When I saw that David Sylvian was touring, I got Lee and I tickets as a birthday present. We last went to see him almost 24 years ago (28/5/88 at the Hammersmith Odeon) when we were going out with each other first time round…… On that occasion he had most of Japan as his backing band. Lee, like many indie chicks in the 80’s loved Japan and had Sylvian posters from Smash Hits on her wall. Wasn’t he voted the worlds most beautiful man around that time? Men with make-up on didn’t go down too well in Little Hulton.

London circa 88

I wasn’t a big Japan fan but got into his solo stuff after ‘Gone to Earth‘. I’m a big Bill Nelson fan and got this double LP on the strength of Bill being involved. An LP of songs and an LP of ambient tunes was just up my street. ‘Silver Moon‘ is still a favourite in our house.

So it was a big disappointment when news came through of the gigs cancellation. Ironically it’s a bad back which has made him cancel and both Lee and I have suffered with back trouble in recent weeks – must be coming out in sympathy. Get well soon David!

Bob the Chiropodist

The first night of the Wave Pictures extensive tour started inauspiciously with the exhaust falling off their van on the way to Leeds (ably fixed with sticky tape and string by Franic bass and Jonny drums). David Tattersall’s such a prolific song writer that it could well be the subject of a future song before the week’s out……….Support came from ‘This Many Boyfriends‘ who were a breath of fresh air. Mo Tucker/JAMC style drums, powered indie pop songs with great titles like “I don’t like you cos you don’t like the Pastels”. The bass player’s a Man City fan too so they’ll do for me.

A night with the Wave Pictures is always a joy with entertaining, mostly self depricating chat between songs…..it seemed to take David by suprise therefore when Jonny praised his song writing “He’s blushing!”. I remember years ago writting to Strangled magazine as my mate Johno thought JJ Burnel sang ‘Dead Ringer’ and I thought it was Hugh Cornwell. Turns out it was Dave Greenfield. The point being that when a band lives close together, I’m sure they start to sound like each other. Jonny certainly sounded like David on the tunes he sang tonight, same internation and everything – wonder if it was sub conscious or not?

There’s an obvious love of words that seeps out of their tunes often sounding like a stream of consciousness about English reserve. Whilst all 3 are virtuoso’s making it look rediculously easy, it’s Davids amazing guitar playing that binds the whole thing together – stunningly good! Nice to see they’re keeping it in the family with Jonnys brother, who’s driving the poorly van for them, playing Sax for the encore “Love you like a madman“. Had a chat with Franic (last seen here) afterwards and I was the first person he’d met who was a member of the 7″ club they’ve released a single thhrough – check it out!

Bob the Chiropodist

How often does your favourite band come to town and play in a tiny bar…..for free? It happened tonight as Welsh kings of the surf guitar ‘Y Niwl‘ played a great set with some new tunes (we’re into the 20’s now) at Oporto. Managed to have a chat and catch up with them. There’s a new 6Music session in the offing – and even finding out that bass player Sion’s a United fan didn’t spoil the evening 😉


Leeds own men of mystery ‘Los Pecadores‘ played a hard hitting set of metal tinged surf-ish tunes that took no prisoners – no lyrics and no gaps between tunes with “a high note count”. This picture has been doctored to protect the innocent………one to watch for sure!

For those who don’t know, Y Niwl number their songs (1,2 and 3 were on their first EP) in Welsh which sounds pretty exotic to these ears. Alun Confessed to totally forgetting his guitar part for ’24’ recently but remembered it tonight. The new stuff was excellent (here’s the minute masterpiece ‘dauddegpump’) and will soon see the light of day on a 10″ EP. ‘Dauddegdau’ is the 60’s surf guitar personified. Gruff’s wacky organ solos add a new dimension but it’s the interplay of the guitars and bass that is just a joy to hear. Llyr – the new drummer fitted in just fine and full marks to the sound guy (who’d only just started working there after leaving college). Nice to catch up with Mark at the gig too.

A tour for Y Niwl with Jim Jones Review in April beckons – Do yourselves a favour and get there early so you don’t miss these guys.

Bob the Chiropodist

It’s been a couple of years since Jojo last came to town.  It’s always a privilege to be in the same room as him and tonight he was on great form – can’t believe he’s 60! Though often off mike (as is his want) the sound of his acoustic guitar travelled well in the Brudenell thanks to a lack of the usual yakking at the bar (Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way). Apart from a bit of Egyptian Reggae and Vincent Van Gogh, all his set came from his recent output with some fabulous guitar licks.

“I never go anywhere without Tommy” he says and if I had a drummer like him, I’d take him everywhere with me too. The crowd at times were a bit reserved “This isn’t the kind of show you just watch!” but everyone seemed to warm to his ‘Bohemia‘ song and sang along. “When I was 16 my parents didn’t stand in my way…..with my pretentious art portfolio in my hand…..they showed me the door to Bohemia”. Other versions are available….. see at the great jojo blog site.

Thanks to Justine and Matt for the tickets – sorry you guys couldn’t make it……can’t wait for next time.

Bob the Chiropodist


Volume 2 of John M’s Fanzine in all it’s Glory……..still bashing U2 I see………