Womad 2009

Ive been going to Glastonbury on and off since the 80s and used to go to the Leeds festival but am ashamed to say that this was my first WOMAD. Lee suggested it. Matty and Sally are 6 and 4 and my ex iona was taking my eldest Marisa (12) so why not.

We got there on Thursday, set up the tent in the rain, which then passed leaving a lovely rainbow that appeared to come out of the Charlton Park stately home of the Earl of Suffolk. We were camping with Marisa and her mum, Andy, Ana Luisa and their kids Valantina and Agustin, Mariella (ALs sister) her twins Gaby and Matty and their friend and Derek and his daughter Roshni Between us we had all we needed to camp comfortably.

Womad 2009

Thurs night saw Jamaican stalwarts The Skatalites play a wonderful set of Ska favourites to a bouncing crowd. Guns of Navarone, Simmer Down and Youre Wondering Now were particular highlights.
Womad 2009 skatalites

We managed to bounce away the night with Sally and Matty on our shoulders…..

Womad 2009 kids

Friday saw the arrival of WOMAD gurus Guy and Claire, our London pals who we never get to see enough. We started with a trip round the kids field where Sally and Matty had their faces painted, played on crocodiles made of old tyres and harnessed their juggling and Diablo skills.

Womad 2009 facepainting

I nearly got the hang of juggling with clubs Sledge could do it already! In the main arena, we had a go on the dodgems in the steam powered fair Matty is a mental driver!

Womad 2009 dogems

The music began with Los Desterrados who play Judeo-Spanish music from Jews who were exiled from Spain This is a 12th Century love song lively stuff but after a few tunes I had itchy feet.

Womad 2009 Los Desterrados

The beauty of WOMAD is that everything is just a short walk away (unlike Glasto where you can be a good hours walk from where youd like to be). So off to the main stage where Victor Deme had us all dancing with his Burkina Faso tunes.

Womad 2009 victor deme

It was so hot by now that I had to buy a cowboy hat to keep the sun off my neck (only a fiver). This was followed later by a long coat from the Oxfam shop (only a tenner) for that full-on Clint Eastwood look! Another nice touch was seeing our landlord for the week end the Earl of Suffolk and his good lady wife say hello, describing the festival as the most exciting thing that’s happened to them.

Womad 2009 earl of suffolk

My favourite stage was the BBC Radio 3 stage, which was just outside the arena in the woods. Hanging out under the trees to escape the sun we blissed out to Parisian Chanteuse, Hindi Zahra, who gave a low key chilled out acoustic set.

Womad 2009 Hindi zahra

The Songlines tent was next to the stage. At a previous Glastonbury Id met one of the owners whos the cousin of my mates Andy + Amber. A quick text exchange told me he was called Paul and so I introduced myself and had a good chat. Sally got some Helium balloons and I got the latest edition of Songlines with a CD featuring Ali Farka Toure in Andy Kershaws kitchen cant wait til hes back on the radio!

Ethiopian music was represented by Dub Colossus who were hard to characterise but had the Big Red Tent rocking.

Womad 2009 dub colossus

The last act I saw before retiring with the kids for the evening was Dennis Bovell and his Dub Band. The man behind LKJs forces of Victory has to be given some respect. Guy and I were soaking up the sun and the vibes whilst dancing our socks of. In the 80s we invented something called Lovers Rock

Womad 2009 dennis bovell

Lee went out in the evening and saw Solomon Burke who was apparently on top form! I managed to get to sleep when the kids did and so had a lovely long sleep.

Having enjoyed the end of Victor Demes set the day before, we started Saturday with his more chilled out set at the Radio 3 Stage for the midday kick-off. We were informed that this was his last engagement on a 15 month tour, but not by Victor whos English extended to We love you like many of the acts, French was his preferred language.

Womad 2009 victor deme

On our way to the big red tent we bumped into Vicky Beere, the trombone player I raved about from the cuban big band. Hope it won’t be too long before I hear her play again

Womad 2009

In the Big Red Tent next was one of my favourite acts of the week-end, Zimbabwes Zambezi Express. Its a show that was condensed from a stage production featuring traditional Zulu dancing, township jazz and spectacular skipping rope tricks (somersaults and leap-frogging whilst skipping!). Wonderful stuff.

Womad 2009 zambezi express

We got a taste of Etran Finatawa from Niger (a mix of artists from two conflicting tribes) before seeing the virtuosos that are Spiro. Intricate folk music, that sounds like trance, as the instruments weave around each other. The guitarist had the longest fingers Ive ever seen dont imagine theres a chord he cant play.

