KJ 1

It was 32 years ago at the Hacienda that I last saw Killing Joke and tonight left me thinking ‘Why on earth did I leave it so long?’ – They’ve got the sound, the lyrics, the look, the energy…..why would you not go and see them?!

KJ support

Their choice of support was a bit odd. Earlier in the tour they’d had the wonderful Jah Wobble in support who is currently on top form. Tonight we get a talented acoustic guitarist who’s name I didn’t catch, but whose balls must be made of steel – to do that infront of a Killing Joke crowd – well played mate!

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The first time I went to see Killing Joke was almost exactly 33yrs ago (27/10/82) at the old Manchester Poly. My friends Terry, Mike and I were actually scared before going into the gig – their reputation was one of ferocity, taking no prisoners. We weren’t sure if we’d come out in one piece…..or even at all. They were so ‘Brilliant’ that we went again when they played Fagins only 2 months later.

KJ 2

Tonight we’re treated to vintage Jaz Coleman who as a front man plays a sort of crazed angry puppet type character who stalks the stage with a high-steppage gait and whips the crowd into a frenzy. The frenzy is fuelled by vintage Geordie who’s unique guitar sound cuts through everything like a chainsaw but is melodic at the same time. Hearing him play you’d be expecting a manic frenzied style, but no, he seems to stroke the frets as if he’s polishing an antique – extraordinary! And the vintage rhythm section of Youth and Ferguson are truely awe inspiringly powerful and tight.

KJ Cover

Loads of classic tracks like Psyche, Change, Fall of Because, the Wait, Wardance mixed with new stuff like I am the virus.  They even did a couple of hits (8o’s and Love like Blood which Jaz dedicated to Raven)but no Empire Song or Follow the leaders…….maybe next time….I’ll be there

Bob the Chiropodist


It was a real treat to see Slug play an amazing show of 2 sets to help celebrate Halloween. The gig was one of the highlights of a beautiful Manchester day that felt like summer and had me ‘enjoying myself’ for 16hrs straight – the short version being: 9am – Breakfast at my mums; 11.30-3pm – The Independent Salford Beer Festival; 4-7pm – Rugby world cup final at a bar in the Northern Quarter; 8-10.30pm – Watching Slug at the Deaf Institute; 11-3.30am – Rachel’s 40th Birthday bash at the Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show………….The long version goes like this…….


Even before the start of the fun, I could just tell it was going to be a special day – took my mum to Morrison’s and found myself dancing in the frozen food section when they played ‘Bad Moon Rising’ by Creedence followed by the Cure’s ‘A Forest’. Was helping her to get to grips with her iPad so showed her the page for the Independent Salford Beer Festival at St Sebastioan Centre in Broughton that I was going to for the afternoon session.  “Your dad went to St Sebastians School” but there’s no ‘Earl Street’ where they were brought up any more.


The Independent Salford Beer Festival is in its second year and is run by Beers Manchester Blogger Jim who I’ve known since secondary school. A compulsive gigger (we saw Joy Division together in 1980) and music buff, he also manages to find the time to put on a cracking beer festival.


Met up with loads of old school friends Spud+Sue, Mike+Gerry, Jeff, Jazzy, Poz, Mike+Jo and was very happy to see George the Architect down from Scotland again. I got chatting to him last year because he had an Andy White T-shirt on. He and his misses had come last time as they had tickets to see Johnny Marr in Manchester and had been looking for something to do in the afternoon. This year there was no gig but they came anyway for the beer! Sleaford Mods on the T-shirt this time – I’d like one of the Revolution Brewery T-shirts Jim had with a message for those who talk at gigs on the back……


It was a shame to leave early but I had to meet up with Rachels crowd – it was her 40th birthday celebration and they’d gathered in ‘Montpelier bar’ in the Northern Quarter to watch the Rugby – what a fab game. Managed to meet up with my nephew Sam who’s at Uni there as well as all the gang.


Next I was off to meet Jeff at the Deaf Institute to see ‘SLUG‘ who had impressed him so much the last time he saw them, that he cited it his gig of the year.


No sailor suits this time but suitably dressed for Halloween, their first set was pretty much all of their ‘Ripe’ LP with a cover of the Residents ‘Perfect Love‘ from the Commercial LP thrown in. They were so up for it and the crowd responded massively. Had a chat with Marc Riley about Iceland in the interval (like you do). We were slightly suprised to see him there as he’d said on his show that he was off to see Joanna Newsom instead, but I can’t see how she could’ve been any better than these guys – what a show!


I must admit that apart from John Carpenter’s ‘Halloween’ the majority of the horror soundtracks that they did in the second half were new to me – but they sounded amazing. Gloriously dark and intense with heavy guitar riffs – superb. There was even a bit of ‘Rocky Horror’ style shown in their dress sense……with his mums pearls……I think they enjoyed it as much as we did….their LP now lives on the shelf between The Slits and The Smiths….


We went next to The Band On The Wall to meet up with Rachel’s 40th birthday posse at the Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show. There was a band on ‘Nick Pride & The Pimptones’ but we only caught the end of their energetic set as we’d popped in the pub next door to meet up with Simon and Grace first.


