y niwl

After emailing Marc Riley‘s BBC 6 Music show – he invited me over to see what goes on in the studio. He generally has a live band on and tonight’s was ‘Y Niwl‘ which is Welsh for Fog. I was met in reception by his producer, the lovely Michelle (in fact everyone I met was lovely – the BBC just ooozes loveliness) and got to sit with the production team whilst Marc and the band did their stuff.

And is it all really live? Yes it is (and you’re not allowed to lie on the beeb any more are you). “We have our own back line here” explained Marc “One of these amps is mine. It means that bands can do a sound check for a gig, then just bring their instruments in, and go back and do the gig. I don’t know why more radio shows don’t do it”.

Marc can’t speak Welsh so asked band leader Alun to introduce the band and the tunes – but didn’t tell the backroom staff so his mike wasn’t on which caused a little panic… “Did he tell you he was going to do that!”When I found out who was playing, I bought Y Niwl’s LP and single – great surf music that Dick Dale would be proud of. The Single has three tracks on it that were obviously called ‘one’ ‘two’ and ‘three’ in Welsh. During the session they did tracks with wild names like ‘Sixteen’ and ‘Nineteen’. The sound live was awesome. Chatting to Al from the band, he was really happy with it “We usually practice in a tiny living room – sounds great in there” ‘sounds great out here!”. Inbetween their live tracks Aluns phone went “Ha! we’ve sold an lp to somewone in Newcastle!” “I got it last week” “I posted that to you!”. They’re about to go on tour with Gruff Rhys as his support and backing band – Norway, Spain, Italy, Japan – sounds glamorous to me! I liked them so much, I helped them hump their stuff to the van. Top lads! In the corridoor we passed a rather dapper looking band with wild hair styles who’d been on Radcliffe and Maconies show and were waiting to do another live track – I found out later they were ‘Noah and the Whale’ “I’ve got a ticket for them in March!”.
marc + Y Niwl

During the show Marc played a track by someone who’d sent him a link to his song that day. Before the show he asked producer Michelle to listen through it to make sure there was no swearing on it. I was suprised as I remember reading that during the punk explosion, Peel and his producer Walters used to count up how many swear words there’d been in the show (Peel: “we’ve had 2 shits and a fuck so far” Walters: “sounds like a good night”) – Are people really offended by swearing these days? “It’s the present climate mate, you have to be very careful about everything”
marc riley

After the show Marc and I went for a couple of pints and had a great chat covering everything from how we, the public saved 6Music, the fall out effects of the Brand + Ross stuff at the beeb to evolution, his love of wildlife & his Whale watching radio 4 programme with Jarvis Cocker and Richard Hawley (who’s birthday it was today). Me:”even my wife’s Aunty Greta who’s in her 70’s loves Richard Hawley’ “I know – I think he’s sold his soul to the devil or something”…..’In search of the Holy Whale’ is to be aired on Saturday after Fi Glover no less – I can’t wait. A fantastic evening – Thanks Marc!

Bob the Chiropodist

marc riley

I first saw the Fall in November 1980 at the old Manchester Poly. It was a day event compared by John Peel which also featured Orange Juice and other bands I can’t remember. Marc Riley was on bass that night but the only band member I knew was the lead singer – Mark E Smith – couldn’t have told you who the others were.

In 1984 I was in the basement of Paperchase (in St Annes Square, Manchester) when I saw an LP by Marc Riley and the Creepers ‘Gross Out’. A hand written note stuck to the sleeve said he was ex of The Fall and as I had £3.49 burning a whole in my pocket, I bought it, and what a gem it was. Any album that starts “Why does a head like a boiled egg make Joe shit himself” is a winner in my book and as with the Fall, some of the best tracks were the worst recorded (‘Snipe’ being a case in point). There was a sense of humour that shone through –  ‘Earwig ODowd’ still makes me laugh.

More trips to town had me hunting for their singles, my favourites being ‘Polystiffs’ and ‘Jumper Clown’. The latter I assume referring to his ejection from The Fall by MES. Marc and other band members had been berated by MES for dancing at a disco and having a laugh. This ended up in a fist fight and you can see MESs shiner on this Auzzie TV clip – Mr Riley’s last act as a group member.