Womad 2009 spiro

We popped in to see Rachel Unthank & the Winterset on our way back to the tent to get the kids fed and watered. As a lover of the Geordie accent I thought Id love them but didnt make it to the end of their set maybe I was a bit far back..

Womad 2009 rachel upthank

Lee and I were both keen to see Peter Gabriel so decided to take Matty and Sally down to the arena in our wheel barrow and stake out a spot infront of the mixing desk. Oumou Sangare was on, berating the crowd in a good natured way If you laugh at my English I go.

Womad 2009

Had a quick look at Ana Luisas favourite act Orishas (Gorgeous Cuban men!) who do hip hop with a Latin tilt. She swears though, that she wasnt the one who threw her knickers up on stage One of them picked up the thongs and put them on over his trousers said Sledge and he still looked cool!

Womad 2009 orishas

As Peter Gabriel came on, Matty fell asleep in the wheelbarrow and Sally underneath it wrapped in coats. Claire & Guy and Iona & Marisa joined us as we made a human shield around them which was lucky when the Steve Hackett look-a-like guy in front of us collapsed backwards in a drunken stupor before being led off by his mate.

Womad 2009

PG started a bit slow plugging his new Scratch my back idea where he gets an artist to cover one of his songs and he covers one of theirs. This ones by a young artist called Paul Simon and he did Boy in the bubble accompanied by a bank of strings and lots of bubbles from the audience. He then did a Magnetic Fields track. Hope he does Salisbury Hill says Iona. I wrote this one on a hillside says Pete Was it Salisbury I shout. This one features a cat Was it called Salisbury?

Womad 2009 peter gabriel

After a slow start his set picked up with Steam No self control Red Rain Games Without Frontiers and introduced San Jacinto with a story of its American Indian roots. As ever PGs visuals are always worth watching. The stick people background to the wonderful Big Time was hilarious and the heat camera visuals were rather creepy. And yes he did do Salisbury Hill whilst skipping in a Morris dancing stylee with his band following behind.

Womad 2009 peter gabriel

The concert was to promote his Witness.org charity that supplies video cameras and mobile phones to parts of the world where human rights are abused so locals can film whats going on and post it on the net. One such lady was Natalia Estemirova, a Chechen who had posted 2 films and was murdered two weeks ago. Her picture adorned the backdrop as he started his final song Biko, a song that never fails to raise the hairs on my arms. Thankfully the kids stayed asleep and we wheeled them back still Ho-Ho-HoooooooNah-Nah-Nah-Nahing to Biko.

Womad 2009 peter gabriel

Sunday started overcast but dry. We caught some fab Cajun tunes care of Sarah Savoy & The Francadians that had us all dancing around. I was taught the chords for Sex pistol tunes and Black Flag and realised theyre the same as Cajun ones. Sarah graphically described what these Creole songs were about and slipped in a couple of Hank Williams numbers for good measure. She even did a cookery spot later in the day showing how to make Jambalaya at the Taste the world tent.which I never got to maybe next year.

Womad 2009 sarah savoy

Next up on the main stage was the awesome Che Sudaka who are from Barcelona via Columbia and Argentina. A mad performance had us jumping around like madmen Guy showed stamina of someone half his age as his high stepping dance and Richard Jobson-esque kicks brought admiring stares from all around.

Womad 2009 che sudaka

Then the rain started and didnt stop until Monday morning. I met up with Marisa & Iona and Derek & Roshni at the front of StylOStyl 3 dancers who were classically trained as well as doing break dancing, and 3 musicians playing some wicked grooves. Some of it was a bit too freeform jazz for me but the dancers couldnt be faulted even their sweaters were cool (well, they are French).

Womad 2009  styl o styl

We then had a wander, got the kids a bubble sword and let the run riot whilst listening to Mec Yek.

Womad 2009

Saw an interview with The Ethiopiques talking about their beginnings in military bands I was in Haile Selassies body guards band. As the rain poured, 17 Hippies raised spirits with a mix of Germanic-Balkan craziness that reminded Iona of the Pogues in their hey-day.

Womad 2009 17 hippies

We hung around for the start of Nneka before heading back with the kids. It was Lees turn to stay home so after a chapter of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (my Rip-Tear-Kill! was a bit too much for Matty who woke scared in the early hours) I put on some dry clothes, waterproof pants and was back out again.

Caught some of Youssou NDour who was very good and very funny before hitting the fair again with Agustin we went for the biggest scariest ride and screamed like girls the whole time great fun!

