We were on holiday when ‘Boy-Lee’ had his 40th so we met up with him on the Saturday of the Galtres festival instead. Buzzcocks & Ocean Colour Scene had headlined the Fri night and Billy Bragg & Adam Ant were doing Sunday but we could only get to the one day. It might seem a bit of an odd choice, to have a music festival the same week end as one of the countries major festivals (the Leeds/Reading bash) is on less than 30 miles away….but Galtres is as much about the beer and food as the bands. It apparently started at the back of a pub years ago and has steadily grown since.

Typical of this years poor summer weather, as we arrived at the somewhat muddy car park, thunder roared and the heavens opened, but after that it wasn’t too bad. Lee had a go at the rodeo before we went off to see some Knights doing a jousting display….

The first band we saw was ‘Fossil Collective‘ who brought a touch of west coast, Californian style vibe to the proceedings – the sun even came out when they were on.

There were several stages on the site and we saw ‘Goodnight Ohio’ on a tiny stage when we realised there were 3 ‘Lee’s’ there…..

Matty and Sam had dissappeared earlier and returned at this point after having had a major mud fight……

After the clean up operation, we went to watch a salsa band – Lee did a dancing lesson whilst ‘Boy-Lee’ and I enjoyed a gorgeous currey.

Next on the main stage were the ‘Virgin Mary’s‘ who had the attitude and energy of Green Day and a fantastic drummer who got so into it, that he did half the set standing up to get some extra pounding in….

Next up was Leeds own ‘Ellen & the Escapades‘ who did a great set – lots of crowd interaction which Lee liked….we’d watched the Cure from Reading and Robert Smith hardly talked between songs and she got a bit narked…..but Ellen she liked.

We spied Jon Gomm making his way from Elen’s set to do his own so accosted him for a photo…..

…..and what a great set he did. His guitar playing is quite dazzling in its intricacy and he performed barefoot which I appreciated anyway. The days music in that tent had gone under the banner of the Solid Air sessions and this guy could easily rival John Martyn for folky uniqueness.

The Guillemots were next on the big stage – I really enjoyed them when previously saw them (promoting their first LP ‘Through the Windowpane’ in 2006) and I reaaly enjoyed them again – maybe it was Fyfe Dangerfields banter……

Unfortunately, little Sally had had enough by then and her little pals had gone off to their tents so we regretfully had to leave before ‘Ash‘ took to the stage. It was no bad thing in the end as we had to be towed out of the mud by a tractor……and the kids were asleep before we left the site.

Bob the Chiropodist


The 4th enstallment of John M’s teenage labour of love fanzine “New Order aren’t letting us down, they are simply confused within themselves”

It was so good to be back at the world of musical wonders that is WOMAD….this year was the 30th Anniversary of the festival which starts on Thursday night if you don’t mind paying a wee bit more. Once again the sun came out. Once again I hardly knew anyone on the bill and once again it tended to be the ‘unknowns’ who shone.

Thursday 26th

One of my ‘knowns’ was the amazing Linton Kwesi Johnson who was backed by the Dennis Bovell Band. He played a great set including ‘Want fi go rave’, ‘It noh funny’, ‘Fite dem back’, ‘Sonny’s lettah’, ‘Forces of vichtry’……everyone a reggae gem. LKJ was super cool, introducing each track with a bit of banter….most songs seemed to have been written in support of some campaign or other – a wonderful performer, a wonderful man!

The night finished with a New Orleans Brass Band ‘The Soul Rebels’ who evoked a real party atmosphere that our kids liked a lot….

Friday 27th

First on the main stage was the SA legend that is Hugh Masekela. He’s got a great sense of humour and when they start playing those Soweto rhythms the crowd just went mad dancing. He got us all to sing along “I’m sure you’re all from Soweto!”.

Southsea islanders ‘Narasirato’ play pan pipes whilst running about like a bunch of mad things – very entertaining….and nothing like the Fast show….

My favourite bit of WOMAD (besides camping with family and friends) is the Workshops where you get to see the acts in a relaxed atmosphere, giving them time to chat about their instruments, playing style ….etc. We saw the ‘Peatbog Faeries’ at their workshop and really enjoyed them. We found out why there are so many fiddle players on Skye, and that their guitarist spent 6 months with Ali Farka Toure learning his guitar style…before chopping the top off a finger in a gardening accident “I can still hold a pick so that’s ok”.

Next up we got to see ‘Hollie Cook’ who’s the daughter of (Sex Pistol) Paul Cook. She spent sometime working with the Slits and had a great stage prescence. The reggae sound she was pumping out sounded like the best 70’s reggae you can think of. Looking forward to getting her album. Maybe she can use the cash to get some new tights 😉

Having seen the Peatbog Faeries already, Sledge and I went to see ‘The Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra’…..loud and trashy but they seemed pretty predictable, so we joined the others at the Peatbog Faeries main stage performance instead for a dance.

