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Page 35
the Orangi Pilot Project (OPP) and others suggest that sewers can offer a technically viable method of waste disposal which is affordable to low-income users. However, Orangi is located in a hilly area and most sewers can be laid to good slopes to discharge to the gullies or nalas, which form its natural drainage routes. Questions arise as to the suitability of sewers in other situations. This chapter explores the extent to which these questions can be answered with our present knowledge, drawing on the experience of projects in Pakistan and India. Some of these involve an approach which is essentially conventional, although incorporating some innovative features, while others involve the use of interceptor tanks on house connections. These are referred to throughout the chapter as conventional and sewered interceptor tank systems respectively. The emphasis is on systems to deal with wastewater although almost all sewerage systems carry some storm flow on occasion.
Project Descriptions.
This chapter describes experience with four projects in Pakistan and two in India. Of the projects in Pakistan, two are in the government sector and two in the non-government sector, while the Indian examples form part of a World Bank-funded urban development project in Tamil Nadu. Each of the examples is now briefly introduced and its relevance to this chapter is explained.
Yusufabad Housing Colony
Yusufabad is an area of new housing just outside Peshawar, Pakistan, which has been developed since 1986 by the St Michael's Housing Society, a Christian housing society. Many of the members of the society are on low incomes and so from the beginning every effort has been made to keep costs within affordable limits. At present, the scheme comprises about 300 plots, most of which are a standard 98 m2 in size, although it has grown over the years. Rights of way are generally 3 or 5 m. Water is piped to all plots from an artesian well and most plots are provided with a core consisting of a single room, a WC/bath-

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