Eli paperboy reed leeds 2011

My word, after WOMAD, Deershed, Ash and the Dickies in close proximity I wasnt really looking forward to this as I was KNACKERED! Id got the tickets some time ago and and hadnt realised it was so close to the others gigs..anyhow, I dragged Sledge along and we were both bloody glad I did a fantastic night.


christopher rees leeds 2011


I cant remember the Brudenell ever being as hot as that before support Steve Smyth apologised in advance “Sorry but theyre gonna make you move!”. He didnt do a bad job himself great guitar skills and a sweet voice that was unexpected from his wild-man hairy exterior. He did a lovely version of Summertime to the tune of Stairway to Heaven but it was his off mike manic head shaking I loved. Sledge got his CD and I cant wait to hear it.


Eli paperboy reed leeds 2011


Eli Paperboy Reed & the True Loves nearly took the roof off the place with their brand of smokin soul. Eli is an all rounder who does amazing guitar licks as well as screaming out tune after tune. His band are so tight! The keyboard player made a great MC and the drummer was the happiest min ain the world – I’m sure his smile could be seen from the moon. The crowd loved it and during Take my love with you I initiated singing in the instrumental break Everywhere You Go! which got repeated in a call and response style ACE!


Eli paperboy reed leeds 2011


Last track of the night was the only one I previously knew from a Mojo CD (Doin the) Boom Boom which topped of the night brilliantly. I managed to film a bit of it “DO IT! DO IT!”. I bought the Roll With You CD after the show and its now on repeat in the kitchen..to think I nearly didnt go…if you get the chance, you must!


Bob the Chiropodist

Simon’s been mad on ASH for many years so I joined him on a trip to York to catch them and I can definitely see the attraction – the energy in the room was amazing with top tune after top tune and moshing the likes of, I’ve not seen for a while. When I think of Ash I remember Peel playing theirt debut ‘1977’ LP when they were still at school…..of when I saw them headline Glastonbury twice in ’97 when they were a last minute replacement on the Pyramid after headlining the Other Stage the night before……..and feel ashamed that I’ve not kept up with them…..you can bet that I will from now on!

Si wrote this one up….

ash york july 2011

Bob and I were saying a couple of weeks ago that we should go to a gig
together soon, and a day or so later I got an email announcing that Ash were
playing at the above mentioned the following Monday… And of course… We
were on it!

Due to it being my first time at the Dutchess, I must admit I had
butterflies in anticipation as we descended the gloomy steps after being
welcomed by the friendly staff. And as my eyes adjusted to the low level
light, I thought : This is my kind of place… I like it! We found a pint, a
seat on a comfy sofa and waited for the show to start.

The support was a Sheffield based band called Mabel Love. We were both
pleasantly surprised and impressed by their sound. Bob said it reminded him
of Echo and the Bunnymen. (With myself only knowing Killing Moon by EATB, I couldn’t possibly comment. But I liked it).

ash york july 2011

While writing this I’m trying to remember when I first discovered Ash, and I
have to admit that its a little hazy. It may have something to do with the
fact that I was living in east London, in a house share with some other
Africans at the time. And being in my early 20’s, in the mid 90’s, working
in Londons kitchens as a porter, it sometimes got a bit messy. I do,
however, remember a Poster of the Angel Interceptor single in our lounge
when it was released, and that was probably where it started.

I’ve only ever seen Ash play to big crowds at V and Glastonbury before, and
I have to say… here… they comprehensively blew me away! Absolutely
brilliant. Well practised and precise. Exactly what you’d expect from a unit
that has been around for 20 years or so. A great mix of old and
new, that even the uninitiated could enjoy. Genius. YES… YES… YES!

ash york july 2011

Playing songs from almost all of their albums, here are the ones that I can
remember : Trailer (Petrol, Jack Names the Planets), 1977 (Goldfinger, Girl
from Mars
, Kung Fu, Oh Yeah) , Free All Angels (Burn Baby Burn, Shining
Light, Walking Barefoot), Meltdown (Orpheus), A-Z Series (Return of White
Rabbit, Arcadia, The Dead Disciples, Sky Burial), I’m sure a track listing
can be found somewhere.

They clearly enjoyed it, as well as everybody else there. I hope (know) Mr
Wheeler and his mates (will) produce plenty more. Here sits one happy man.