Womad 2009 youssou n dour

One thing I always hope for at a festival, is that Ill bump into someone I know, but didnt plan to. This happened as I walked passed a guy I recognised and he looked at me twice Youre Samba arent you! Samba was the pal of the guy who scolded his foot at Glastonbury. Apparently he had it dressed at the hospital and they sent him back.

We popped in to see Roy Ayers but quickly left when we realised it was Jazz-fusion.not our favourite.and caught Ba Cissoko from Guinea on the Radio3 stage who was AWSOME! Driving Kora to a dub bass had me jumping around again. The last song had a heavy metal kora solo never heard anything quite like it must find some stuff by these guys!

Womad 2009 ba cissoko

Agustin was exhausted so Sledge took him home whilst I checked out The Ethiopiques intrigued having heard the interview I got to the front..and about 12 white French guys came on playingJazz-Fusion (!). So off I went exploring bits of the site Id not done yet including an African drum stall. Had a great chat with the owner and was very close to buying one. Id been entranced by a guy playing a calabash earlier in the festival with just his hands and a shakey egg, but I was down to my last few quid

The last act I saw was again one of my faves Darbar Morchang Party were 5 guys from the Thar desert in Rajasthan (a place where Ive slept under the stars). The 3 in the middle played Jews harps in a Trance like fashion with a Mridangam player and their super serious master playing some clacky things. I could have listened all night.

Womad 2009 Darbar

Back to our huge tent, where we sat inside chatting and drinking til the wee hours. Sledge became my favourite science guru as we talked sewage Did you know that now we have nice beaches by not pouring our sewage into the sea, there are less fish in the North Sea and cleanliness Supermarkets insist that the Veg on the shelves has only a certain amout of micro organisms on it which means lots of washing and waisting of energy, when the cheese in the same supemarkets has much higher levels in it wheres the sense in that!

Packing up Monday morning there was none of the panic to leave the site early that you get at certain other festivals. I was quite sad to leave but I will definitely be back next year can I get my ticket now?

Bob the Chiropodist

Joseph Arthur

In 1996 as a subscriber of Peter Gabriels Real World Notes I received a CD with each copy. Artists on the Real World label got to play their wears on these 16 CD, which sadly ended in 2003. On issue 3, track number 2 was a song by a new American artist, called Big City Secret. The artist was Joseph Arthur. Peter Gabriel had signed Joseph to Real World, after being presented with a demo tape by his A&R associate in New York. I instantly liked the original sound and wistful lyrics. I bought the album and was hooked. But this time a prolific songwriter had hooked me. Tripping lightly from grunge rock to bazaar tunes about cockroaches and spiders with melodic guitars and a hard voice, I have found it difficult to really categorise this singer-songwriter. But aint that true of all the best ones?

His first album Big City Secrets was followed a long four years later by Come to Where Im From. The rather long gap was filled with a fine EPs, which sadly I didnt get my hands on. However one song Vacancy from the EP of the same name was on Real World Notes. Much to my pleasure, this sad mournful song was the second song at the Brudenell Social Club gig, played solo using sound loops from his own guitar as his backing track.


Further EPs called Junkyard Hearts followed the second album. But here Josephs career changed from many artists in that his pace of song production keeps accelerating. Redemptions Son was published 2002 (the last at Real World), Our Shadows Will Remain in 2005, and Nuclear Daydream in 2006. This last albums song Slide Away finally got the reserved English of Leeds on their feet and joining the band for their party.

In 2006 Joseph gained an official band The Lonely Astronauts, with whom a prolific spell of writing resulted in Lets Just Be in 2007. This album is loud and certainly has a wild punk element within it. I think there are some rough gems on this album, in particular and being a podiatrist, I love Cocaine Feet, which put in an appearance in Leeds.

2008 was just a remarkable year. Joseph brought out four solo EPs, Could We Survive, Crazy Rain, Vagabond Skies, and Foreign Girls. Although not with the full Lonely Astronauts input, members appear here and there. However, back with the band Joseph also released Temporary people. I think his and the bands work last year are as fine as anything before and contrary to the thought that 38 songs released in one year must lead to a load of same sounding clap trap, every song seems fresh and original as his first album 12 years earlier.
That talent was very evident at the Brudenell, with songs from across his wide catalogue to a fair number of new songs. His gritty, witty and often sad lyrics are punctuated with true protest songs, something regrettably so many modern artists seem to have lost the stomach for.