Resplendant in their kilts, they pulled of a great set and had everyone jumping around doing reels – great stuff. Then Lee went to get a signed CD and the finger lacking guitarist chatted her up! (according to Lee that is).

We saw a wee bit of the Manganiyar Seduction by Roysten Abel which we heard one wag describe as ‘Slum Dog Celebrity Squares’ before another reggae legend – Jimmy Cliff.

He did a great set of greatest hits that included ‘Miss Jamaica’, ‘Wonderful world, beautiful people’, ‘The harder they come’….etc….etc. He charmed the crowd late into the night. You forget how many great songs he’s done…..a genuine superstar! Got to hear a bit of ‘Seth Lakeman’ on the way back, but the Radio 3 stage was too crowded and I didn’t have the energy to try and get close – “I’ve had my monies worth already!”

Saturday 28th

The kids love the ‘Steam Park’ with loads of old fashion fair ground rides (and we love them too!). Matty (9) is a bit cautious when it comes to daredevil rides but Sally (7) has no fear at all and wants to go on the scariest straight away!

Our first act of the day was ‘Chrissy Crowley’, a Canadian fiddle player who was broadcast live on Radio 3. They played a bit of the news over the speaker system before she started which brought laughter from the crowd and cheers when good weather was forecast.

‘Vadoinmessico’ were an intense indie band who were obviously deep into what they were doing…..but we needed a drink. Bumped into Barbara at the bar who plays with Ana Luisa in the band ‘Mestisa’. She raved about Raghu Dixit who we’d missed “He was brilliant – I don’t think I’ll see anyone better than him today”. Thus we decided to catch him at his workshop.

We got there a bit early so popped in on another workshop, this one with ‘DakhaBrakha’ from the Ukraine. They spoke through an interpreter and told tales of why there’s so many witches in the Ukraine. What a wonderful sound they made – not heard anything like it before and difficult to describe but the vocals of the 3 tall hatted ladies blended in a way that sent you light headed!

The ‘Raghu Dixit’ Workshop was pretty full so we put out a mat and sat on the floor at the front. Raghu talked about his backing band saying the violin and flute player were classically trained and as such, could always make fills or solo’s for any songs he came up with “They make it so easy. I’ll show you – who wants to play a song?” – I shouted “She does!” and pushed Ana Luisa up. She protested for a wee while then got up and played a Chilean love song……just fab!

Where else would that happen? They went on to do a Metallica cover when a guy asked about their influences….making him come up on stage to sing of course. A great, great set.

The next act again held me entranced in a way I didn’t expect. ‘Kimmo Pohjonen’ is a Norwegian who, it turns out, had played on Fri night with ‘DakhaBrakha’ (Oh how I wish I had seen that!). He plays accordian but like nothing you’ve heard before. For one tune he’d sampled tractor noises and somehow wound them together into a symphony that once again had me picking my jaw off the floor whilst laughing like a drain. He even got an encore – not many acts during the day get one of those!

Next up was ‘Cornershop’ who I love and was really looking forward to….but after a morning of wonders, they seemed like a pedestrian, 4×4 rock band. Everyone had a good dance to “Brimful of Asha” though!

‘Femi Kuti’ rocked the main stage then ‘Ska Cubano’ had everybody smiling (with lyrics like “Mambo, mambo, mambo, mambo, mambo, mambo – ska!” what’s not to like).

Kelma by ‘Rachid Taha’ was one of the first ‘World Music’ tracks I remember being really excited by (did I hear it on Kershaw or Peel? – “It was on mine” Andy informs me). Another Algerian Rai great ‘Khaled’ closed things on the main stage – those beats are so infectious.

Back at the tent we stayed warm with rum and coke and doing Ana’s ‘Penguin Dance’ before heading to see Leeds own ‘Biscuit Head & the Biscuit Badgers’ – members of whom Sledge and Ana Luisa had given a lift down to.

Mollys bar was rammed with party people and we had no chance of getting near the front so stood on tables at the back. Wacky 20’s inspired songs about the love of cheese and David Attenborough had the place jumping……

Sunday 29th

2 weeks before WOMAD, I’d had a head injury whilst sailing off the west coast of Scotland breaking my cheek bone (if you ever need stitches and you’re on the island of ‘Islay’ – go see Dr Matt at the tiny A+E unit there – he does a great job!). Unfortunately that meant a Hospital apt on Monday which meant leaving on Sunday (“Boooooooooo!”). Thus we were taking down the tent and packing the car until 2ish and had to leave about 7.

