List of Some
Recent Publications and Videotapes (in English) on Low-Cost Sewerage Not Available
on the Internet
Prepared by Duncan
Mara, University of Leeds, School of Civil Engineering.
February 2001, Revised
June 2001
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Akhtar Hameed Khan, Orangi
Pilot Project: Reminiscences and Reflections
- Expanded edition published in
1998 by Oxford University Press, PO Box 13033, Karachi 75350, Pakistan
- ISBN: 0 19 577740 9
- This book "describes the physical
and socioeconomic conditions in the informal settlements of Orangi, and the
actors and processes involved in the development of these squatter townships."
It also studies "the phenomenon of replication of the Orangi experiment –
the manner in which it is helping whole communities overcome problems relating
to sanitation, housing, health, education and employment."
J.M. Azevedo Netto, Innovative
and Low Cost Technologies Utilized in Sewerage
- Technical Series No. 29, Environmental
Health Program (92 pp.)
- Published in 1992 by Pan American
Health Organization, 525 23rd St NW, Washington DC 20037, USA
- Contents:
- Background
- Sewerage Systems
- Simplified Sewerage System
- Condominial System of Sewerage
- Small Bore System
- Small Sewage Pumping Stations
Diane Diacon, Slum Networking:
An Innovative Approach to Urban Development (Building and Social Housing
Foundation, Coalville, 1997).
- Click here
for further details
Duncan Mara, Low-cost Urban
Sanitation (Wiley, Chichester, 1996)
- Settled and simplified sewerage
covered in detail in Chapters 8 and 9, respectively
- Click here
for further details
Duncan Mara (ed.), Low-cost
Sewerage (Wiley, Chichester, 1996)
- Click here
for further details
Gehan Sinnatamby, The Design of Shallow
Sewer Systems (Published in 1986 by UNCHS, PO Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya)
- Design manual for shallow (i.e. simplified)
sewerage (using minimum self-cleansing velocity, rather than minimum tractive
tension, as the main hydraulic design criterion). Includes extensive descriptions
of simplified sewerage projects in northeast Brazil and in Orangi, Karachi,
R.A. Reed, Sustainable Sewerage:
Guidelines for Community Schemes (IT Publications, London, 1995)
- Click here
for further details
François Smith,
Guidelines for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Septic Tank Effluent
Drainage Systems in South Africa with reference to the Marselle Case Study.
- CSIR Research Report
- Published in 1993 by
CSIR. Available from Water Research Commission, PO Box 824, Pretoria 0001,
South Africa.
- ISBN: 0 7988 5322 0
Water Environment Federation,
Alternative Sewer Systems (WPCF, 1986).
- Click here
for further details.
L. Wooley, Drainage Details(2nd
- Published in 1988 by E &
F N Spon
- Available from Chapman &
Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, UK
- ISBN: 0 419 15880 4
- A series of 46 excellent technical
drawings on pipes and fittings for domestic sanitary and stormwater drainage.
US Environmental Protection Agency,
Alternative Wastewater Collection Systems.
- Technology Transfer Manual , EPA/625/1-91/024
- Published in 1991 by Office of Research
and Development, Office of Water, EPA, Washington DC 20460, USA
- Contents
- Overview of alternative conveyance
- Pressure sewer systems
- Vacuum sewer systems
- Small diameter gravity sewers
- Design examples
1. Small Diameter Effluent Sewers
(12 minutes)
2. Orangi: Streets of Hope
(20 minutes)
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