The rest of the night was a blur of dancing and chatting and laughing with friends who – like everyone says at my age – I just don’t see often enough. 16 hours of fun fun fun – let’s do it again!!!


Bob the Chiropodist





Si and Jez came down from Ilkley for tonights Ruts DC gig, so gave Andy and I a lift. “First of 3 gigs this week” says Si and we’re all impressed …..until that is, we bump into Mark at the Brudenell – “This is the first night of 11 bands in 11 nights” (Hats off to Mr Pomroy).


He knows the guitarist of Klammer (I thought they said Clannad but thought “that can’t be right”) who started off proceedings in a punked up style.


UK Feds were next who had a marvelous array of haircuts and know how to rock out.


Jez was bought ‘Grin and Bear it’ by the Ruts for his 11th birthday and played it non-stop for years. We all thought the Ruts were gone when Malcom Owen bowed out but thankfully, the others thought they’d give it another go. Tonights set had Jez, and all the rest of us in raptures. Who’d’ve thought you’d get to hear ‘Jah War’ or ‘In a Rut’ or Babylon’s Burning’ live again? They don’t just rest on their back catalogue though – the new stuff blends into the classics with a few covers thrown in for good measure (‘Police and Thieves’ ‘Brand New Cadillac’ ‘Public Image’). The songs sounded so fresh & these guys can really play! With their original lead singer dying of a heroin overdose, songs like ‘Love in vain’ (“don’t want you in my arms no more”) and ‘In a Rut’ (“Gotta get out of it, out-of-it-out-of-it…”) are not just pop-fodder….the only excess on show tonight was of musicianship of the highest order (and a little vodka towards the end…) – loved it!


This guy was dancing all night and got the set list…..

Bob the Chiropodist


This was before they came on obviously….


So glad we got to see Martin Stephenson this time round – a fab evening with a top entertainer. My mate McD has been telling me to go see him for years – last time I saw him was in 1988! The Brudenell was done out with tables and chairs and we got one next to the stage “It looks just like Ronnie Scots!” says Martin who talks (and talks) between songs with humour and ease that has you wishing you could see him every week.


First up was Danielle Howle from North Carolina who did a solo set on acoustic guitar which brought out the crazy side of her. Martin rated her highly and later got her up for an impromptu jam with th band whilst he stood beaming at the side.


It was fortunate that we had seats cos Martin does a long set – full of stories of his alcoholism and subsiquent dryness, the people he’s met along the way, his wife (who used to go out with one of King Kurt), how proud he is of his kids cos they’re nice…..all of this just days after his dad past away. “He was a Newcastle fan and delighted more in Sunderland doing badly”. My favourite story was of a pal with haemophilia who ended up in jail – he’d go visit each week and write songs with him which he’d work on with his drummer Kate “The kind of things that a manager would despair at – I wasn’t made for the commercial world” (Kate BTW was a continuity announcer for channel 4)


I don’t think he really needs a band, he’s a fantastic guitarist, but the band he has were on top form, bringing the songs alive……..with even, a great reggae dub tune thrown in. So many great songs – new ones mixed in with old faves ‘Rain’, ‘Crocodile Cryer’, ‘Wholly Humble Heart‘, ‘Gladsome, Humour & Blue’, ‘Running Water’ and one of my personal faves ‘Colleen’ “My sister nearly killed me for saying she was a lesbian….she isn’t!”

It was gone midnight when we left – Martin alluded to the fact that he looks like George Formby, but with the length of the set, I was thinking Ken Dodd – Will definitely go next time he’s round  – don’t miss out!

Bob the Chiropodist

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Walter cover

There aren’t that many of the original NY punks from the 70’s left….but we still have Walter Lure who graced ‘Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers’ and helped write a ton of fab fast punky faves. Thankfully, he’s still happy to bash them out for us.

Walter support

First up were ‘…and the Hangnails’ (not from New York…just York) a 2 piece who blew the place apart with wild drumming and rocking guitar! With an awesome sound like that – why bother with a bass…..or anything else for that matter…..Still not sure how they managed to pull it off – will be looking out for them again for sure! One to watch…

Walter 3

Walter Lure was an absolute joy from start to finish “…here’s another one I wrote with someone who’s now dead..”  “We were supposed to be touring with the Pistols but nowhere would let us play because John had said ‘Fuck’ on TV…..except Leeds! You guys didn’t care….” “Here’s one in a similar vein….but a different arm” “The Pistols had written ‘New York’ as a slight on the bands there at theat time so I wrote ‘London Boys’ with Johnny Thunders in response”


Playing loads off the wonderful LP L.A.M.F. (it’s only half an hour long – go and put it on) we all had big grins on our faces as the perfect punk-pop tunes just kept on coming….‘Let’s go’ ‘Do you love me’ ‘Born to Lose’ ‘One track mind‘ and of course ‘Chinese Rocks’ “Dee Dee had wrote it but The Ramones didn’t want to record it because they thought it would be bad for their reputation….so who we gonna get to record it…..” A top top night!

Walter 2

Bob the Chiropodist

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