There was a great Peel session in 1984 which was subsequently released as a 12″ and spawned the awesome ‘Paisley Shirt Scene’. With a lack of band merchandise to buy, I  made my own Creepers T-shirt to wear at an open air gig they played at in Platt Fields with James, Easterhouse and Simply Red in August 1985.

marc riley

I was into taking photos around that time. I used to draw on them in felt tips and send them as postcards. As I loved the Creepers I started sending these postcards to them, signed ‘Bob the Chiropodist’. The next time I tried to see the Creepers was a gig at the new Poly in Jan 1986. I arrived late and missed them! A drinking pal (Mark from the Duke of York in Eccles) introduced me to Marc “So you’re Bob the Chiropodist” Says Marcs misses “You’re an enigma y’know” – Is that good or bad? “Oh definitely good” “Yeah, I was thinking have I met him or what?” When I asked why they were supporting ‘Age of Chance’ and the ‘June Brides’ and not headlining “Well if you headline you can’t have a drink – the June Brides are getting withdrawal symptoms back there”.

marc riley

A few months later they played a gig for amnesty international with Pete Shelley – Frank Sidebottom was the compare. Marc and Frank used to write for Oink! Magazine and I often sing my kids to sleep with the ‘Oink! Song’ which they recorded as a 7″ you got through the mag.

marc riley

After moving to London I saw them at a gig one Friday night at the George Roby (Jan 1987) with ‘Gaye Bikers on Acid’ in support. They were a great live outfit (as the live ‘Warts’n’all’ LP testifies). I was planning to go home that weekend and when I told Marc this he offered me a lift “Great!” I thought…..well, it would have been if I had a change of clothes with me, but the beer was flowing and I didnt think of that. I spent that night heading back to Manchester with the band asleep in the back of a van and ended up sleeping on the drummer Eddie Fenn’s floor. The next morning I was on the wrong side of Manchester without a clue as to where I was and it took me hours to get back to Little Hulton. It would have been quicker to get the train from Euston. Still, I’d hitched a ride with the Creepers how Rock’n’Roll was that!

The LP at that time was ‘Miserable Sinners’ with the wonderful ‘Sound as a Pound’ and ‘Stroke of Genius’ on it –  songs that get in your head and wont leave. Their last vinyl outing was 88’s ‘Rock’n’Roll Liquorice Flavour’ with ‘Derbyshire’ finishing off where Earwig O’Dowd had started.

His next project was a charity record for AIDS with the Mekons Jon Langford. They got together a galaxy of (indie) stars to do Johnny Cash covers. They even got to meet the great man as the cover testifies. The last time I saw him perform was with ‘the Rednecks’ doing Cash Covers as a support to Frank Sidebottom (Bloomsbury theatre, Nov 1988). There was a matinee and evening performance and I ended up going to both. Darlene and I took her son Oliver to the Matinee who must’ve been about 4. Marc was quipping between tracks and Oliver shouted out “You’re a very funny man” “He’ll go far that lad!”

In 1995 I left London and headed for Leeds. My job involved a lot of driving, probably 2+ hours a day behind the wheel and daytime radio was driving me mad. So I started taping Mark Radcliffe who was on Radio 1 of an evening with Marc as his sidekick ‘Lard’ (Mr Lard had started out as one of Frank Sidebottoms characters who only ever said “Lard”). I had a double tape deck that would tape both sides of both tapes, so you could just leave it running when they were on and have decent music in the car the next day. If there was something I particularly liked, I’d tranfer it to another tape for keeps. There are 30+ of these tapes that mix Marc + Mark with Peel and Kershaw shows – tapes I go back to again and again.

A few years ago we finally got a digital radio for the kitchen and discovered the wonders of BBC 6 Music. A Godsend for skinny indie kids everywhere. Marc has the 7-9pm slot with the wonderful Gideon Coe from 9-12 Mon-Thurs. Most nights the TV gets forgotten as we listen to their shows – Highly recommended.