Joseph Arthur still has something to say, and I hope Im going to have a chance to hear him say it again, live. Joseph interacts with his audience and drew the Leeds crowd to their reluctant feet by will power, a lone hippy dancer and Bob Longworths ability to be a gig yob at the first opportunity. By the time he sang ‘Faith’ he had everyone like putty in his hands. The band of Greg (G Wiz) Wieczorek,, Kraig Jarret Johnson and the rather too delightful Sybil Buck supported Joseph with humour (when things didnt go quite as planned) and some fine talent. Other highlights were In the Sun, which has been covered by Peter Gabriel, and Michael Stipe of REM, and a new song crying out against the suppression of the tentative moves for freedom in Iran.


Great as all this was the spirit of the evening was summed up after the event. While signing CDs of the gig, burnt before our eyes, someone passed a guitar for Joseph to sign. On this acoustic guitar he started to sing You are Free, a song not sung that evening. His backing group, so necessary for this song, became those waiting for an autograph. Truly I can say, We have sung with Joseph Arthur. This man has passion in and for his music. An excellent night I shall never forget. Please check out this artist because he is so undeservedly unknown. And yet from Scrubs to House to Lie to me, his songs are around in the media all the time. Once you have an album or two youll be so pissed you missed him at the Brudenell!

Andy (Footy) Horwood

Cuban big band
Sue Miller has brought a lot of joy to Leeds in her time with bands like Charanga Del Norte, and her latest featuring 20+ able musicians, The Cuban Big Band. Our friend Ana Luisa, from Chile, is one of the 4 singers and we try to see her whenever she performs. So Sunday afternoon found us at Seven, an arts centre in Chapel Allerton where The Cuban Big Band Mamboed thier way into our hearts.

Cuban big band
Sue introduced each song with an explanation of where it had come from and what it meant. “The lyrics to this one are ‘bring the cakes from your oven to me’ which is a literal translation but what they’re actually saying is come over here and we’ll….well, you know”.
Cuban big band

It was a joyous occasion. Singer (and Spanish teacher) Soraya had us laughing, teaching us Spanish phrases to sing. We learnt that the clarinet player was off to Sheffield to study music and the drummer, surely has the best waxed moustache ever.
Cuban big band

It wasn’t long before spontaneous dancing broke out leaving me once again determined to learn how to salsa dance…well, one of these days…

Cuban big band

Getting this number of talented people together must have been a mammoth task so well done to all involved. There were so many good musicians it’s unfair to pick one out….but the phat sound the trombone player was making had me smiling – she could join The Specials any day.

Cuban big band

Seven is a great venue. The architect who designed it, Rob, was there as his misses, Kate, was playing trumpet in the band. My daughter Marisa, caught up with their daughter Ella (they went to primary school together just down the road) and Marisa bumped into her English teacher there…..just what community centres are all about! One of my ex patients Bernardo was there too and judging by his moves on the dance floor – I think I’ve cured him 😉
Cuban big band

Bob the Chiropodist

I first saw ACR in Feb 1981 at Fagins in Manchester with my cousin Digger After bus fare and entrance fees, we had enough money for half a pint of lager between us. They were a mysterious band who played weird rhythms that I found alien but exciting. They were part of the Factory scene which I loved so I guess I tried a little harder to like them than I would most bands, but it paid off. A series of classic 12″ singles and albums that started as avant garde then mutated into funk/acid/disco/hard to pin down. When they were accused of making Thinking mans dance music they countered “We’d rather people dance than think”.


I followed them through thick and thin. The Hacienda days (Theyre pictured in its Gay Traitor cocktail bar on the cover of Id like to see you again) were my favourite times with the awesome slapping bass of I need someone tonite and the dreamy dance of Knife slits water. These photos are fom Fac 51 in June 84.


I was dancing at the front of one of their gigs at the Tropicana club (19/12/84) with a couple of other blokes everyone else was standing on the periphery of the dance floor. A few weeks later, I went to see New Order and one of the guys Id been dancing with was the singer of the support band Happy Mondays fellow Little Hultonian Saun Ryder.

I’d go to see them religiously and they never let me down. Their stuff just got better and better with ‘Life’s a scream’ and ‘Wild Party’.
The last time I saw them was at the cities in the park gig (1991). Theyd got into the acid rave scene and I was less enamoured with there sound. Still the odd wonderful track like The Big E and the 4 for the floor EP but I lost touch. An LP of remixes had a great reworking of Shack up but Im not into all that Give my song to someone trendy and let them make it sound like one of their songs remix type stuff.

