
An amazing night at the Brudenell with 3 bands on top form – rocking out as if their lives depended on it. Any one of them would have been worth the entrance fee – each louder, faster and more furious than the one before…..


The duo Hank Haint and the Cruickshanks got things going with a back to basics rock-out set which invites comparisons to The White Stripes and Drenge but the unique talent here was one of the guitarists, who also does most of the singing, played drums with his feet…..how did he do that and keep everything in time!? Blisteringly fast indie rock worth checking out.


Things then got louder with a much fuller sound. It’s only been a month since I last saw the wonderful Seize The Chair and once again they upped the ante with blisteringly fast and punishing indie rock. Bass lines Steve Hanley would be proud of helped drive home each song to an appreciative crowd.


Just when you thought things couldn’t get louder – Meatbodies stormed the stage and blew us all away! Blisteringly fast and punishing indie rock with added heavy metal guitar solos – These guys are the real deal. Obviously having fun with interweaving guitars, Chad and the gang were a complete joy! Catch them if you can…….

Bob the Chiropodist


For Marisa’s 18th I took her to Amsterdam for a fun packed week-end. We arrived Friday evening in time to book into our hotel, have a wander along the canals and get to the ‘Melkweg’ in time for a gig. I had seen that there was a gig on but knew nothing about who was playing…..


First up were Dub Factory who played reggae covers like Marcia Griffiths “I Feel like jumping” and got the crowd dancing. The sound that the bass player was making was fantastic!


The main act was ‘Bongo Botrako’ from Catalonia. They reminded me of fledgling Manu Chao, all the same ingredients were there – Passion, catchy choruses, horn section, reggae/ska/latin feel…….. They were obviously having a good time, which rubbed off on the crowd and most people there seemed to know all the songs. We joined in where we could like on I want less

And with an art exhibition in the next room – a great way to start off our weekend

Bob the Chiropodist



It hasn’t happened often, but previously, cancelled gigs that I’ve had tickets for have been due to ill health and there’s not much you can do about that except wish the artist the speediest of recoveries. I had an XTC ticket for their ‘English Settlement’ tour which was cancelled when Andy Partridge’s stage fright took hold and they never toured again, a David Sylvian ticket but his back gave out on him and John Grant had to cancel due to illness.

The only time that illness wasn’t the reason was when I had a ticket to see Adam and the Ants at Manchester Poly. They then had their first hit single causing them to cancel that gig and put one on at a much bigger venue. I never felt the same about them after that.

Si, BoyLee and I were going to go along to see the Orb at the Brudenell, but as you can see below it was (rightly) cancelled for reasons other than illness (I would not have been happy to pay £16 to see a DJ!) and I’ll be in no rush to see them again to be honest……

Bob the Chiropodist

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Gruff Rhys was back in town with ¾ of Y Niwl as his backing band and the animal like drummer Kliph (Boy! can he bash those drums!). As it was Aluntanlan’s birthday I made him a cake and dropped it off earlier “Don’t miss Gwenno Saunders tonight – she’s great”


Gwenno was indeed great. “All revolutions start with ordinary people”. Like a Welsh Julee Cruise, her dreamy vocals drifted on an electronic wave with odd films of 60’s America and buildings being blown up, projected onto her. “This one’s about when the robots take over and the only people who survive are the ones who speak Welsh…..” Got her ‘Y Dydd Olaf’ CD – one to watch!


Gruff’s ‘American Interior’ show has grown to be part history lesson, part road trip, part stand up comedy with some great tunes to fill it out. Tonight was more polished than I’ve seen him before but still had a slightly knowing shambolic charm to it. John Evans story is an amazing one and his telling of it with the aid of a projected backdrop shouldn’t be missed. Bass player Sion and Alun even got to do a bit of acting which went down well.


They did a long old set whilst telling the story, then came back for more. “Sorry for all you hard working people who have to get up tomorrow but we’re doing the long show tonight” before an extended ‘Skylon!’ and ‘Sensations in the Dark’ sent us home happy. A fantastic night!


No Gruff – THANK YOU!! Here’s a bit of their 6Music Festival set

Bob the Chiropodist


Dave loved his Elbow so much he felt compelled to write about it……..

When tickets came out for elbow at The Apollo it was a no brainer. My favourite of 8 previous gigs rests at the Apollo back in 2008 for The Seldom Seen Kid tour where Elbow got right under my skin and has stayed since. The best ever Manchester band at the best venue. And, after being brainwashed since birth and seeing them at Glastonbury last year my eldest boy, Theo, wanted to go to celebrate his 8th birthday. With the age of an Elbow audience ranging from 8 to 80, I had no qualms in taking him. Wanting to see elbow over Nintendo games will do for me. Erasure was my first gig at 16!

Having arrived early to get a drink and see a bit of Black Rivers who sounded pretty damn good we awaited the mighty Elbow. Friends Trish (a seasoned Elbow goer) and Chris had also joined us. Chris, a rock and Status Quo aficionado knew one Elbow song but, when a friend couldn’t come, jumped into the fray.

‘Are we nearly there yet?’ was replaced by ‘are they nearly on yet?’ as Theo waited. As long as they played Lippy Kids he’d be going home happy.

After seeing them at the arena tour last year for the release of The Taking Off and Landing of Everything I was hoping for something more stripped down and raw. After being a slow burner for me their latest album is Elbow’s best to date but I’d been listening to Asleep in the Back and Cast of Thousands recently and the set-list for tonight blew me away. The divine lyrics of This Blue World ‘while three chambers of my heart beat true and strong with love for another, the fourth is yours forever’ set us on our journey for the night.

Fly Boy Blue/Lunette thumped then drifted into old friend Fugitive Motel, Superb. The Bones of You followed, and sent Trish into an ethereal trance, touched by her favourite song. Then, as I quickly sat down after a toilet dash, the bombshell: One Day Like This, a third of the way through the set? My bladder was full but had I returned only for the encore? Slipped into the middle of the set-list was perfect as expectation became anticipation and songs blended from the early years to present. Powder Blue, Real Life, McGreggor, Bitten by the Tailfly and then The Birds. The latter never fails to get the hairs standing on the back of my neck, even with a false start.

Guy Garvey then informed ‘This one’s for the ratchy bastards here’. Theo’s not quite old enough to be a ratchy bastard yet but I told him his favourite was on the way. Theo sang every word like he knew what it was like to steal booze and hour long hungry kisses. He’d be going home happy.

Hearing The Take Off and Landing of Everything into Newborn was the highlight of the night for me. It took the evening to new levels and I took the baton off Trish for an ethereal trance moment.

As the encore approached Guy Garvey lied there’d be no more and that their agent Geoff was to blame. Geoff got the jovial jeers before the band were back for Grounds for Divorce and My Sad Captains.

Leaving the Apollo tonight were two old fans, one young fan and a new fan. Chris would be taking a break from Quo for a while. What a perfect waste of time.

Set list here

– Dave Warne

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