slum indicators across
developing world cities, 1990–2003 (Habitat
International, 2008) − under-5 mortality rate (U5MR) up to five times
higher in slums than in non-slum areas.
Quote: In India, a survey undertaken by slum
communities showed a shocking 1,488 people have to share just one toilet seat
in Mumbai (
Homeless International).
Life in a slum: Urban poverty in India: A flourishing slum (The
Economist, 2007) Listen here.
Squatter Town (whole issue of New Internationalist #386,
Jan. 2006)
The burden of
disease profile of residents of Nairobi's slums:
Results from a Demographic Surveillance System (Population Health Metrics, 2008) − Summary paper: The Burden of Disease among Residents of Nairobi’s Informal Settlements
(African Population and Health
Research Center,
Slums, climate
change and human health in sub-Saharan Africa (Bull. WHO, 2009)
Pro-poor Land Management: Integrating Slums into City
Planning Approaches (UN-Habitat, 2004)
Unheard Voices: Some Voices of India’s Underprivileged Women
(UN-Habitat, 2007)
− Mumbai has a population of 15 million. More that
half of this population live in slums. Only some of the slums have been
legalized and provided with limited piped water supply and a few public
latrines. These are grossly inadequate for the entire slum population. In such
a scenario, the major burden of searching for water and sanitation facilities
is borne by women.
Empowering the poor
through property rights: Lessons from ‘Right to Land’ in Rio de Janeiro (Chapter
2 of Making the Law Work for Everyone, volume
2 (United Nations Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, 2008)
Integrated approaches to promoting sanitation: A
case study of Faridpur, Bangladesh (Desalination,
Low-income Shelter
Finance in Slum Upgrading (USAID, 2007)
Strategic Guidelines for Improving Water and Sanitation
Services in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements (WSP, 2009)
Population Crisis (Channel 4
News, Feb. 2007) −
“Lagos's uncontrolled
population growth has made one of the world's largest cities one of the world's
largest slums.” [15 minutes]
Planet of Slums (BBC Radio 4
Thinking Allowed, Sept. 2007) [30 minutes] and follow-up programme (part only)
(Oct. 2007)
Listen: Slumming It: Living in Manila’s Slums (BBC World Service, 2006)
Homeless International − 'from slums to equitable cities'
Shack / Slum Dwellers International
The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers
(SPARC) [Indian NGO]
Cities Alliance − 'cities without slums'
UN Habitat − 'shelter for all'
World Bank Urban Development
International Institute for Environment and Development
Capacity of Cities to Absorb 21st Century Demographic
Transformation: Profound Growth of Cities and Slums (Rockefeller Foundation)
Habitat International
Documents & Reports
Improving the Lives of Slum Dwellers: A Home
in the City (UN Millennium Development Project Task Force on Improving the
Lives of Slum Dwellers, 2005)
Our needs, our priorities: women and men from the slums of
Mumbai and Pune talk about their needsfor Water and Sanitation (
Environment & Urbanization,
Water Points for
Urban Slum Dwellers: Rights of Water Connections for Urban Slum Dwellers
in Bangladesh (WaterAid, 2007)
Poverty and the City (UNDP International Poverty Centre, 2005)
Community-Driven Development in Urban Upgrading [slum
upgrading] (World Bank, 2004)
Integrated Urban Upgrading for the Poor: the Experience of Ribeira Azul,
Brazil (World Bank, 2006)
Baan Mankong: going to scale with “slum” and squatter
upgrading in Thailand
(E & U, 2004)
Community federations and city upgrading: the work of Pamoja
Trust and Muungano in Kenya
(E & U, 2004)
Perspective of Pro-poor Slum Upgrading Frameworks (UN Habitat, 2006)
Pro Poor
Land Management: Integrating
Slums into City Planning Approaches (UN
Habitat, 2004)
The Challenge of Slums (UN
Habitat Global Report on Human Settlements 2003)
The World Goes to Town: A Special Report on Cities (The Economist, 2007) Listen here.
Humpty Dumpty, Poverty and Urban Governance: An Exploration
of Investment Partnerships with the Poor (Homeless International, 2001)
The Community-led Infrastructure Finance Facility (“CLIFF”)
(Homeless International, 2005)
The 21st century health challenges of slums and cities (The Lancet, 2005)
Cities Without Slums (World Bank, 2000)
Slums and Housing (id21, 2005)
Health status of people of slums in Nairobi, Kenya
(Environmental Research, 2004)
Slum real estate: The low-quality high-price puzzle in Nairobi’s slum rental
market and its implications for theory and practice (World Development,
The Effectiveness of Sanitation Awareness and Education
Programmes in Informal Settlements (Water Research Commission, South Africa,
Book: Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World
(Routledge, 2004)
Author’s blog University
of Leeds Library
catalogue entry.
Watch Robert
The “shadow cities” of the future
Watch Stewart
Brand: Why squatter cities are a good thing
Squatters and the cities of tomorrow (City, 2007)
Evaluation of slum upgrading schemes
Dweller perception using fuzzy logic for slum upgrading (
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
Engineers: Municipal Engineer, 2008)
Slum Networking in India - much more than just sewerage
See also: Tenure
Low-cost Stormwater Drainage