Before you start make sure you have all the basic information you need.
Step One: Enter general information about the city or urban area,
then select the sanitation systems in use in your city or urban area
using the SFD selection grid.
Step Two: Now you are ready to create your SFD matrix,
so click the "Create SFD matrix" button.
In the SFD matrix, enter information about the proportion of people using each type
of system and the proportion of each system that is emptied, transported and treated.
Remember you can look up detailed definitions in the Glossary of the SFD manual.
If you want to add or remove systems just go back to Step One – unchanged data will
not be lost.
Step Three: Click on the “Draw SFD graphic” button to create your
SFD graphic. You can still go back and make changes in your systems
selection or in the matrix –
unchanged data will still not be lost.
When you are satisfied, click the "Download data" and "Download selected file" buttons
(after selecting the type of output); these export your data and the graphic for sharing or
importing into reports and publications.
When you have finished or you want to start a new SFD graphic, you must
click the reset button,
, at the top of the page.
This command clears all data and resets the SFD graphic generator so that you can start again.
Data required for creating an SFD graphic are stored in individual json text files.
Each file contains the raw data describing a city and its sanitation systems.
When an SFD json file is uploaded into this web page, the tool automatically populates
the SFD selection grid and the SFD matrix and draws the SFD graphic.
If you wish, you can then tweak the system (by adding and/or deleting systems or
changing values) to produce an updated version.
If you do make changes, remember to click the "Download data" button at the end of the process.