We saw ‘Joe Driscoll & Seckou Kouyate’ who are a New Yorker singer songwriter and Guinean Kora player respectively. I hadn’t seen much Kora plaing this year and it’s a sound I love. You surely need more than ten digits to play it properly though…..

I’m also a sucker for Cajun music (the 2-step is a dance I CAN do!). The ‘Pine Leaf Boys’ did a great job at getting the crowd going. We’d seen the accordian players family at a previous WOMAD (the Savoy family) and he was just as entertaining. Had all of us dancing around.

Keb’Mo’ does ever so smooth blues…..smoother than smooth. Again I was really looking forward to him….but it seemed a bit ordinary…..

‘The Barons of Tang’ were completely extraordinary. One song (“a mutant tango”) had the band going wild then suddenly freezing, waiting for the drummer to start again…he meanwhile opened a bag of crisps and slowly ate them, before starting the madness again. Not sure what sort of sax one of the women was playing but it was almost as big as she was.

We ended our festival with ‘DJ Yoda & the Trans-Siberian March Band’. DJ Yoda did a solo set first that scratched discs and videos at the same time – very clever and our kids loved it. Then the band came on to do the horns of dance classics like “Push it” and “Jump Around” live.

And then it was time to go. ‘Orquestra Buena Vista Social Club’ played as we left. I was gutted not to see ‘Robert Plant & the Sensational Space Shifters’ (Justin Adams and Juldeh Camara in his backing band) but there you go – a fab, fab weekend!

Bob the Chiropodist




A night of sweet reggae music with the latest version of the Wailers. This show could have easily fallen into tribute band territory but the enthusiasm of the crowd and the musicianship of the band kept it from being a cabaret act. In some ways of course, it was a tribute – to Bob Marley’s songwritting genius.

I was only 15 when Bob Marley played his last gig in the UK so never had the chance to see him perform. You can’t help but think how big he would have been if the cancer that started in his big toe had been delt with properly.

The support band (?Tough Enough from Leeds) played some reggae faves and had great vocal harmonies between the 2 singers. Worth seeing again for sure.

Bob the Chiropodist



June 2012 has been a wet miserable month but that didn’t dampen this sun related evening at Johns relocated living space – goodbye ultra modern city centre Leeds flat, hello beautiful old house in rural Keighley. John and Si had concentrated on tunes about the Sun whilst I made a compilation of tunes related to our solar system……couldn’t find a track for ‘Uranus’ but then found out it’s colour is described as ‘Electric Blue’ so went with that. I thought I’d done well…….until I saw Jez’s effort – a complete booklet with selected lyrics from each song designed to take you on a stellar journey – “It’s loosely based on Henry V”……! There was even an interval built in. A great night – watching Balotelli stick 2 past the Germans, playing an array of musical instruments, eating cheese and chewing the fat whist playing a tonne of great tunes on an awesome stereo system…..what’s not to like…

Caribou – Sun – John

The Offspring – Staring at the sun – Jez

The Clean – Stars – Bob

Bat for Lashes – Two Planets – Si

Harmonia – Sonnenschein – John

Hawkwind – Silver Machine  – Jez

Jah Wobbles Invaders Of The Heart – The Sun Does Rise – Bob

Tom Vek – The Lower The Sun – Si

A Broken Consort – A Sundering Path – John

The Drums – Me and the Moon – Jez

Low – Venus – Bob

Julian Cope – Sunspots – Si

St Vincent – Northern Lights – John

Gorillaz – Every Planet we reach is Dead – Jez

London Symphony Orchestra – Jupiter – Bob

Lightspeed Champion – Galaxy Of The Lost – Si

Miracle – Sunstar – John

Hawkwind – Quark, Strangeness & Charm – Jez

Katy McCarty  – Rocketship – Bob

Metric – Twilight Galaxy – Si

Dodgy – Waiting for the sun – John

……..We had a short Eukelele Session and 2 track interlude………

Sharaab – Earth and Sky – Jez

Tandy Love – Anagram Jam – Bob

………Then back to the Sun and the stars…………..

The Naked and Famous – The Sun – Si

Surf City – See How The Sun – John

Seahorses – Blinded by the sun – Jez

Heroes of the Galleon Trade – Neptune’s Last Stand – Bob

TV on the Radio – Staring at the Sun – Si

Graffiti 6 – Stare into the Sun – John

Symarip – Skinhead Moonstomp – Jez

Frank Sidebottom – Space is Ace – Bob

New Order – Sunrise – Si

Wilco – Sunloathe – John

Rage Against the Machine – People of the Sun – Jez

Lou Reed – Satellite of love – Bob

Kate Bush – Sunset – Si

A Winged Victory For The Sullen – We played some open chords and rejoiced for the earth had circled the sun yet another year – John

Bob the Chiropodist