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converted to residential use with the provision of minimal shared water supply and sanitation facilities. Residents, who rent the basic accommodation from the Cantonment Board, have added 'katcha' (mud-walled) extensions over the years. At the time that the project was conceived, the water supply to many of the bustis was poor and most of the shared sanitation facilities were poorly maintained and completely insanitary. Various sanitation options were considered but in the end a sewered interceptor tank system was used for most of the bustis. The work was supported by grants from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Islamabad, but a condition for proceeding with any scheme was that its intended beneficiaries should raise 10 per cent of its cost. The project was implemented without any ongoing engineering support, the main 'actors' being a Canadian with little previous relevant experience and an Afghan foreman with general building skills but no previous experience of sewer construction. It provides an example of the use of the interceptor tanks in situations in which conventional sewerage would have been impossible and illustrates the fact that interceptor tank systems are well suited to situations in which limited technical resources are available.
Upgrading in Kulakarai, Madras
Kulakarai is a hutment settlement which was chosen as a pilot for the implementation of interceptor tank systems in similar areas. The work formed part of the World Bank-funded Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project (TNUDP). The settlement housed about 110 families on a horseshoe-shaped site which encircled three sides of a pond, the fourth side of which was bounded by a road along which a collector sewer already ran. The work was carried out by the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB).
Thirukatchur Sites and Services Scheme, Madras
Like the Kulakarai scheme, that at Thirukatchur falls under the umbrella of the TNUDP. Thirukatchur lies some 30 km out of Madras on the road to Madurai and the scheme was implemented by the Tamil Nadu Housing Board (TNHB). It is one of

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