List of Some Recent Publications and Videotapes (in English) on Low-Cost Sewerage Not Available on the Internet

Prepared by Duncan Mara, University of Leeds, School of Civil Engineering.

February 2001, Revised June 2001

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Akhtar Hameed Khan, Orangi Pilot Project: Reminiscences and Reflections

J.M. Azevedo Netto, Innovative and Low Cost Technologies Utilized in Sewerage

Diane Diacon, Slum Networking: An Innovative Approach to Urban Development (Building and Social Housing Foundation, Coalville, 1997).

Duncan Mara, Low-cost Urban Sanitation (Wiley, Chichester, 1996)

Duncan Mara (ed.), Low-cost Sewerage (Wiley, Chichester, 1996)

Gehan Sinnatamby, The Design of Shallow Sewer Systems (Published in 1986 by UNCHS, PO Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya)

R.A. Reed, Sustainable Sewerage: Guidelines for Community Schemes (IT Publications, London, 1995)

François Smith, Guidelines for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Septic Tank Effluent Drainage Systems in South Africa with reference to the Marselle Case Study.

Water Environment Federation, Alternative Sewer Systems (WPCF, 1986).

L. Wooley, Drainage Details(2nd edition)

US Environmental Protection Agency, Alternative Wastewater Collection Systems.


1. Small Diameter Effluent Sewers (12 minutes)

2. Orangi: Streets of Hope (20 minutes)

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