Thank you Ash… and my cousin Bob.

ash york july 2011

dickies leeds 2011

What a way to start the week…..a glorious Monday night at the Brudenell saw punks old and new gather together to see the marvel that is ‘The Dickies’.


First up were local cricket obsessed ‘Oi!’ band ‘Geoffrey Oi!cott’. Sledge recognised the lead singer as a pal he used to go gigging with. I’ve always given this style of music a wide berth (doc martin boots and tartan braces hanging down your arse always scares me) but these guys were funny and furious with air guitar played on a cricket bat. “This one’s about men who would rather go out with their women than go drinking with their mates, it’s called ‘LBW – Lager Before Women'”. They also played their Clash-esqe theme song for darts player Gary Thompson – I want one!!!!

cyanide pills leeds

Talking of the Clash, the spirit of their first LP was alive and kicking with ‘Cyanide Pills’ who lept about the stage and had us all feeling like it was 1977 again – I’m in love with a suicide bomber had it’s tongue firmly in the cheek!

dickies leeds 2011The Dickies were fab! Sledge had read that 4 of them had died but lead singer Leonard Philips and Guitarist Stan Lee were still up for it, back by young blades who could play it as fast as anyone – A new song every 1.5mins! (thanks for the vid Jez!). Leonards vocal stylings haven’t changed and the crowd loved him. He had props (gorilla mask, talking penis, blow up dol….etc.) and had the energy of someone half his age.

dickies leeds 2011

The encore was a version of Neil Youngs ‘Keep on Rockin in the Free World‘ which went into ‘Banana Splits’ and they were off – What a blast! Go see them if you can

Bob the Chiropodist

Glastonbury 2011

Adding up all the time I’ve spent at Worthy Farm over the years comes to a good few months of my life – ‘good’ being the operative word. This was the 10th year I’ve worked for FMS (festival medical services) popping blisters and strapping ankles in the medical tent, which was thankfully quiet this year (means a dull session but a safe festival). I was working on the Thursday (after torrential rain!) and Friday but managed to take a break  when Metronomy were playing the Pyramid stage. Me: “Do you like Metronomy?” Fog: “I’ve been beaten into submission by Marc Riley”

metronomy glastonbury

They coped really well with the big stage, playing beneath huge drawings of themselves (? self portraits) and pulled quite a crowd. They played on the Sunday too but we didn’t manage to catch that one – sorry guys (and gal). I’d just got back to work when they started ‘The Look‘ – rats!

metronomy glastonbury

After my shift I got a quick change and headed past the Pyramid to go see the Jim Jones Revue. I had to walk through the Pyramid field and waited around to see BB King. His band came on, did 2 very long numbers before the cameras showed BB himself being led to the stage. He had the look of someone who had no idea where he was, but put a guitar in his hands and he knows what to do……for a couple of minutes then starts introducing the band……time to move on….

jim jones review  glastonbury

I leave for Jim Jones who were on top form! Yeaaaah!! No Elemental but ‘Shoot first’ made up for it. Different keyboard player from last time I saw them but still a tour de force including speaker climbing antics – THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT!!!!!

jim jones review  glastonbury

Got a text through to say the Special Guests at the Park stage at 8pm would be Radiohead (thanks Marc!). Decisions, decisions…..be miserable with Thom or miserable with Moz? Fog and I decided that Moz, then U2, was just too good to miss and would also mean a lot less running about, so started telling everyone we met about ‘Radiohead’ so we could get closer to the front – One girl in particular was ecstatic with the news and ran off to get there……most people though seemed to know already – it was packed out. We wandered past the Avalon stage where Chumbawamba were playing but neither Fog, Lee or Si wanted to stay so I sadly followed suit. Nice ‘Bono pay your tax’ T-Shirts tho!

Morrissey glastonbury

We got settled in nicely by the side of the mixing desk, with Nicki joining us for Morrissey Fancy seeing me here!. He did a great set that had us (and all the 40-something blokes around us) arms aloft, singing/shouting along with every line. He did a version of Satellite of love (..I hate to watch things on TV) and the half dozen Smiths songs generated man hugging on a gigantic scale.

