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many sites and services schemes implemented under the TNUDP and, like the Kulakarai scheme, was viewed as an experiment, once again for sewered interceptor tanks, although the tanks were rather larger than those at Kulakarai.
Faisalabad Area Upgrading Project (FAUP)
The FAUP is an integrated upgrading project with a rather wider scope and a very different approach from the North-east Lahore project. It is participatory in nature, giving a central role in the identification and implementation of project activities to people living in the areas to be upgraded. This emphasis on participation owes much to the fact that prime responsibility for the project within the Overseas Development Administration (ODA), the external donor, rests with the Social Development Department. In view of the innovative nature of the project, it was decided from an early stage that a process approach should be adopted in order to provide the flexibility required to respond positively to community needs and demands. At present, the project is operating in four pilot areas, each of which has a population of about 15000. Sanitation and drainage have been early concerns of community members in the pilot areas and several small sewer projects have been implemented in one area. They are interesting both for their technical aspects and for the insights that they provide on community involvement in sewer construction.
The common assumption that sewerage is unaffordable to lowincome users is challenged by the Orangi experience. OPP itself emphasizes the part of community management in eliminating kick-backs to contractors and improving standards of workmanship. However, another important factor is its adoption of appropriate standards. Government agencies in South Asia and in most developing countries use design and construction standards which are modelled on those used in the industrial countries of the North. There is much talk, not least within international agencies such as the World Bank, of the need to reduce standards to levels which are affordable to low-income people. Over the years,

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