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Leeds publications on
UK ponds & rock filters

See also Microsoft Producer presentations on WSP in the UK & Europe and Rock filters.


Mara, D. D., Mills, S. W., Pearson, H. W. and Alabaster, G. (1992).  Waste stabilization ponds:  a viable alternative for small community treatment systems.  Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management 6 (1), 72−78.


Mara, D. D., Cogman, C. A., Simkins, P. and Schembri, M. C. A. C. (1998).  Performance of the Burwarton Estate waste stabilization ponds.  Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 12 (4), 260−264.


Abis, K. L. (2002). The Performance of Facultative Waste Stabilisation Ponds in the United Kingdom (PhD thesis).  Leeds: University of Leeds.

Mara, D. D., Abis, K. L. and Johnson, M. L. (2002).  Waste stabilization ponds for small sewered communities in the United Kingdom.  Water and Environment Manager, May, 22−23.


Abis, K. and Mara, D. D.  (2003).  Research on waste stabilization ponds in the United Kingdom − Initial results from pilot-scale facultative ponds.  Water Science and Technology 46 (2), 1−8.


Abis, K. and Mara, D. D. (2004). The performance of pilot-scale primary facultative waste stabilization ponds in the UK. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 18 (2), 107−111. 

Mara, D. D. (2004).  Natural sewage treatment in the United Kingdom: selection guidelines.  Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 18 (4), 230−234.


Abis, K. and Mara, D. D. (2005). Primary facultative ponds in the UK: the effect of hydraulic retention time and BOD loading on performance and algal populations. Water Science and Technology 51 (12), 61−67.

Abis, K. and Mara, D. D. (2005). Research on waste stabilization ponds in the United Kingdom: sludge accumulation in pilot-scale facultative ponds. Environmental Technology 26 (4), 449−457.

Abis. K. L. (2005). Summary of four years' experience of pilot-scale primary facultative ponds in the UK.  Leeds: School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds.

Camargo Valero, M. A. and Mara, D. D. (2005). Sedimentation of organic nitrogen via biological uptake in maturation ponds.  Paper presented at the International Seminar Agua 2005: Gestión Integrada de Servicios Relacionadas con el Agua en Asentamientos Nucleados, Cali, Colombia, 2−4 November.

Johnson, M. L. (2005). Aerated rock filters for enhanced ammonia and faecal coliform removal from facultative pond effluents. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 19 (5), 143−146.  

Johnson, M. L. and Mara, D. D. (2005). Aerated rock filters for enhanced nitrogen and faecal coliform removal from facultative waste stabilization pond effluents. Water Science and Technology 51 (12), 99−102.

Mara, D. D. and Johnson, M. L. (2005). Facultative waste stabilization ponds and aerated rock filters: the solution for small communities in the UK?  In Proceedings of the Third CIWEM National Conference (ed. N. J. Horan), pp. 469−472.  Leeds: Aqua Enviro.


Abis, K. and Mara, D. D. (2006).  Temperature measurement and stratification in facultative waste stabilisation ponds in the UK climate.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 114 (3), 35−47.

Mara, D. D. (2006). Constructed wetlands and waste stabilization ponds for small rural communities in the United Kingdom: a comparison of land area requirements, performance and costs.  Environmental Technology 27 (4), 573−757.

Mara, D. D. (2006). Septic tanks, baffled facultative ponds and aerated rock filters: a high-efficiency low-cost wastewater treatment system for small communities up to ~500 p.e.  E-WAter, paper 2006/19.

Mara, D. D. and Johnson, M. L. (2006).  Aerated rock filters for enhanced ammonia and fecal coliform removal from facultative pond effluents. Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers 132 (4), 574−577.

Banda, C. G., Sleigh, P. A. and Mara, D. D. (2006). 3D-CFD modelling of E. coli removal in baffled primary facultative ponds: classical design optimization. Paper presented at the Seventh IWA International Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds, Bangkok, 2527 September.

