half man biscuit leeds 2009

A rare live treat as the band with the worlds funniest lyrics ‘Half Man Half Biscuit’ came to town and what a glorious occasion it was. ‘Calvin Party’ got things off to a raucous start with ‘Lies and Government’ being one of my faves since I heard it live on John Peel many moons ago. HMHB were of course favourites of Peelie (& Kershaw but I don’t want to talk about him in the past tense…..fingers crossed for a come back soon). Their set tonight covered all of their albums and had us all laughing. I felt like the only one in the audience who didn’t know all the songs!
Nigels banter was worth the entrance fee alone “I visited Morley cemetery – the bloke who invented the crossword is buried there…..his grave is 7 down and 4 across” and he demanded more from the smoke machine threatening to do ‘Bela Lugosi’s Dead’

half man biscuit leeds 2009

From old favourites like ‘I left my heart at papworth general’ (“Jim can you fix it for me, to come round and suck out your kidneys. I’ve got this young brother you see, who wants to stay alive to watch Bilko”) to the joyous ‘Joy Division Oven Gloves’ and ‘Vatican Broadside’ (“…The singer out of Slipknot went to Rome to see the Pope and the Pope said to his aide – ‘Who the fuckin hell are Slipknot?’…”).

They don’t come round often so do yourself a favour – get a ticket when they do and buy their albums so you can happily sing along.
Bob the Chiropodist

Another review here

Jonathan Richman Leeds 2009

Its been 24 years since I last paid to see the same artist, 2 nights on the trot, in different cities, and that was for Jonathan Richman too. At that time I was accompanied by McD and Lee. This time, McD came last night and Lee tonight.

Jojos Manchester gig
the night before had been fantastic, but at the Brudenell Social Club in Leeds, he really was on fire – a more joyous gig I cant imagine. A very different set from the previous night had him do one of my all time faves ‘When I Dance’ and my new found fave ‘My Baby Loves Loves Loves Me‘.

jojo leeds

‘I Was Dancing In The Lesbian Bar’ turned into a drum and dance fest that saw Jojo abandon his Spanish guitar for sleigh or cow bells, moving and shaking and high kicking like a man half his age. Tommy Larkin on drums adds a new dimension to his sound and often Jojo just stands back and watches him, obviously having fun with a smile like a Cheshire cat.

jojo leeds

As ever its his asides during songs that give big laughs and endear him to his audience. ‘This ones in French, just cos it sounds better that way’ Lee, who’s fluent in French was highly amused because his internation was just the same in French! ‘On Her beauty is raw and wild’ he broke off after the line “she dont need nothing in her hair – You know she says to me Jonathan, sometimes I do put things in my hair and I say I know I’m just saying you dont have to, thats what it says in the song, you have to listen to the lyrics cos I’m very precise with my words” and back into the song.

jojo leeds

There were wonderful moments of sublime guitar playing when you could hear a pin drop and then rock out joy when he sang about Keith Richards (‘Loud as a steam train, Skinny as a rake’). My gig of the year so far……and that’s saying something

Bob the Chiropodist

Another review here

Jonathan Richman Manchester 2009

I love love love Jonathan Richman so much, its hard to put it into words. Since first seeing him at Glastonbury in 85 with McD, we got to see him 6 or 7 times over the next 3 years. At Glasto he played electric guitar with a bass and drums. In 86 he didnt play guitar at all, just sax and had Todd and Andy on guitars the percussion was the band and stamping and clapping (I loved those gigs). Then in 88 he toured with just a drummer (Johnny Avila) and after that just on his own. I remember seeing him in London one time when he said that Gail (his wife) was coming over to join him on tour. We saw him a week or so later and I shouted Wheres Gail? and she hadnt come and the set went down hill into melancholia. The shows on his own were always prone to do that. The CDs started having less of the stuff I liked and after one that had Spanish versions of his songs, he just fell off my radar.

So when a pal emailed earlier this year to say he was playing at the Brudenell (Thanks Justine!) I got Lee and I tickets and phoned McD who said Hes playing Manchester the night before youve got to come over it wont be the same without you so what was I going to do The new CD was obtained which hasnt left the kitchen player since. You tube was trawled for his latest performances..anticipation was rising..after 21 years.we were going to see Jojo again!