As I’ve always done, I write in when I have something to say, the difference now being you’re pretty much interactive with email. My cousin Si, after hearing me name checked (again) accused me of being a ‘6 Music Whore!’ I’m sure there are worse things in life. It’s reconnected me with Marc and when he emailed back “You should come in one time and see a band” well, it’d be rude not too wouldn’t it.

marc + Y Niwl

Bob the Chiropodist

Francis dunnery home gig

A few years ago Our Dave and Dwayne (who record as North South Divide) took me to see Francis Dunnery. I was initially put off by the fact that he was the lead singer of crap 80’s band (my words) ‘It Bites‘. Calling all the heroes was never on my turntable! As it turned out he was nothing like the bleached blonde plastic pop star I’d imagined – he was a ferocious character, brilliant guitar player and never short of something to say. He threw a woman out of the gig for smoking at the front…..you were allowed in those days, but she apparently blew the smoke up at him on purpose which he took offence to…..he’s not to be messed with!

At that gig he announced that he was taking a break from music go to the states and do a degree in Psychology (or something like that) and that’s the last I heard of him until Dwayne contacted me to say he was having Francis round to his house to do a gig. For a few years now (6 I think he said) Francis has been all over the world playing in fan’s houses. Dave and Dwayne had been to one in York some time ago and Dwayne being such a fan had asked for one at his place.

Francis Dunnery

You sign up at his website and he’ll let you know. The word goes out and fans in the area can attend at the hosts discretion. There were about 20 of us in Dwayne and Margarets front room, a good mixture from die hard fans (Me: “I saw him about 3 years ago at the New Roscoe” Die hard fan “The New Roscoe, no, that was January 2003″) to those who’d never heard his stuff before, but had been told it would be a great night which it was!

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the whole experience was quite wonderful. Francis has, you won’t be surprised to hear, some house rules that you have to adhear to faithfully (no alcohol allowed before or during the show, no photography, no mobile phones). A bit cheeky you might think as it’s someone elses house but they were respected and nobody had to be ejected!

The show was based around his Tall Blonde Helicopter LP. He’s one of those artists who’s done it all and his stories were wound around the tracks to tell, not only a collection of great Rock’n’Roll excess stories (being reprimanded by the Sex Pistols Steve Jones for his bad behaviour), but incorporated his philosophical (that Eckhart Tolle knows a thing or two) and Astrological beliefs (“never bullshit a Scorpio”). He was backed by singer Dorie Jackson, who admitted afterwards to being a bit rusty with this set – most people ask for the ‘It Bites show’ (!).

Francis has experienced the highs of number one singles and drinkies with Mick Jagger countered by the lows of being dropped by your label and alcoholism (he hasn’t ‘Partied’ for 19 years now, hence the no booze rule). He was very honest about the love of his hair and how shaving it all off in a fit of mild insanity, whilst in a Southern US state, wasn’t a great idea…..he was then accused of being in the clan! Whilst at an AA meeting, someone did his star chart “There’s your problem – too much Saturn and not enough moon!”

He was asked if his song ‘I believe‘ could be used by Barack Obama and ended up on his tour the week before he was voted in – “Who knows what lies ahead!”

Dwayne and Margaret were great hosts – I’ve never been to a gig so close to home before. Francis made great play out of Margarets not really being into it but putting up with us all for Dwaynes sake: “I can see her drifting off now – what are you thinking about Margaret?” “I’m thinking of when to put the sausage rolls on!”. The whole night was such a great experience that has left me not only with memories of a unique gig, but also left me thinking about the meaning of life. There’s not many gigs do that to you now are there!

Bob the Chiropodist


Lees sister Mitsu is married to Stephane and lives in Paris. Stephanes brother, Jerome, turned 40 this week end and to celebrate he played a gig with his band Lee Miller at his village hall in Gahard (Brittany, France).

