I’m very pleased to announce an article by Kaiser Chief mum Theresa – ex work colleague of pals and ex patient of mine. What would it feel like to have your child playing to thousands of happy fans……?


A few weeks ago, on a sunny weekend in September, I went to see local lads, Kaiser Chiefs, play two sell-out gigs at Kirkstall Abbey, Leeds. No doubt, you too may have been there or, perhaps know someone else, who went along. I would hope that the consensus of opinion was that you/they witnessed an absolutely cracking show!! I have no problem in agreeing with you there, but then, I’m quite biased as my son, Nick (Peanut – the one with the hat), is the keyboardist with the band!

All parents are proud of their children and none more so than Nick’s Dad and me. We have watched the band grow from five grungy lads, playing at in the local up-and-coming band venue, Joseph’s Well (whilst we stuck to the floor!) into one of the country’s top bands. Like their music or not, they are renowned for their pulsating live shows and are consistently rated as one of the top live bands around.

It is always difficult to try and explain to people what it feels like, as a mum, to witness one of their shows. Generally, it’s assumed that because Nick’s our son, then obviously, we’re bound to big them up… and you would be absolutely right! However, on the other hand, I am not so blinkered that I would be the first to admit if they’d given a bad performance or if I didn’t like a particular song!! Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence, mainly because they work extremely hard, rehearsing and constantly striving to pull something new out of the bag – they are perfectionists and every note and sound you hear has been honed and tweaked hundreds of times in order to create such brilliant songs and, ultimately, brilliant shows.

And what a show it was that weekend!! We have seen them perform live so many times and stand-out performances, to date, have to be Glastonbury 2005, 2007 and 2011, Elland Road and the Albert Hall to name a few… but this one at the Abbey was something else!

We were first down on Friday night for sound-check; this was mainly so that our three-year old grandson, Finlay, could experience his first Kaiser Chiefs gig! Nick had bought him some very trendy and efficient ear defenders, which he absolutely loved… he practiced at home singing ‘Ruby’! After the sound-check and much exploring of the ruins (Finlay, that is, not the lads), Nick took him on the massive stage and sat him down at the drumkit. This was Finlay’s highlight of the weekend – he absolutely loved it and drumming appeared to come naturally to him; he was less impressed with the keyboards but quite liked the tambourine! All caught on video by his very proud grandma!!

Despite the many calls on his time that come with a sound-check, plus generally preparing for a big show, Nick, consistently, makes time for his family and friends. He is unfailingly patient with the fans and will often put himself out just to accommodate an autograph or photo. He was signing one at the crowd barrier just fifteen minutes before going on stage!

The choice to play at the medieval Kirkstall Abbey site was inspired – the perfect setting for their new album, ‘The Future is Medieval”. The mood in the Abbey grounds, on both nights, right from the start, was particularly friendly and sociable. The crowd featured fans of all ages, ranging from 3 to 73! Our neighbours, who were there, commented that it was like a big family party – people were just dancing, singing and having the best time. A mini festival feeling, some said! And so it was on both nights with the lads inviting along their own special guests.

As they opened the show with ‘Everyday I Love You Less and Less’, the whole place just erupted – the sound and lighting were stunning, adding a massive impetus to the whole event. The backdrop of the Abbey was jaw-dropping! As the gig progressed with hit after hit, interspersed with new songs, the Abbey ruins were floodlit creating the most spectacular sight! When the ticker tape was released in the middle of ‘Angry Mob’, my emotions went through the roof!!

To be honest, I didn’t want it to end. By the time they got to ‘Riot’ I was almost beside myself. To watch 10,000 people jumping up and down, singing every word, to a song that your son has helped produce, is unbelievable – what words would describe such a moment for a mum, proud, emotional, astonishing, incredible… and the rest!!!

To round it all off, the fireworks at the end of ‘OMG’ were a stroke of genius – perfectly matching the song and mood of the night – the crowd went wild, as did we! By the time the show ended, we were emotionally wrung out but knew we had witnessed two of their best live shows ever!

Someone said to me, “ How proud does it make you feel when you see all these thousands of people here and all ‘this’ (meaning all the infrastructure etc) and it’s your son they’ve come to see?” I was at a loss to answer because, when I took in her question and thought about it myself, I thought… blimey (or words to that effect), she’s right, that’s my boy… and I’m his mum! Proud as Punch and always will be!

Next time, who knows? But one thing you can be sure of, I’ll be there, quietly smiling inside and feeling so thankful that, all those years ago, we bought him that guitar – yes guitar, in previous bands (anyone remember Parva and Tonic?) he played rhythm guitar!!