Morrissey glastonbury

The others went off to see Primal Scream but as I’d seen them not so long ago, Fog and I stayed where we were for Bono and his gang and the singing continued. U2 are used to playing on big stages and they didnt disappoint. Having an astronaut from the space station introduce Beautiful Day was a nice touch – Echoes of Space Oddity. There were other references throughout their set to Joe Strummer, Joy Division…etc. most of which worked, except for Jerusalem – felt a bit awkward like Bowies Lords prayer to me… a pet shop boys nod of ‘Just too good to be true’ during ‘Where the streets have no name’ didn’t do it for me either. I’ve heard reports since of how the weather spoilt things but that’s just pampered journo nonsense! There was torrential rain forecast that never arrived and what rain there was I didn’t even notice. We saw the tax protest start to launch “U pay your tax 2” on a big chinese lantern which looked like it just collapsed in on itself from where we were but it seems security pulled it down. If they can do that, why can’t they pull down the bloody flags that spoil everyones view. There’s hardly any at the Park and why…..can’t be cos there’s no TV cameras can it? “Look – there – that’s my flag spoiling everyones view” Grrrrrrrr……

U2 glastonbury

On the way back we saw some fire juggling by some Thai ladies and there were Thai monkeys wandering through the crowd too – crazy!

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On the Saturday morning, Si and I set out to have an intellectual time c/o ‘the infinite monkey cage’ but we got there a bit late (10 mins after it started) and the tent was rammed….so we wandered up to see Fujiya and Miyagi instead (lead singer David Best wearing the same Link Wray T-Shirt he’d worn at Leeds). They were great and I spent the rest of the day singing gotta get a new pair of shoes

Fujiya Miyagi glastonbury

We dined on French sausages near the West Holts stage and spent most of the afternoon sat in the shade on a bench in the theatre field watching the madness come and go. The mud was thick and gloopy so it was difficult to get anywhere quickly and lots of people were losing their wellies.


My favourite artists were the Aussie Life Guards who were shouting advice to those struggling in the mud – “Lunge with one foot, then lift the other heel – LUNGE & HEEL!” “FEEL THE HEEL!!” There was also this dirty old man character who was chasing women and children and rummaging in peoples bags – you could hear what he was thinking but his lips werent moving……turns out he had a partner always 10 feet away who was doing the commentary that was coming out of a speaker under the other guys vest. Genius!


The seagulls were back, terrorising kids, pinching their sweets and coming to investigate when they saw you taking a photo.


We popped into the theatre and there was an insect circus Matador…..fighting a giant cockroach…… In the audience were 2 giant ladybirds (one male one female, both with moustaches) and when it was announced there was to be a ladybird act they got very excited “This should be jolly good!” and it was.


We then went up on the hill by the park where there was long, dry, clean grass to lie back on, kick of your shoes and snooze.


Tame Impala were playing and as rumoured Special Guest were supposed to be Pulp we decided to stay where we were. Lee, Nicki, Racheroo and Lou joined us and we enjoyed Jarvis and his crew do a wonderful greatest hits show that included my fave ‘Babies’ and ended with Common People – that’s the way to do it Radiohead! (who apparently just played new stuff).

pulp glastonbury

The way back was a bit slow due to the crowd and our attempt at a shortcut down a muddy incline nearly made a great photo


This was Racheroos only late night out and she wanted to see the Chemical Brothers so that’s what we did. There was no way we could have made Elbow which was a shame but you can’t see everything can you. Caught the very end of Hard-Fi en route who sounded great.

Chemical brothers glastonbury

The Brothers did their thang with flares going off in the crowd when ‘Hey boy, hey girl superstar Djs’ and ‘Blockrockinbeats’ started. Afterwards the girls wanted to go for cocktails and the boys fire juggling. The girls made the right choice as there was an almighty wave of people heading for Shangri-la and everyone had to be hearded in a one way system – very un-glasto like. We saw some acts one with planet of the apes style monkeys but should have stayed as a gang.


We heard ‘The Beat’ playing in the Croissant Neuf tent and hung around outside til Andy joined us. He and Lee went to the silent disco (300 people dancing with headphones on all listening to different stuff) whilst Si and I headed home.

I was hoping to get to see the Mirrors on Sunday morning but having already been awake for 24 hours longer during the week-end than I would normally, I just couldnt make it (11am guys – come on!). I did join Amber & Andy in the acoustic tent to catch My first tooth who played some top, indie pop.

my first tooth glastonbury

Then through the theatre field again where we saw a mini strongman, drummers using rubbish as a drum kit and, unbelievably considering the weather on Thurs, a fine shower in which to cool down.

sun-am3.jpg sun-am2.jpg

Got talking to one of the ‘tea ladies’ – there was an ace samba band playing and she just lit up a fag, raised her eyebrows and said “what a bloody racket eh!”


