Richmond Fontaine + Alana Levandoski, Brudenell Social Club, 8/3/10

richmond Fontaine

Several people over the last year or so have recommended Richmond Fontaine to me in a if you like them youll love these kind of way. I couldnt make their last Leeds performance and so was very pleased when they squeezed another night in Leeds into their schedule before leaving these shores. Support came from Canadian Alana Levandoski hey what a great room everyone loves the Brudenell.

RF plays songs that reflect the seedier, trailer park side of Americana. The band were in fine form This is the last night of our British tour so if were good its because weve been playing together for six months.and if were not its because weve drank too much beer in the last six months!. From quiet ballads to rocking out tunes that make your head reel these guys have it all. The drummer was singled out for particular praise by the crowd and rightly so.

richmond Fontaine

Yawl come back now yhear!

Bob the Chiropodist

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