So when Dr P informed me they were coming to Leeds I snapped up a ticket and we had a 7 strong posse up for it..which on the night turned out to be just John Tony and I. You others REALLY missed out! They were on blistering form mixing up a heady cocktail of old and new tunes. Listening to the old stuff, you realised just how funky the bass and drums combo was – Don Johnsons drumming is like a steam train coming at ya. Do the du and Flight were note perfect, Mickey Way had new samples in it and to my great surprise, they did a cover of JDs Heart and Soul (not for the 1st time) which was blissful. This band should be headlining festivals and filling stadiums. The jam on Si Firmi O Grido was amazing. Such a privilege to see them at everyones favoutite little venue – the BSC

acr setlist

Some more photos from Tony…….

acr leeds

acr leeds

acr leeds

acr leeds

Si, Mark and I travelled down to the festival from Lincoln, early on the Wednesday this year. A journey that should take 4 hours took 6 due to heavy traffic, but we were lucky. Others had taken that long to get from Bristol – the M5 motorway was closed most of the day due to an accident and festival goers were delayed longer and longer as the day went on. The festival site opens on the Wednesday and it looked 80% full by that night.

My only complaint with this years festival was that there was too much good stuff on the main stage which meant I didnt explore the rest of the site as much as I usually do. The weather was superb – too hot at times, had us scrambling for shade at some points.

Thursday night the FMS house-band The Mandrills entertained with a brace of covers that had us all dancing. Working the next day, I had to make an early exit, only to be woken about 2ish by Mark “Bob, you awake? Michael Jacksons died!” “And you woke me because.?!”. One foot we saw on the Friday morning had been scolded the day before when a pan of boiling water was spilt on it. “You’ll need to go off site to the Hospital” says the doc “Noooo!” says the injured party “not til after the Streets?!!!”.

After work I was able to catch Hugh Cornwell in the Acoustic tent. His bass player was a busty lass (but still not as sexy as JJ).

hugh cornwell

A gang of us met up in front of the pyramid stage and lay in the sun, soaking up the Fleet Foxes harmonies and having a dance to Lily Allen who was on top form.


We moved closer for The Specials who blasted through a fantastic brace of songs including my personnel faves ‘Rat Race’ and ‘Friday night Saturday Morning’. “It’s TOO HOT!” became one of the catchphrases of the week-end. ‘Rudi, a message to you’ had us all “De de ded ded der derrrr-ing” and I this thats when my voice went. With the BNP winning seats we need them more than ever!

Neil Young was just fantastic – he was so into what he was doing! The multiple endings to Rockin in the free world were hilarious; each one greeted with louder and louder cheers. He did the Beatles ‘Day in the life’ as an encore breathing new life into it.

neil young

This was Marks first Glastonbury. I was pretty sure he’d have a good time but you can never tell. “Bob, if it had finished tonight, it would have been an amazing festival”………”I know, and another 2 days to go”.
neil young

Saturday started with us trying to see Rolf Harris. We dawdled on our way to the Jazz World stage (saw a very good singer in the Queens Head on the way down) and by the time we got there the field was packed. Rolf came on and was a small white shirted figure in the distance. ‘Tie me kangaroo down sport’ and ‘the court of King Caractacus’ and we squeezed our way back towards the market place and then to ‘Tinariwen‘ on the Pyramid. On the drive down to the festival, Si had played us an ‘Eagles of Death Metal’ album, which was rock, not death metal. We stayed for them and then had a wander down to through the markets to the south side of the site. We popped our heads into the Avalon stage as ‘The Lancashire Hotpots’ were playing – great stuff especially ‘Chippy Tea’ and the one about his shop mobility motor.


Near trash city we paused in the shade whilst a band was rocking it out on top of a high stage before heading for more shade c/o the circus tent…..


….where the worst act of the week-end (2 jugglers stretching some mediocre tricks into a full sub music hall type act – very poor) was on. We lay down and snoozed whilst waiting for the gang to gather. There were some good acts on like the 2 cowboy ladies on the ropes trying to out do each other to a duelling banjos sound track, and the earnest, expressive acrobatic dancers who were making a point about something, but I’m wasn’t quite sure what.


