The rumours of Wilko’s impending death were, thank goodness, totally premature. It was such a joy to see him strut his stuff (a)live. The guy’s a trooper!

Support tonight was from the songsmith extraordinaire, Glen Tilbrook. He showed what a fantastic guitarist he is with a solo set of Squeeze numbers (Pulling mussels from a shell, Tempted…etc.) and tunes by who ever else he spontaneously fancied singing – we even got the beginning of ‘Rebel Rebel’ but alas no more……

Wilko came on and, as you might imagine, was straight at it – 100 miles an hour – hard driving Rock’n’Roll with his Bass wizard partner in crime Norman Watt-Roy who does more notes per minute than 10 other bass players put together. His angular style, shooting the crowd with his guitar whilst shimmying across the stage…. ‘Going Back Home’ made it worth the entrance fee alone but having ‘Back in the night’ too – Fantastic!

If you having seen ‘Oil City Confidential‘ or ‘The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson‘ – do yourself a favour…..amongst the best music documentaries out there.

Bob the Chiropodist

The annual BBC 6Music festival made it to Liverpool this year. Got tickets for Lee and I to go but on the day things didn’t quite work out and I ended up dragging Sledge along. We were late and unfortunately missed a set by Julia Jacklin (sorry!) and an interview with Julian Cope (who I thought was going to do a set but didn’t).

We did get there in time to see Snapped Ankles strutting their stuff – looking dapper in suits – getting the crowd bopping…..

In the other room there was food (the Vegan Scouse pies were great!) some purveyors of vinyl and a stage where interviews took place, this one about Liverpools connection with ‘Psych’ with Jane Weaver (who I would have loved to see play live), Clinics ‘Ade’ and Psyche festival organiser Chris….how would you describe the genre….?

Bumped into Gid Coe and said hello – he was suffering with a dodgy ankle and free advice was duly dished out. Next up was PigsPigsPigsPigsPigsPigsPigs who are heavier than the most heavy band you can thin of – take your earplugs

Charlotte Gainsbourg gave a great interview in which she talked about her dad and how she couldn’t go back to his flat after his death but couldn’t bear to change it. Would have loved to see her play live….

Last up were Clinic who thankfully haven’t changed since I first saw them 11 years ago. Swirling sixties organ drives their sound along at a rate of knotts with ‘Cement Mixer‘ stealing the show.

What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon……

Bob the Chiropodist

When Sharon Van Etten is touring, and she’s not coming to your town, well, you just have to make the effort to go and see her elsewhere don’t you……I got these tickets as a Christmas present for Lee…..and now she’s put on a gig in Leeds later this year…..ah well…..we haven’t been out in our hometown for a while and never been to The Albert Hall before so….

I’d got to town earlier and managed to see the ‘Frank Sidebottom’ exhibition in the central library (first time I’d been in there since studying for my finals in 1986). It was lovely to see people laughing at all the Frank stuff – can’t wait to see the new movie – I helped crowd fund it so go see it.

Popped into the Manchester Art Gallery and there was a free guided tour going around which was highly entertaining. It ended with an exhibition of Martin Parr’s photos of Manchester and Salford from different years – one being 1986 (that year again) which was the year I left Salford for London. It was funny to see how unsophisticated everything was back then….

Lee arrived by train at 5ish and we met up with Mr Beers Manchester in the Peveril of the Peak before trying out a few more bars including The Brink and The Old Nags Head where my Uncle Al and Aunty Jenny had their post wedding do…..

The gig was (as you’d expect) marvellous. SVE and her band were tight and all in black, apart from her white top and white lining to her black jacket which made her stand out – very snazzy. Her voice is so pure and strong that it just carries you away with her on whatever journey shehappens to be taking. Her new album has moved into synth heavy territory but it didn’t dominate tonights set, loads of old stuff, something for everyone. She told us it was her sons 2nd birthday and she was crying earlier during a video call in a cafe around the corner, til a fan ‘Gail’ spotted her and cheered her up…..nice one Gail.

Quite enjoyed the venue but not great if you’re small and not at the front – so if you’re Lee-size……..get there early!

Bob the Chiropodist

Dame Evelyn Glennie is quite a remarkable character so when we saw saw she was playing in Manchester with the jazz trio HLK, we tought we’d give it a go. Taking the kids was a bit of a risk but as Matty has taken up jazz piano, we thought why not. Walking into the concert hall Lee and I realised it was where we’d seen Ivor Cutler back in 1985. The large stage was full of bizarre looking percussion instruments along with a grand piano and an 8-string guitar (!). The band themselves described their work a ‘challenging’ to both play and listen to – which it was – but so refreshing to hear the fabric of music stretched to its limits. Pianist Richard Harrold is the man in charge arranging the jazz standards they play – deconstructed to the point of sounding nothing like the original. The drummer Richard Kass was amazing – one drum solo he did was mesmerising. Guitarist Ant Law said “As we’re in a music college, I should explain that he was at one point there playing 4 different time signiatures at the same time”. Evelyn Glennie did a solo on a round UFO-looking instrument “none of their music is in 4/4 time so I wrote this one in 4/4 time all the way through”. Thankfully, all 3 kids thought it was great….odd….but great.

Bob the Chiropodist

I first came across Beans on Toast 6yrs ago when I heard a ‘Daytrotter’ session of hi. It became a fave with my daughter and I and I’ve been waiting to see him since…..not sure why I’ve missed him up ’til now, but it was well worth the wait.

His songs are catchy, brutally honest and funny. Who would you have a drink with if you could? Worried about Alexa listening in? Use bamboo toothbrushes as every plastic one you’ve ever used still exists somewhere. Missing the misses when she’s only gone down to the shops. Kids not getting nettle stings these days. The league of nations that were in the Hospital when his daughter was born……His Politics are spot on and the packed Brudenell loved it

Bob the Chiropodist