Dreams can and do come true!

Great video of day 2 here and some great photos of the gigs here

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Y Niwl and their shows with Gruff Rhys a few times this year and unfortunately, tonights will probably be the last as their tour comes to an end. Y Niwl opened up proceedings with their groovy 60’s tinged Surf sound – one of which graces the opening of Football Focus this season.

Gruff came on resplendant in a white suit which nicely showed the old projected cine films that played behind the band. As ever, he was a joy to watch and listen to. The show started with a bunch of older tunes before showcasing the wonderful Hotel Shampoo album. Tunes ranged from pure pop magic (Sensations in the dark had him playing the horn section on mouth organ) through the whimsical (“this is a song about a 7 hour car journey…. told in 3 and a half”) to the beautiful. Her got the scratched record effect on Shark ridden waters by playing a scratched 7″ record on a tiny record player hooked up to his amp.

There was a new Whale song  and one featuring a Welsh term of endearment  for egg based puddings and a riotous end involving an incident on a plane that nearly blew my eardrums out. Had a chat about it with Alun from Y Niwl afterwards “I keep forgetting to put my earplugs in!”. There’s a new arrival due in the Evans household – good luck to all!

Bob the Chiropodist


It’s been a good 20 years since I last saw John Cooper Clarke. At that time he used to deliver his poems at break-neck speed and fit dozens of them into his set. Since then he’s been to the Frankie Howard school of stand up and managed to woo the crowd with hillarious chat and only a slight sprinkling of poems. There was a lady signing his performance for the deaf who surely deserves a medal for her ability to keep up. Bongo’s trousers had us in fits. An hour in the great mans prescence really wasn’t enough. He ended with Beasley Street and the newly renovated Beasley Boulevard……which sounds just as awful!

A quick hike down the road after brought us to an hour with Johhny Green, who was with The Clash all the way. He read from his book about the band and took questions from the floor. They ran the band like a co-op and were paid £25 a week – Bernie Rhodes missed a payment and Mick Jones never forgave him….

Thanks to Jez for organising it all although it could end up being an expensive night…… Lee’s talking of moving to Ilkley now……!

Bob the Chiropodist

Richmond Fontaine are one of those bands that you either get or you don’t. I get ‘em and I get ‘em good! Doesn’t seem that long since I last saw them but they’re always welcome in these parts. Josie, Al and Bogbrush were present – it was like being in a chapter of Kershaw’s book…..

Laura Gibson opened proceedings and reminded me of Liz Green in lots of ways. She was asked to tell a joke and told the only one she knows (which was a good un!). There’s a free acoustic download version of her ‘Beasts of Seasons’ when you get the CD….

Richmond Fontaine played the whole of their new LP ‘The High Country’ which has their usual knack of cataloguing the bizarre lifestyles of their pals (“I know a plethora of strange people”) with a matter of factness.  Willy Vlautin can tell you everything you need to know about someone in a few lines “My dad got sick so I moved back to town, but month after month it started grinding me down. I should’ve stayed away, he never liked me anyway, even when he was sick”.

There was a full version of the snippets heard on the radio on the CD and a ballad about a woman who’s husband is so obsessed with chainsaws, that he starts taking them to bed with him….Deborah Kelly gives another (quite sad at times) dimension to their sound. Will have to check out her band ‘The Damnations’.

After a short break they come back and play a few favourites. Willy introduces ‘Two Alone‘ by saying he wrote it when loading and unloading trucks and the other guys used to take the piss cos he didn’t like sports “and I never will”. He’s written a few books now (which Steve highly recommended) and I was very tempted to get one but plumped for the ‘High Country’  CD instead which Willy kindly signed for me. “I hope you’ll like it” “I already do!”

Many thanks to John K and Tony W for the freebie.

Bob the Chiropodist


Los Camaradas - made to make you dance

Sunday at the Chapel Allerton Festival is usually a jazz/world tinged affair and this year was no different. We got down the front for ‘Los Camaradas’ the band that rose out of the ashes of ‘The Cuban Big Band’ and features most of the same performers.


Our favourite Chilean Ana Luisa was on singing duty again and did a mighty fine job, as did the rest of the band. Their salsa rhythms were fabulous when applied to old or new tunes (eg Can’t get you out of my head). Salsa dancing is way beyond my capabilities but it’s hard to stand still when faced with such a sound.

As difficult as it must be to get this many people together to practice, I hope they can keep the energy going and look forward to seeing them again soon.

Ana Luisa’s other band BTW was Los Altibajos


Update – you can listen to a full set by the band here