Mark then went off to see ‘Crosb,y Stills and Nash’ whilst the rest of us headed to the Dance area for a teatime rave. It’s always a packed part of the festival, but I just don’t get rave culture (guess I’m just too old or on the wrong drugs) so off to the John Peel stage where ‘Passion Pit‘ were playing to a warm crowd. Having been impressed by her on the NME tour, we hung around for ‘Florence and the Machine‘. and was glad we did. High heels, hot pants, tassles, flaming red hairwhat a star! We’d heard her play the live lounge on radio one on the way down and she was really good – sounded so kookie and emotional. She climbed the scaffolding at one point (not easy in those heels) and at the end of one song she was obviously on the edge of tears (happy ones I think but you never know with a girl like that) and the crowd sensing it, cranked up the noise another notch. Her final song brought the house down ‘You got the love’ – Awesome stuff!


There was then another split in the ranks. Some headed off to see that eight legged groove machine that is the ‘Wonder Stuff’ whilst the rest of us stayed for the Boss ‘Bruce Springsteen‘ who easily pulled the biggest crowd of the week-end. He didn’t play many tunes I knew, but his energy could have lit up the festival twice over. A joyous, elated affair. Over 2.5 Hours and my attention never wavered..apart from needing the loo and just as Nina and I got out of sight of the stage he stated doing ‘Born to run’ everyone we passed was playing the ‘Dow dow doww’ bit on the air guitar. ‘Dancing in the Dark’ and ‘Glory Days’ made a raucous ending to a fab show.


Afterwards, we ended up back in the circus tent after that where an S+M fire juggling troupe were whipping each other with fiery poi pois…..only at Glasto!

By Sunday, your feet are aching, you’re tired, youre kind of ready to go home really….but after a morning fry up in the sunshine and a read of the paper you thinking ‘Come on!!!!’ Mark Si and I dragged Rachel kicking and screaming to see the ‘Easy Star All Stars’ who were first up on the main stage at 11. They did a set of Sgt Pepper Reggae covers and we were right at the front. We stayed there for ‘Staus Quo‘ who were fantastic! I’ve always liked their singles but never really taken them seriously. My mates dad (Bob Dawson) always raved about them and as they started I could see why – guitar riffs AC/DC would be proud of and an interchange of guitars, the precision of which can only come with a lifetimes practice. They had all the shapes, the iconic guitar poses and were obviously having a ball. Even them doing ‘In the army now’ couldnt spoil it.


We next wandered up to the Acoustic tent where the Martin Harley Band were on. Harley plays the guitar on his lap to great effect.

martin harley

After a wee wander in the theatre field (with giant praying mantises) and some top nosh we had a lie down back in the acoustic tent listening to ‘Kate Walsh’ and then ‘The Penguin Cafe Orchestra’ who made a wonderful sound.


By now were really were pooped and could only lie in front of the main stage trying to rest our feet. ‘Tom Jones’ was easy on the ears even had a guy doing a strip near us to ‘You can keep your hat on’. Next was ‘Madness‘. “We’ve got to go down the front” say Lee and Mark “If they play ‘Night Boat to Cairo’ they’ll kill me!” I even had to dance to that with a bad back when I heard it on 6music breakfast recently  – “Perhaps you’ll die during ‘Cardiac Arrest'” Mark quips “Perhaps you’ll shit yourself during ‘Embarrassment'”…and so, even though my legs scream NO! I know I’ll regret it if I dont……so do…..and, oh boy…..was I glad I did! Perhaps the performance of the week-end! Tired as I was, you just had to run on the spot in an exaggerated nutty boy type way when you hear ‘House of fun’ ‘Baggy Trousers’ ‘Wings of a dove’…..so many wonderful songs with Suggs quips between songs – would definitely go and see them again! Lee got the guy next to him up on his shoulders then the guy returned the favour – everyone had big smiles on their faces. This is our last song and they do ‘Madness’ Superb! Then just as it ends……the low Sax ships horn of ‘Night boat to Cairo’! thankfully, I’m here to tell the tale.


Nick Cave dedicated the Bad Seeds set to “The late, great, talented…..Farrah Fawcett Majors” Who’d died the same day as Jackson! The stuff off Dig Lazarus Dig is so powerful live and blends in seamlessly with the old classics, ‘Tupelo’, ‘Deanna’, ‘Weeping Song’ ‘Red right hand’..etc..etc. He’s ferocious live, ploughing his own perculiar black vision.

nick cave

Festival closers were the reformed ‘Blur‘ who did a greatest hits set of the highest order. ‘Tender’ was my fave I first heard it during times of emotional difficulty and the “Come on, Get through it! Loves the greatest thing” line that gets endlessly repeated became a bit of a mantra for me. Damon got emotional at one point but they certainly pulled it off with ‘Song 2’ – blisteringly good.

Another vintage year of my favourite festival – Long may you run!


Bob the Chiropodist