Krautrock comes to Leeds (via Brighton) in the shape of Fujiya & Miyagi. Id only heard one track by them Ankle Sprains on a Mojo Compilation but that was enough to get me to the gig. Driving beats with fantastic bass lines.


They mention their name a lot and types of ice cream but other than that – I’ve no idea what they were singing about……but and with songs about the ghost of Lena Zavaroni, its probably just as well. Ankle Sprains turns out to be the lead track on their 2007 LP Transparent Things great stuff – Go and buy it!

Nice crowd too – Met Si and Jo and Malcolm, some old Leeds gig scene-sters who were planning to go to every festival in the UK this summer – lucky buggars – agreed to meet stage left at the animal collective at Glastonbury……or was it stage right…..
Support came in the shape of 2 DJ sets that were basically boys noodling on their macs you may have noticed Im a big fan of macs but this wasnt my cup of tea. Technology that does what you want it to do is fine by me, but this just seemed to be technology lead weve got a fuzzbox and were gonna use it syndrome.

fujiya fujiya

That week-end I was listening to Brian Matthews sounds of the 60s when I heard a Fujiya bass line turn up the radio and it turns out to be The Equals with Viva Bobby Joe. He then went on to play a Cliff and the Shadows tune Id never heard before but liked (Dont talk to him from 63) and a track by the Cinderellas that could have been from the She and Him album. He then played a brace of Tony Hatch tunes that got me thinking whats the difference between that and Joe Meek? Why is Meek SO loved and Hatch not Probably because he died youngalways a winner in showbiz


Spirit of the land

Bit of a cheat this month – Spent a wonderful month with the family in New Zealand (and Australia for a few days). Had a fantastic time at Nadine and Declans wedding in Wellington, toured the south bit of NZ (South Island) in a campervan…..saw seals on the road, Penguins on the beach, Albatrosses in the air even a Tuatara in the bush. Sailed on Doubtful Sound and went canyoning (abseiling & an 8m jump) – you must come round sometime and let me show you my photos………but no gigs.

Came home via Sydney (thanks to Rob and Ros) and did get to see the didjiridu player from Spirit of the Land playing at Circular Quay. He kindly signed a copy of their CD ($10 – a bargain). If you like Trance, I can highly recommend it. Circular breathing…..How do they do that!?

Spirit of the land

Bob the Chiropodist



Sledge and I were a bit early so popped to the Celtic loving Irish pub down the road from the New Roscoe for a quick pre-gig pint. They could have sold tickets! Very drunk Irish and Scottish friends falling out, nearly fighting and then making up in the time it took us to sup our pints – which is hard to do when you’re starring and your mouth is wide open…..There was a sense of anarchy in the air

monkey wrenches

A Great night at the New Roscoe kicked off with The Monkey Wrenches playing able support with a crazy rocking folk-tinged cacophany of sound including a cover version of Depeche Modes ‘I just can’t get enough’.

Chatted to Damien who during our conversation, told me about a Pogues DVD he had and it struck me that there was something of the spirit of the Pogues that was infusing the evening. The Ukrainians are like a Russian version of the Pogues with a backbeat that could knock down any iron curtain (their drummer looks more bank manager than rock and roll but you should NEVER judge a book by its cover!).


The guys were playing stuff from the new LP and I’m happy to report that I couldn’t tell the difference between the new and the old stuff. Pete Solowka invited the audience to dance and many a whirling dervish and arm flailing followed – it’s hard to stay still when these guys are playing!

Anarchy in the UK kind of summed up the evening – Great Stuff!

Bob The Chiropodist

PS old photos of the Weddoes Ukrainian tour here

It has been a while since I went to an NME awards show the last one was in 2001 with Alfie, Starsailor, Amen and JJ72none of whom I can remember hearing lately. So perhaps these gigs are not a sign of things to come, but more a sign of the times. Id seen Glasvegas at Glastonbury last year and thought they were so-so, but knew nothing by the other bands. I therefore listened without prejudice as I joined Simon at a full house at what turned out to be one of the loudest gigs I’ve attended since Leftfield shook the foundations of the same building 14 years ago when it was the T+C.