The Deaf Institute is a wonderful place for a gig worth a visit to see the wallpaper alone. As we got to the entrance to the bar, after the first flight of stairs, we were debating whether to have a jar or go up the next flight to where the gig was, when Jojo himself walks up the stairs I instinctively patted him on the back Hiya Jonathan! Thanks for coming and Mike introduced himself Hey Mike, its been a long time!. Just then someone in a wheelchair came out of the bar wanting to get past us and up to the gig.so Jojo helps carry him up the stairs. The guys a saint and a star!

At the top of the stairs we bump into Mike Colley who I havent seen for over 12 years and reminiscences start of when we saw Jojo at the Mean Fiddler in the 80s. Ill always be grateful to him for introducing me to the first Violent Femmes LP.

Jonathan played a great set of mainly new (to me) songs that had me wondering why on earth Id not seen him for 20 years hes back on form, as his new CD will testify.

Jonathan Richman Manchester 2009

His drummer Tommy Larkin kept the show moving along with his versatile drumming that included sometimes using his hands. My favourite was You can have a cell phone, not me! which included a monologue about but what if youre late for a gig? Well, then Im late.

After a couple of encores Tommy left but Jonathan was persuaded to do just one more and called for his drummer to come back..which took a while.hed changed clothes and was wearing a scarfe! They did Its better to love than to be loved and when Jojo said thats all, Tommy mouthed Really?! and off they went.

Everyone came out smiling. McD bumped into a pal whod been given a ticket cos his mate couldnt go and hadnt known what to expect I thought hed be good but I wasnt expecting him to be THAT good!

Bob the Chiropodist

Tracklist here

More pics here

foot clan leeds

7’s second ‘New whistle test’ evening had only ‘The:Foot:Clan‘ performing, as the other band pulled out due to flu. With a name like that, you’d expect a Podiatrist to love this band……but it wasn’t really my cup of tea. Fronted by a hugely talented lead singer (who was born for the stage) they could be going places – but not the places I’m going.

The evening started with the synth player throwing a tantrum about the sound, then the compare did the unfunniest stand up routine I’ve ever had the misfortune to sit through. If he’s going to be a regular then I’m not.

The four (sl cliched in their baseball caps and long shorts) guys who provided the beats, tunes and scratching were obviously into it – but the lead singer was the true original spark of the act.

foot clan leeds

Bob the Chiropodist

The Fall Leeds academy October 2009
The Academy was far from full for this years Fall gig but those in attendance would testify that Mark E Smith and his gang know how to put on a show.

evil regent leeds

First up were evil regent whove recently changed their name (it worked for the Kaisers) and could be on the road to fame with anthemic pop tunes delivered with Gusto another new Oasis perhaps?

nightingales leeds academy

Next on were The Nightingales who plough the field first planted by Beefheart and formally tilled by The Gang of Four and Stump. I wonder how popular they were in their hayday and what prompted them to start over again? I have their 1986 In the good old country way LP which got a dusting off today & has some great guitar licks on it. Roberts Lloyd vocals seemed a bit too quirky for quirkys sake for me and with his penchant for waving his arse at the audience, I doubt Ill be rushing out to see them again.
The Fall Leeds academy October 2009
When The Fall took to the stage I was delighted to see the same band as last time (and the time before possibly a record!). Our pigeon chested hero gets a little more eccentric with time, as Digger put it Going to Fall gigs over the years is like watching someone slowly disintergrate.

The Fall Leeds academy October 2009

Loads of new stuff and a few old gems thrown in my favourite being Pat Trip Dispenser when they were joined by the Nightingales drummer. I loved it when the Fall had 2 drummers, and when the Weddoes did, and Adam and the ants, and Beachbuggy, and the Glitter band you cant go wrong with 2 drummers can you.

The Fall Leeds academy October 2009

On their 4th encore (yes, thats right.4th) they started playing white lightening but the management turned all their gear off. MES tried shouting for a while with just the drums but then gave up. I managed to get a bit of it on film. Cant wait for next years.

Thanks to John for the freebie and Tony for the snaps