It wasnt just any gig, it was as part of a fundraiser for Madagascar featuring 12 hours of entertainment that encompassed a fashion show, a choir, a samba band, African drumming and a further half dozen act. This was to be Lee Millers final gig. Band members had moved away and with 2 kids under 2 in the house, Jerome felt things had come to a natural end.



Gahard is a tiny village near Rennes yet has an amazingly well equipped community hall with a stage that would grace any major town. It was here where Madfestival took place. Apologies for not knowing the names of acts hopefully one of the locals will be able to fill in the gaps. First up were a samba band who got things going with a bang. This was followed by an African drumming virtuoso.




There was plenty of time to buy cakes and artwork..etc…….


……before a choir took to the stage. Made me think of Brian Enos choir-philosophy. What you need is a good song well this choir finished with a version of Bohemian Rhapsody guitar solos and all vocalised.



There was then some rather fabulous belly dancing from (I guess) the Turkish community. Who needs a size zero when you have women like these doing their stuff



Next there was a solo performer who did a Neil Young cover as well as his own material…..


……followed by a full blown fashion show complete with pouting catwalk poses.


3 of the models later returned and did a few covers (Mad world, Smells like teen spirit) their first show.and it showed!


A duo with acoustic guitars did a much better job of entertained us (musically if not visually).



The last 3 acts were very polished. Enoalie are a duo whos Frederic Rondeau is something a bit special – I loved his guitar playing sometimes accompanied by a basic drum machine, sometimes looped guitar licks. Jerome got me a copy of their CD The Indian Field and its only after listening to it that I realised theyd sang in English.



A last minute stand in band were the penultimate act they had a hardcore following and played like a 60s pop band full of energy and confidence.



Last came Jerome and Lee Miller who did a great set. Sad to think itll be their last. Stand out track was Ca cause hiver from their Sortida dEmergencia EP

Lee Miller


After nearly 12 hours of entertainment it was now disco time. Lee and I were SO tired that we made our excuses and left to gaze at the stars on the way back to Jerome and Virginies house. J+V stayed on for many more hours dancing and the clearing the hall. A fabulous day and well worth the trip.




Bob the Chiropodist




On a cold November evening, a meeting of the Quite Interesting Music Society was convened at Dr Ps house with the subject of The Bedroom. The evening was run from his iPad via a Sonos unit. John Grant won Mojos album of the year and hes playing a church in Leeds next year, but Ive no idea what hes like says I. Lets have a listen then and a couple of taps on the screen later, Napster are playing us Queen of Denmark loud and clear..jealous? Me!!

The subject of this meeting was The Bedroom which led to a lot of soporific tunes with Rogers choices inspired by the different stages of sleep (see below) and a fair share of intimate activity tunes with Jezs themed around four Fs – Flirtation, Foreplay, Fornication and Falling asleep (I couldnt think of an F for morning regret).

Ballad of John and Yoko The Beatles (Bob)

The English Patient theme (Hungarian Lullaby) Gabriel Yared (Roger) “Pre-sleep”

In My Room Langley School project (John)

Primitive Painters Felt with Elizabeth Fraser (Simon) My teenage years were spent in my bedroom listening to John Peel who introduced me to a whole new world of music this track combines two of my favourites from that era

Why dont we get drunk (and screw) Jimmy Buffett (Jez)

Tuesday Morning The Pogues (Bob) “No Shane but still pure class”

Starlings Elbow (Roger) Beginning stage of sleep – for those Myoclonic Jerks

Dirty Dream No.2 Belle & Sebastian (John)

Some girls are bigger than others the Smiths The kind of thing you discover in your bedroom

Closer Nine Inch Nails (Jez) inspired by Sometimes Jasmine Pender of Pleasure Brides

Closer Jonathan Richman (Bob) Same song name different sentiment!