Andys cousin Emma is married to Paul who were manning the (wonderful) Songlines stall at the side of the West Holts stage. All the artists that day had agreed to do signings after their sets. We caught Jamie Woons set whilst chatting and enjoying their cold wine and beer (thanks guys).


We then went for food A+A went for French sausages, but Emma had a pizza that looked fab “it’s form a wood burning oven over there” slow but worth it. It was going to be a while til Jah Wobble was on so I joined the queue. The service was tremendously slow. It was a red hot day and the woodburn ovens made it fiery hot. The service was erratic and the poor workers were roasting and sweating profusely. One vendor in particular was getting more and more agitated and stressed as the wrong pizzas were being made and people were complaining about the wait or had no change……etc…. He had a face like thunder and you could tell he was about to loose it when from outside “Remember you’re a Womble” drifted in (The Wombles in full costume were playing the Avalon stage)……he looked slightly dumbfounded at first, then his face lit up in a beaming smile “It’s the Wombles!” he said in childlike wonderment and was positively chipper afterwards – the power of music!

jah wobble glastonbury

I stayed for some of Jah Wobbles set but left to meet up with Si, Fog and Lee for Pimms O’Clock in the Acoustic tent (shady, cool, real ale bar, places to sit…..it’s the place to be on a hot day) and saw some of Caitlin Roses set (I do love a good slide guitar player!). She finished her set seated as the strap on her guitar broke but that didn’t put her off. She’s playing the Deershed festival this year too – woo hoo!

caitlin rose glastonbury

Si & I met up with his SA pal Justin at the Pyramid field whilst Laura Marling was warbling. We were going to stay for a bit of Paul Simon but opted for shade and nice beer instead so back to the acoustic tent where vocal only group The Magnets came on really clever for a short while but then a bit wearing.

Duane Eddy  glastonbury

Next was my highlight of the festival – Duane Eddy! We got right to the front and Lee came to join us. When he started with ‘Movin ‘n’ Groovin’ –  I just danced my socks off. That guitar sound…..could it be anyone else? Of course not! ‘Dance with the guitar man’, ‘Rebel-Rouser’ and of course Peter Gunn – wow!! Richard Hawley produced and helped write his new CD in Sheffield so was only fair that he came out and joined the fun.

Duane Eddy  glastonbury

We got in the queue for the signing after and got chatting to an elderly lady who was off to do some work for Cafod. We talked about rock legends (Elvis was her fave) and I mentioned how bad BB King had looked. She admonished me “Blues is a feeling! Just imagine what he’s lived through and seen!” – point taken. We had to wait a while, the sun had taken it out of Duane but he did come out eventually to sign our discs and I got to shake his hand – what a thrill! Nicki joined us to see the Go! Team who had energy to burn with the band leaping several feet into the air and lead singer whipping her hair like a mad thing really rousing stuff!

Go! Team  glastonbury


Met up with Racheroo and Lou before Rach headed back to let Fog off childcare duties. We found a nice spot to sit down and drink in the atmosphere for a while.

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As we strolled along the railway line, the sunset was beautiful and this is my favourite shot of the week-end just lovely.


On to the Other Stage to catch The Kaiser Chiefs who were really up for it. New and old tunes mixed well with ‘Starts with Nothing’ being my fave from the new do-it-yourself disc. The guys wanted to do ‘Queens of the Stone age’ but I wanted to see Gruff Rhys so headed for the Park.

Gruff Rhys  glastonbury

It seemed to take ages for the sound crew to get the sound right, lots of feed back and when Gruff + Y Niwl came on the sound was awful. Much as I love them, I didn’t want to end my festival on a bum note so headed back to get some ROCK with Queens of the Stone age (Sorry Alun!).

At the back of the field I got a stone in my shoe so had to sit on one of the stone benches to sort it out. I was next to a great couple (who’s names I can’t recall) and we had a great chat and shared some Jack Daniels. She brought out a little notebook and asked me to write something “I collect them. I love this place and just like to sit here and take it all in”. This was their 16th Glasto in a row and they always end the festival on that seat – hope to see them there again……


We watched the laser show and enjoyed Josh Hommes slagging off of Beyonce “This is gonna rock her fucking bones!” They’d asked fans to vote for their favourite tracks on their website as they had ‘no new product’ to promote so it really was a ‘best of’ show. Si’s highlight of the week-end “By Far!” and as Fog noted “They never let you down”.

