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Publications 2008-2009
Duncan Mara

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Complete list 2008  Complete list 2009 (not all available as pdf files)

Mara and G. P. Alabaster (2008).  A new paradigm for low-cost urban water supplies and sanitation in developing countries. Water Policy 10 (2), 119129. See also: Water and sanitation goals unachievable without fresh thinking (id21, 2008)

D. D. Mara (2008).  Quantifying health risks in wastewater irrigation.  In Water and Health (ed. W. O. K. Grabow) − part of the on-line UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. Oxford: Eolss Publishers (

D. D. Mara (2008). Technical solutions for the urban poor: Going to scale with proven low-cost solutions. Presentation at AfricaSan2008, Durban, 18−20 February.

D. D. Mara (2008). Sanitation Now: What is Good Practice and What is Poor Practice? In: Proceedings of the IWA International Conference ‘Sanitation Challenge: New Sanitation and Models of Governance’, pp. 269−273. Wageningen: Sub-department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University.

D. D. Mara (2008). Periurban Sanitation: What’s the Problem? Abstract of paper presented at World Water Week, Stockholm, 17−23 August. Presentation here.

D. D. Mara and  J. Broome (2008). Sewerage: a return to basics to benefit the poor. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer 161 (1), 231−237.

A. N. Shilton, D. D. Mara, R. Craggs and N. Powell (2008). Solar-powered aeration and disinfection, anaerobic co-digestion, biological CO2 scrubbing and biofuel production: the energy and carbon management opportunities of waste stabilization ponds. Water Science and Technology 58 (1), 253−258.

D. D. Mara (2008). Application of existing knowledge: the only way to meet the MDG sanitation target in developing countries. Paper presented at the NETSSAF Conference on Pathways towards Sustainable Sanitation in Africa, Ouagadougou, 24−27 September − presentation here.

D. D. Mara (2008). Sanitation options in rural and urban areas: Best practices. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Millennium Development Goals on Sanitation, Amsterdam, 1−2 October.

D. D. Mara (2008). Third Edition of the Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater in Agriculture and Aquaculture − Guidance Note for Programme Managers and Engineers: A Numerical Guide to Volume 2 of the Guidelines and Practical Advice on how to Transpose them into National Standards.  Geneva: World Health Organization.

Duncan Mara and Annika Kramer (2008).  The 2006 WHO Guidelines for wastewater and greywater use in agriculture: a practical interpretation. In: Efficient Management of Wastewater: Its Treatment and Reuse in Water-scarce Countries (ed. I. Al Baz, R. Otterpohl and C. Wendland), pp. 1−17.  Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag [book excerpts here].

Duncan Mara (2008).  Waste stabilization ponds: a highly appropriate wastewater treatment technology for Mediterranean countries. In: Efficient Management of Wastewater: Its Treatment and Reuse in Water-scarce Countries (ed. I. Al Baz, R. Otterpohl and C. Wendland), pp. 113−123.  Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag [book excerpts here].

D. D. Mara (2009). Waste stabilization ponds: past, present and future. Desalination and Water Treatment 4, 85–88 (see also updated presentation given at the IWA International Conference ‘Ponds2009’, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 27−30 April 2009).

M. A. Camargo Valero, M. L. Johnson, T. Mather and D. D. Mara (2009). Enhanced phosphorus removal in a waste stabilization pond system with blast furnace slag (BFS) filters.  Desalination and Water Treatment 4, 122–127.

M. A. Camargo Valero and D. D. Mara (2009). The influence of algal biomass on tracer experiments in maturation ponds.  Desalination and Water Treatment 4, 89–92. 

R. Hamdan and D. D. Mara (2009). The effect of aerated rock filter geometry on the rate of nitrogen removal from facultative pond effluents. Paper presented at the IWA International Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds, Belo Horizonte, 2730 April. 

D. D. Mara (2009). What works in preventing water-related disease: Infrastructure solutions? Presentation at the Executive Session on Grand Challenges of the Sustainability Transition: Water and Human Well Being, Sustainability Science Program, Center for International  Development, Harvard University, San Servolo, Venice, 20−21 July.

Knowledge barriers key factor in sanitation crisisNergui Manalsuren interviews Duncan Mara (IPS, 17 August 2009)

C. A. Madera, J. Silva, D. D. Mara and P. Torres (2009). Wastewater use in agriculture: Irrigation of sugar cane with effluents from the Cañaveralejo wastewater treatment plant in Cali, Colombia. Environmental Technology 30 (10), 1011–1015. 

D. D. Mara (2009). Health Risks from Wastewater Use in Urban Agriculture: A Review. Issue paper prepared for the World Bank.

D. D. Mara (2009). Natural wastewater treatment and carbon capture: The way forward? Paper presented at the International Conference Agua 2009: La Gestión del Recurso Hídrico Frente al Cambio Climático, Santiago de Cali, 9−12 November.

D. D. Mara (2009). Utility-supplied but community-managed water supplies and sanitation: A solution for urban slums? Paper presented at the International Conference Agua 2009: La Gestión del Recurso Hídrico Frente al Cambio Climático, Santiago de Cali, 9−12 November.

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