Andy Kershaw

Whilst chatting in the coffee room at work at the end of the 90’s we got into a conversation about how you choose a childs name. The story of how Marisa got her name was that I had a tape by Marisa Monte and excitedly told a Brazilian friend Sergio “I’ve got a tape by Maris-sa Montey” to which he said with disdain (he never forgave me for not learning Portugese) “Is not Maris-sa Montey, is Mareeza Mont!” “Oh…….Mareeza is it…..that’s a lovely name!”

This story prompted Josie to talk about how Andy Kershaw had come to call his Son ‘Sonny’ “Wasn’t it on the side of a van” I chipped in “Do you know Andy?” she says “No, I’m just an avid fan of his radio shows” “He’s a good friend of me and Al. He comes and stays with us and we stay with him when we go to London. He has a radio going in every room even the loo!” Turns out Al used to work as part of Leeds Ents crew, booking/putting on bands at the Uni when AK arrived and started his illustrious career in music.

For my 40th I asked people to do photos’s of themselves with their favourite LP – this was Josies….


About 5 years ago Andy brought Wreckless Eric and Dan Reeder to The Wardrobe for a free gig – to be recorded for his Radio 3 show. Lee and I had not long since got married hence the signed CD from Dan.

Dan Reeder

We went for a curry afterwards with Josie and Al, Andy and his crew, which was highly entertaining – stories of his recent encounter with Lou Reed when Andys smoking offended Lou “I was on a hill top that was blowing a bloody gale!” and his love for Radio 3. “When I moved to the Isle of Man I had to have all my records shipped over and guess how many I’ve got..7 tons worth!”.

He remembered a letter I’d sent some 8 years earlier when I was going through a distressing divorce. I’d written a letter explaining the whole sorry business, photocopied it and sent it to friends and family in an attempt to circumnavigate a lot of soul destroying phone calls. I used to write to Andy and Peel on a regular basis so it seemed natural to send them a copy too.

Knowing how loopy divorce can send you, I watched the public unfurling of his marriage and subsequent trials with alcoholism with a heavy heart. Having Marisa for half the week is one of the things that kept me sane, I can only imagine what no access to her would have done to me….

Josie kept me informed about his rehabilitation and that he was writing an autobiography. He was back on Radio 3 with ‘Music Planet’ doing what he does best, finding those remarkable musicians in far-flung parts of the world who youd never have heard if it wasn’t for him. The most affecting song I’ve heard in years was by Suu Kyi who’d been imprisoned in a Burmese jail and made up a protest song with his inmates. They all remembered a line each and put it back together again when they were all released…..some 10 years later!

I picked up a copy of his Autobiography ‘No Off Switch’ from the Songlines stall at this years WOMAD Festival. It didn’t disappoint. It reads like he’s chatting away to you like an extended version of the curry we went for. Laugh out loud funny with anecdote after anecdote. Hopefully the rehabilitation of him back into the bossom of the Beeb will see him back with a weekly show on the Radio where he belongs.

Go buy his book – A bargain at any price

Bob the Chiropodist

PS managed to catch him talking about his book here

chad vangaalen leeds brudenell 2011

A fun filled night at the Brudenell kicked off with Leeds 3-piece Cowtown Poppy songs bursting with energy one to watch.


cowtown leeds 2011


Chad VanGaalen started slowly with a couple of ukulele tracks but the band soon got into their stride with a brace of powerful tunes and the odd blood curdling scream (a job for Hammer Horror films surly awaits).


chad vangaalen leeds brudenell 2011


Chad is either very tall or makes it a rule to employ tiny band mates, anyhow the band were clearly enjoying themselves and their confidence shone through with intricate guitar play that wound around each other creating beautiful melodies with a hard edge. The bass player seemed to be playing a guitar but had a great bass sound!


chad vangaalen leeds brudenell 2011


It was the Brudenells main man Nathans birthday so we all joined in on a verse of ‘Happy Birthday to You’ –  “Thanks for having the best club in the world!” Thanks indeed!!


Bob the Chiropodist

Where were you

I was chuft to be at the opening of this DIY style celebration of the Leeds live scene. QUIMS friend Tony Wolgar who’s donated many photo’s to our reviews, had a section of his prints up including a fantastic shot of the Ramones. There were old fliers from John Keenan, signed posters by the Who and Kaiser Chiefs, awards, gold discs and LP sleeves galore. There was even Brenny of the ‘3 Johns’ in attendance – Nostalgia – I love it! There’s going to be lunchtime talks and performances throughout its run form 1-2pm so get yourselves along! More info at


3 johns

womad 2011

Hopefully all those we know who were at WOMAD this year will write a little something and show a piccie or 2…here’s mine to start…..

