Planning and design
of urban drainage systems in informal settlements in developing countries (Urban Water Journal, 2007)
Towards a new stormwater management approach [in South Africa] (The Water Wheel, 2006)
Book: Urban
Stormwater Management in Developing Countries (IWA Publishing, 2005)
Drainage and stormwater management strategies for low-income urban communities (Environment & Urbanization, 2003)
Urban drainage in
developing countries – challenges and opportunities (Waterlines, 2002)
Stormwater Drainage and Land Reclamation for Urban
Development (UN Habitat, 1991)
Hydraulics of Sediment Movement in Urban Drainage Systems (whole issue of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, April 2003)
Queensland Urban Drainage Manual, vol. 1, 2nd ed. (Department
of Natural Resources and Water, 2007) − request vol. 2 (charts) here.
International Source Book on Environmentally Sound Technologies
for Wastewater and
Stormwater Management (IETC/UNEP, 2002)
Associated Programme on Flood Management (website) − a joint
initiative of the World Meteoro- logical Organization and the Global Water
Partnership promoting the concept of ‘Integrated Flood Management’ as a new
approach to flood management.
Video (43 minutes): Managing Stormwater in Arizona (European
Water News, 2009) Stormwater
management in Arizona is a challenge: either it's too dry, or it's flooding taking with it everything
that's in the stream.
Stormwater reuse
Guidelines for Water Recycling: Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse (Natural
Resource Management Ministerial Council, Environment Protection and Heritage
Council, and National Health and Medical Research Council, 2009)
Floods and the Poor:
Reducing the Vulnerability of the Poor to the Negative Impacts of Floods (ADB,
Climate change, urban flooding and the rights of the urban
poor in Africa − Key findings from six African
cities (ActionAid, 2006)
Living with Floods (WELL Factsheet, 2006)
and sanitation in floods − Lessons and best practice (WaterSanitationHygiene
Forum, 2009)
US EPA Storm Water Technology Fact
Sheets (1999)
Storm Water Wetlands
Vegetated Swales
Wet Detention Ponds
Infiltration Drainfields
Infiltration Trench