Banda, C. G., Sleigh, P. A. and Mara, D. D. (2006).  3D-CFD-based design of waste stabilization ponds: significance of wind velocity.  Paper presented at the Seventh IWA International Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds, Bangkok, 2527 September.

Mara, D. D. (2006). Constructed wetlands are not a viable alternative or addition to waste stabilization ponds. Paper presented at the Seventh IWA International Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds, Bangkok, 2527 September. 


Johnson, M. L. and Mara, D. D. (2007). Results of Experiments on Aerated and Unaerated Rock Filters and a Sub-surface Horizontal-flow Constructed Wetland Treating Effluent from a Primary Facultative Waste Stabilization Pond. Leeds: University of Leeds.

Mara, D. D. and Johnson, M. L. (2007). Waste stabilization ponds and rock filters: solutions for small communities.  Water Science and Technology 55 (7), 103107.

Johnson, M. L. and Mara, D. D. (2007).  Ammonia removal from facultative pond effluents in a constructed wetland and an aerated rock filter: performance comparison in winter and summer. Water Environment Research 79 (5), 567−570.

Camargo Valero, M. A. and Mara, D. D. (2007). Nitrogen removal in maturation ponds: tracer experiments with 15N-labelled ammonia.  Water Science and Technology 55 (11), 81-85.

Camargo Valero, M. A. and Mara, D. D. (2007). Nitrogen removal via ammonia volatilization in maturation ponds. Water Science and Technology 55 (11), 8792. 

Johnson, M. L., Camargo Valero, M. A. and Mara, D. D. (2007). Maturation ponds, rock filters and reedbeds in the UK: statistical analysis of winter performance. Water Science and Technology 55 (11), 135142.


Camargo Valero, M. A. (2008).
Nitrogen Transformation Pathways and Removal Mechanisms in Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Maturation Ponds (PhD thesis).  Leeds: University of Leeds. 


M. A. Camargo Valero, M. L. Johnson, T. Mather and D. D. Mara (2009). Enhanced phosphorus removal in a waste stabilization pond system with blast furnace slag (BFS) filters.  Desalination and Water Treatment 4, 122–127.

M. A. Camargo Valero and D. D. Mara (2009). The influence of algal biomass on tracer experiments in maturation ponds.  Desalination and Water Treatment 4, 89–92. 

Hamdan, R. and Mara, D. D. (2009). The effect of aerated rock filter geometry on the rate of nitrogen removal from facultative pond effluents. Paper presented at the IWA International Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds, Belo Horizonte, 2730 April.

van der Linde, E. R. C. (2009). Nitrogen Removal Mechanisms and Pathways in Facultative Waste Stabilization Ponds in the United Kingdom (PhD thesis).  Leeds: University of Leeds. 


M. A. Camargo Valero and D. D. Mara (2010).
Ammonia volatilisation in waste stabilisation ponds: a cascade of misinterpretations? Water Science & Technology 61 (3), 555–561.

E. R. C. van der Linde, D. D. Mara and R. J. Newton (2010). Nitrogen removal during summer and winter in a primary facultative WSP pond: preliminary findings from 15N-labelled ammonium tracer techniques. Water Science and Technology 61 (4), 979−984.  

M. A. Camargo Valero, D. D. Mara and R. J. Newton (2010). Nitrogen removal in maturation waste stabilisation ponds via biological uptake and sedimentation of dead biomass. Water Science and Technology 61 (4), 1027−1034.  

M. A. Camargo Valero, L. F. Read, D. D. Mara, R. J. Newton, T. P. Curtis and R. J. Davenport (2010). Nitrification-denitrification in WSP: A mechanism for permanent nitrogen removal in maturation ponds. Water Science and Technology 61 (5), 1137−1146.  

D. D. Mara (2010). Manual of Best Practice on Natural Wastewater Treatment. London: Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management.