One of my favourite bits of WOMAD last year was the workshops so I was detemined to get to one this year. I picked out the Brassroots session as one that looked promising and after a morning of making hats with the kids, made my way over. I arrived an hour early (my body clock was all over the place) so joined in with the Caribean keet fit class run by Ripton Lindsay which was great fun. Lee and the kids joined me at Brassroots and we sat near the back enjoying the shade.

womad 2011
The band leader was from New Orleans and was the coolest dude! There was a short talk about the history of Brass Bands and how it’s the peoples music before they treated us to a Dixieland version of ‘I wanna be like you’ which was just wonderful. “Can any of the kids tell me which film that’s from?” Sally’s hand shot up “That cute little girl back ther…” and before he could finish, Sally was off her seat and running to the front “Well, you certainly knew who I meant!” and Sally got a sticker and a copy of their CD.

Brassroots womad 2011
They’d asked people to bring instruments along “Cos you ain’t a real Brass band if people bring along their instuments and you don’t let them join in”. The did a version of the Skatalites ‘Occupation’ and let everyone with a horn/sax/clarinet do a solo. There was one little lad who went back a second time but without his horn and to everyones suprise, he started doing beatbox sounds “You never know what will happen when you give the mike away!”. Misirlou was another highlight – they just nailed it each time.

Brassroots womad 2011
We had to take the kids back to the tent for food and missed the start of their main set on the Charlie Gillett stage – we got there as they were doing ‘Blue Monday’ and they finished on a rousing version of the Eurythmics ‘Sweet Dreams’ which got everyone jumping.

Brassroots womad 2011
Slegde and I also got to see them at their 1am show at Molly’s Bar where they opened with ‘Let’s Dance’ and had the same effect as everywhere else – big smiles and happy dancing feet. Guys – consider me your official Stalker – COME TO LEEDS!!!!!!

Bob the Chiropodist

deershed 2011

The gentlemen of QUIMS converged on the Deershed 2 festival with families in tow to enjoy the sun and the fun…

Top Ten Deershed Moments countdown, by Jez (far left)

Festivals are not all about the music are they?

10. Bagging space for a 12 tent pitch for the Ilkley Mafia & Quims Massive.
9. Camping Equipment jealousy – proper camp beds (Peacocks), oversized sleeping bag-cum-survival bivvy (Bob), Camper Van (Parkers), duvets (Murrays), I could go on …
8. Harris III Master Illusionist
7. Mexican wrestling masks
6. The Hula Hoop girl in Friday’s cabaret
5. Real Ale at realistic prices
4. Busking – our group’s teenage daughters putting I am Kloot to shame and making plenty of dosh in the process
3. Spotting ‘RIP Amy’ on the graffiti cars on Sunday morning following Ms Winehouse’s untimely demise the previous day
2. Sunshine, friends and Bob’s hipflask during Caitlin Rose
1. The Neat treating us to a blistering set resembling Mark E Smith guesting on vocal for the Happy Mondays. A sunny pint of cider from the bar in the tent with the stage in it completed the festy highlight.


The Festivals bands in pictures by Bob (middle)

The 2nd Deershed managed to sell out all 5,000 tickets this year, more than double last years inaugural festival, though you wouldnt know it! It still had a laid back family friendly air about it and the beer didnt run out (hooray!). We arrived on the Saturday with Sledge and Agustine though most of the QUIMS mob had arrived the night before..and looked like they hadnt slept much..thats camping!

laki mera deershed 2011

After setting up the tent, the first band we got to see was Laki Mera who make a beautiful sound. Simons got their CD and I look forward to hearing more.

The neat deershed 2011

The Neat did a great set to just a few of us initially but the volume soon had others piling in and those of us with kids in heading out.

Go! Team deershed 2011

I love I Am Kloots last LP but knew they wouldnt exactly Rock the house so decided to go wild to The Go! Team who were just as lively as theyd been at Glastonbury. I was perhaps a tad over exuberant when even lead singer Ninja noticed him in the orage T-ShirtI don’t think you can go wrong with 2 drummers – Adam and the ants, Wedding Present, Beachbuggy, Glitter Band…

Go! Team deershed 2011

It was Debbie who hit the nail on the head Shes like a CBBees presenter, all bubbly and energetic and their songs are like kids TV theme songs guilty as charged!

Go! Team deershed 2011

I was trying to get people around me dancing and only one guy took up my plea Brendin! He was wearing a Songlines T-Shirt and turns out we both knew Songlines head honcho Paul..small world.

Caitlin rose deershed 2011

Caitlin Rose and her boys were on fine form we ended up sitting just outside while the boys played Star Wars..

deershed 2011

deershed 2011

I thought that headliners I Am Kloot were fab Marisa and I got near the front and became best friends with this couple for a while, singing along whilst sharing some Jack Daniels (not Marisa obviously).

I am kloot deershed 2011

I am kloot deershed 2011

Back at camp everyone else seemed to be disappointed with them not really what you want to end a festival withtype comments.well I thought they were ace! We looked at the stars (mainly in Sledges iPhone to be honest) and talked nonsense til the early hours, by which time it was freezing – so my new toasty sleeping bag came in very handy..

deershed 2011

Bob the Chiropodist