Living Dub Primal Scream (Roger) “2nd stage of sleep – that woozey stage”

Sex Life Black Box Recorder (John)

Toothpaste Kisses The Maccabees (Si)

Underwear Pulp (Jez) Which upset Bob cos he wanted to play Babies

Bed & Breakfast Man Madness (Bob)

Deep Blue Day Brian Eno (Roger) “1st Stage of sleep”

Sex (Pussyface) Teardrop Explodes (John)

The Menstrual Rag Amateur Transplants (Si)

Caress Me Down Sublime (Jez)

Sleep Will Come Durutti Column (Bob) From the From Brussels with love Compilation the only record I have in 3 formats. It originally came out as a cassette when this track was credited to Vini (Reilly) and Jez (Kerr). I then got it as a double LP with a sl different track list and just got it again on CD with the orig tracks but some different credits

Comfortably numb Pink Floyd (Roger)”3rd stage of sleep”

When You Sleep My Bloody valentine (John)

I Sleep Alone Richard Hawley (Si)

Why I cant stand one night stands Catatonia (Jez)

Bedsitter Soft Cell (Bob)

Karma Coma (Portishead mix) Massive Attack (Roger) “5th Stage of sleep”

Atmosphere Joy Division (John) whats the connection here? That lineyou turn away in your sleep thats from love will tear us apart Course it is! Well, theres usually an atmosphere in my bedroom

Emergency Contraception Blues Bombay Bicycle Club (Si)

Sleeping in the devils bed Daniel Lanois (Si)

Vibrator Motorhead (Jez)

Back in the night Dr Feelgood (Bob)

Undertow REM (Roger) “I could have just done R.E.M. songs of course”

Bedhezd Sleeper (John)

Dominoes Big Pink (Si)

You Shook Me All Night Long AC/DC (Jez)

Rogers reasoning:

We sleep in bed.

My choices are based upon the following insights!
The Beginnings of Sleep

During the earliest phases of sleep, you are still relatively awake and alert. The brain produces what are known as beta waves, which are small and fast. As the brain begins to relax and slow down, slower waves known as alpha waves are produced. During this time when you are not quite asleep, you may experience strange and extremely vivid sensations known as hypnagogic hallucinations. Common examples of this phenomenon include feeling like you are falling or hearing someone call your name.

Another very common event during this period is known as a myoclonic jerk. If you’ve ever startled suddenly for seemingly no reason at all, then you have experienced this seemingly odd phenomenon. While it may seem unusual, these myoclonic jerks are actually quite common.

Stage 1

Stage 1 is the beginning of the sleep cycle, and is a relatively light stage of sleep. Stage 1 can be considered a transition period between wakefulness and sleep. In Stage 1, the brain produces high amplitude theta waves, which are very slow brain waves. This period of sleep lasts only a brief time (around 5-10 minutes). If you awaken someone in the stage, they might report that they weren’t really asleep.

Stage 2

Stage 2 is the second stage of sleep and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. The brain begins to produce bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity known as sleep spindles. Body temperature starts to decrease and heart rate begins to slow.

Stage 3

Deep, slow brain waves known as delta waves begin to emerge during stage 3 sleep. Stage 3 is a transitional period between light sleep and a very deep sleep.

Stage 4

Stage 4 is sometimes referred to as delta sleep because of the slow brain waves known as delta waves that occur during this time. Stage 4 is a deep sleep that lasts for approximately 30 minutes. Bed-wetting and sleepwalking usually occur at the end of stage 4 sleep.

Stage 5

Most dreaming occurs during the fifth stage of sleep, known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is characterized by eye movement, increased respiration rate, increased brain activity. REM sleep is also referred to as paradoxical sleep because while the brain and other body systems become more active muscles become more relaxed. Dreaming occurs due because of increased brain activity, but voluntary muscles become paralyzed.

Sleep does not progress through these stages in sequence, however. Sleep begins in stage 1 and progresses into stages 2, 3 and 4. After stage 4 sleep, stage 3 and then stage 2 sleep are repeated before entering REM sleep. Once REM sleep is over, the body usually returns to stage 2 sleep. Sleep cycles through these stages approximately 4 or 5 times throughout the night.

On average, we enter the REM stage approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep. The first cycle of REM sleep might last only a short amount of time, but each cycle becomes longer, so REM sleep can last up to an hour as sleep progresses.