Queens of stone age  glastonbury

At the end, we wandered home through the remains of Beyonces Pyramid crowd who averaged about 15 years old and who’d had a great time. As Si and I were getting up at 5am to be on the road before 6, we called it a night with a wee night cap and smiles all round.

Another bloody fantastic Glastonbury

Bob the Chiropodist

Thanks to Si for some of the photos and for finding my tent for me – cheers dude!

Thanks to Racheroo without whom…….




Glasto 2011




A meeting of the quite interesting music society was convened at John Fs downtown apartment amid the glass and steel of Canary Wharfe (Leeds style). Roger was unable to attend but sent along a cryptic poem, or maybe it was song lyrics (that no one recognised).

Harps and Angels – Randy Newman (John F) ‘God’

Hombre Secreto – The Plugz (Jez) ‘Secret Agent Man’

Sonnys Lettah – Linton Kwesi Johnson (Bob) ‘Dirty Babylon’

Top Cat – Theme Tune (Si) ‘The mostest top…

Red Sleeping Beauty – McCarthy (John M) “I thought they were gonna be huge!”

Here comes the City – The Go-Betweens (John F) ‘Dostoevsky’

Vengence – New Model Army (Jez) ‘an assortment of bastards who will one day be made to pay’

Martin – Tom Robinson Band (Bob) ‘Heroic big (?little) brother antics’

Sins of Love – Vincent Vincent and the Villains (Si) ‘Villains indeed….where are they now?’

Dylan – Emmy the Great (John M)

Not Me – Robert Michum (John F) ‘Heroic Movie Star’

Wheres Captain Kirk? – Spizzenergi (Jez) ‘James Tiberius Kirk’

Camouflage – Stan Ridgeway (Bob) ‘An awfully big Marine’

Bastard – Ben Folds (Si)

No Lucifer – British Sea Power (John M)

Jimmy Carter Says Yes – Gene Marshall (John F) ‘His official campaign song’

Urban Guerrilla – Mudhoney (Jez) ‘Guerrilas villains. Hawkwind Heroes’

Sister Josephine – Jake Thackray (Bob) ‘Big Bad Desmond – what a bloody funny nun you are!’

Henry the Great – Jackie Mittoo (Si)

Murderer – Grammatics (John M)

Get a Room – Jim ORourke (John F)

Where next Columbus? – Jeffrey Lewis (Jez) ‘Karl Marx, Benito, Mussolini,Jung, Einstein, Jean Paul Sartre..etc..’

Shopping – Pet Shop Boys (Bob) ‘Greedy Robbing Banker Bastards’

You Stole The Sun From My Heart – Manic Street Preachers (Si)

Dr Strangeluv – Blonde Redhead (John M)

Lets Save Tony Orlandos House – Yo La Tengo (John F) ‘Dawns singing hero’

Stripper Vicar Mansun (Jez)

Jesus Says – Ash (Bob) ‘Marys boy child’

Scooby Snacks – Fun Lovin Criminals (Si) ‘Oobby doobie dooooo’

Jesus Christ – Longpigs (John M)

What have you done – William Shatner (John F) “The water was still and so was she….”

On her majestys secret service – Propellerheads (Jez) ‘007’

The sash my father wore – Ballboy (Bob) ‘Big Fat Bigoted Arsehole’

Vlad the impaler – Kasabian (Si) ‘not raffles then’

Superman – REM (John M)

01-800-Jesus – Stephen Jones (John F)

Baddies Boogie – Babyshambles (Jez) ‘a permanently plastered pissed up bastard!’

In Dreams – Roy Orbison (Bob) ‘Frank Booths favourite song…….so fuckin suave!’

Are you ready to be heartbroken – Lloyd Cole and the Commotions (Si)

I love a man in uniform (Yeah yeah yeah remix) – Gang of Four (John M)

Good Evening Mr Waldheim – Lou Reed (John F) t’heres no ground common enough for you and me’

Washington Bullets – The Clash (Jez) ‘Salvador Allende, Victor Jara, Fidel Castro, Dalia Lama’


Jez did a remarkable cover for his CD not mentioning the tracks by name but by who the hero/villain was. Having spent so much time putting it together, Bob only managed to play a couple of tracks from his CD!



heroes cover