people were willing to pay approximately the same for a household latrine as for a sewer connection; and |
the poor were willing to pay for latrines, but not for sewerage because of low reliability in the past. |
Various low-cost sewerage initiatives are at work throughout the world, especially in countries with water shortages and with large urban poor populations. However, the advantages of so-called lower-cost sewerage systems over the so-called conventional systems are not well known to the wider public, as the evidence of demand for such services and confidence in their reliability is conflicting. The political and financial will to give urban sanitation a higher profile is therefore patchy. |
It is my hope that the proceedings of this Conference will provide a valuable exchange of ideas and experience to enhance the opportunity for greater provision of appropriate, safe and sustainable sanitation to as wide an urban population as possible. |
Black, M. (1994). Mega-Slums: The Coming Sanitary Crisis. London: WaterAid. |
Cairncross, S. and Feachem, R. (1993). Environmental Health Engineering in the Tropics, 2nd edn. Chichester: John Wiley. |
Esrey, S.A., Feachem, R.G. and Hughes, J.M. (1985). Interventions of the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: improving water supplies and excreta disposal facilities. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 63, 757772. |
LaFond, A. (1995). A Review of Sanitation Program Evaluations in Developing Countries. EHP Activity Report No. 5. Arlington, VA: Environmental Health Project. |
MAE/DGCS and CEFRE (1993). Working Group on Urbanization Report to WSSCC Rabat Meeting (710 September). Rome: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. |
Obeng, L.A. and Locussol, A.R. (1992). Sanitation Planning: A Challenge for the 90's. |
Abidjan: The World Bank (West Africa Water and Sanitation Program). |
Otis, R.J. and Mara, D.D. (1985). The Design of Small-bore Sewer Systems. TAG Technical Note No. 14. Washington, DC: The World Bank. |