Florence and the Machines were first dont often see harps on stage do you? Florence has a tremendous presence and can certainly work a crowd – a star in the making! Dressed in a Haight-Ashbury top she could well have come direct from the 60s as apposed to the other 3 bands who were all rooted in the 80s. This shouldnt come as a surprise music tends to get reinvented every 20 years or so. The 50s were big in the 70s (Mud, Rubettes.etc.) The 60 were big in the 80s (Stone Roses, The Smiths) The 70s were big in the 90s (Flared trousers for gods sake!) so it goes that the 80s should be reinvented for the naughties.

white lies

White Lies are 4 skinny indie kids who sound like the bastard children of Joy Division and Duran Duran. Hugely enjoyable, even if you could sing ‘Her name is Rio’ along to the odd track….the crowd went nuts when Florence reappeared to sing on one song. With a number one album under their belts it seemed a bit churlish to have them as third billing but when the Friendly Fires came on oh my! you could tell why.

friendly fires

Infused with spirit of Talking Heads and New Order, these guys had me pogo-ing from the first infection beats til the last. When I was 17 I went out with a girl called Celine. When she told her mate shed started going out with me, her mate said Have you seen him dance! No, why? well, I used to dance the way Friendly Fires frontman Ed MacFarlane does always a good way to get a space round you on the dancefloor!


And finally to Glasvegas, or Jesus and Mary Chain Lite as Ive heard them described. They have all the posturing and image and guitar feedback that, 20 years ago I might have fallen, for but there was just a bit too much Wo Ow Ow WoooooooW-ing for my liking. Behind the JAMC feed back there was always a stripped down pop sensibility that I dont got from Glasvegas live perhaps I should give their LP a spin. The other event that may have clouded my judgement was the pint-pot of piss that hit Si and I before they came on. What kind of moron cant make it to the toilet? What kind of arsehole then thinks its fun to throw it at someone else. By the taste of it though mate I think youve got diabetes. Heres hoping you suffer a long painful death with rancid septic ulcers following you to the grave consider yourself cursed.

Bob the Chiropodist

Looking back at 2008, Id managed to go to a gig a month.except for July. My new years resolution was therefore to go to at least one gig a month this year. So when Tony says do you fancy going to see Baskery this week-end? I think who are they? 3 Swedish sisters who sing bluegrass..sounds interesting..and Anna Elias is supporting Who? They used to be Bodixa Now I really liked them when we saw them back in 2004 supporting Roddy Frame (I never knew that Going down the dip was about him going to his local pub The Diplomat before that) and Lee was moved to buy their Pray for rain EP.

So it was off to The Brudenell for another top night. Anna Elias & the Forlorn Hopes were achingly beautiful with gorgeous vocals, intricate acoustic guitars backed by a cello. I found myself quite mesmerised, reminding me of the Crying theatre scene from Mulholland Drive Powerful stuff.

anna elias

Baskery are an odd combination which shouldnt work but ultimately does. 3 sisters from Sweden, one slapping a double bass, one singing and playing guitar and one playing Banjo (often sounding as raucous as Bob Log III) whilst she sings and plays the drums with her feet (and mouthorgan on one tune).. These good time gals could give the Dixie chicks a run for their money go catch em!


Bob the Chiropodist

PS After posting this review, Harvey (Mr Anna Elias – on left of photo) sent an email….

Just a quick note to say thanks v. much for the review of Anna at the baskery gig the other night. It was good to be back in Leeds and to play at the Brudenell. Great venue – has a feel of history in the way the Duchess used to…..and I’m loving your site – have spent far too long this afternoon reading the reviews & blogs when I should have been working
Top job!

What a nice man! Go and buy his CDs