
I love the BBC. It’s a constant in my life, like a close friend, that I would find it hard to live without. Like a close friend, you don’t necessarily like everything they do but Public Service Broadcasting means it’s for everyone – so what I love you may hate and visa versa, which is fine by me. BBC 6Music for instance. During the week it’s on in our kitchen from 7 til midnight playing the type of music I love (ie a bit of everything). Earlier this week Marc Riley had ‘The Blind Shake” live on his show. Not heard them before, but the first track had me reaching for the computer to see if they were coming to Leeds and – deep joy – they were coming on Thursday. Met Martin Mark and Ian down there for what turned out to be an excellent evening.

Shakes New Woman

First up were Guitar and drum duo ‘New Woman’. Drumming Motorhead would be proud of and wonderfully loose reverb-laden guitar and a floppy curly blonde fringe to be proud of – great stuff!

Shakes Dull Aches

Dull Aches’ managed to ‘up the ante’ by introducing a Theremin to their wild style. Each song started with a great riff that managed to stay throughout whilst being mangled and stretched and generally beaten up along the way – loved them!

Shakes Sonic Heartbreakers

My only complaint with the support bands were that the vocals were very ‘shouty’ ‘The Sonic Heartbreakers’ continued this trend with another riff-heavy set with added Sax which, I’m glad to say, gave a Beefheart feel to some tracks rather than a Spandau gloss. Thought I recognised Hank Haint….


With a quick introduction “Hi, we’re The Blind Shake from Minneapolis” they proceeded to take command of the evening and shook it for all that it was worth. Dressed in matching tops (but not identical – I liked that) they stormed into song after song, jumping around (often hopping on one leg) whilst throwing guitars over their shoulders, acrobatics around the drum kit like Animal from the Muppets and beating the bass LAMF. I had a huge grin on my face from the moment they started till they headed off into the night. An absolute joy!

Bob the Chiropodist

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The Fulford Arms is a great little pub and with it being just around the corner from my cousin Diggers house, it would have been rude not to go and see a band as good as The Drink there. Tonight there were 3 great bands for the grand price of £6 – you can’t beat that!


Missing Kids are a local York band who make a hell of a noise for just 2 people. The drumming was powerfully awesome! One to watch.


Frog are from New York “And here we are playing in Old York” – Another Drums and guitar combo with some great tunes and an obvious joy in what they do – reminded us of ‘They Might Be Giants’


After 2 duo’s, a 3-piece band seemed a bit decadent but the extra bass grooves that The Drink produced were well worth it. Their songs drive along at a pace and then go to places you don’t expect. Comparisons have been made to Cate Le Bon and that’s no bad thing. When the band got into a riff, Dearbhla Minogue’s guitar playing was just fantastic. Give the new album a try.

Bob the Chiropodist


biscuits 4

Thursday night at the Chemic is open mic night with an invited band who do a full set. A bucket goes round to give the band a bit of cash but tonight Biscuithead and the Biscuit Badgers donated it all to the cloth cat organisation who’ve been close to closing due to a cut in funding. A great gesture from a great band.


The open mike as ever had a great mix of styles and experience – from folks who were playing in public for the first time to those who have been treading the musical boards for quite some time. In the later catagory is Dariush Kanani who has a beautiful guitar picking style and gave us 3 new songs which all hit the spot. Emily did a lovely Bowie tribute playing ‘Space Oddity’ on the Ukulele….the first of 2 tributes tonight…..

biscuit cover

The Biscuits are a top band – very English and very funny with incredibly talented musicians. They did some old faves (Beige, David Attenborough, Cheese, Land Hermit Crab…) and some I’d not heard before – my favourite of those being ‘Bakers’. There was even audience participation with Emily coming back on for Tweed Jacket


I guess the word eccentric was made for them. For their last song they did a straight version of ‘Life on Mars’ which showed off the keyboard players skill magnificently – Rick Wakeman couldn’t have done better himself. And there we had to leave it whilst other open mic-ers sang on into the night….

Biscuit setlist

Bob the Chiropodist


Burning hell2

The Burning Hell may sound like they should be on the cover of Kerrang, but they’re actually an intelligent indie-folk band who’s lyrics raise them way above the average band. Ariel Sharratt and Mathias Kom who make up the heart of the band, have a new LP of love songs called ‘Don’t believe the Hyperreal‘ and tonight they were here to spread the word – that word being ‘LOVE’

Burning hell

Ariel is in another band ‘Susie Asado‘ who were the support tonight. Bass guitar and harmony vocals with the odd clapping/ one drum/ cheap synth or violin accompaniments – very lo-fi

burning hell3

Mathias is a star – no other word for him. The second he came on stage he had the audience in his hands, laughing along with his observations on life and his first time in Leeds. It had been a miserably wet day and yet he was full of how nice Leeds was and how its inhabitants were lovely people “I did my laundry and when you see the staff treat a mad person who was shouting with tenderness and love – that’s something special.”  There were new songs and then he opened it up for requests “I don’t want to be a fascist and dictate to you, but I hate uncertainty…” When someone shouted for ‘Kings of the Animal Kingdom‘ he noted ‘This goes down well in England but not in other countries…. maybe its because there are a lot of Daves here…”

burning hell 4

The interplay between Mathias and Ariel was lovely to watch – obviously into the music and into each other. He introduced the wonderful ‘Pass the wine, fuck the government, I love you‘ as the true story of how they met and was chuft that we all sang along to the chorus. Amateur Rapper and then they finished with the Velvet “I’m sticking with you” as a tribute to Jeffrey Lewis’s version of ‘Heroin’ which he’d seen last night and we’d seen the night before, describing it as the best song ever – hard to argue. Big smiles all around and fans for life. Love love love.

Post Script: Got chatting to Eddie at the Merch table who I always see at gigs and was also at the Jeff Lewis gig this week. We got chatting about the Wave Pictures (he’s in the ‘Wakefield‘ video) and how his mate’s seen them 22 times….Me: “Orange Juice is in my all time top ten” Eddie: “Mathias did the video for that y’know” – now there’s a wonderful connection that I was unaware of……Eddie’s on my vid of it too

Bob the Chiropodist



Our quims Christmas do this year was at Wharf Chambers in the company of everyones favourite New Yorker Jeffrey Lewis. Apparently the 17th time Jonny has put him on (I’ve managed to get to 6 of them) so he deserved the tin of Quality Street…..Jeff2

First up tonight were The Wharf Street Galaxy Band. Mark introduced me to lead singer Dave just before he was due to go on. Fall-esque with great lyrics over relentless bass lines with dreamy guitar floating in and out…..just imagine if the puffins in Iceland did go on strike….Jeff3

Last time I saw Downdime was when the supported Mr Lewis at the Hyde Park Cinema. A joyous indie-pop riot of a noise – are they really from Leeds? Lower East Side shurely…..


Another year, another new Jeffrey Lewis band and LP. He never lets you down. Great new tunes (Scowling Crackhead Ian), great old tunes (Last time I took acid I went insane), great covers (Punk is dead – Crass, I’ve been duped – the Fall) and my new fave, a version of the Velvets ‘Heroin’ with lyrics about internet addiction instead “So many cats that I just don’t know…..”


Our movie interlude was the history of Russia part 8 with some added trailers….and to prove how untypically American he is, another new song about what he loves about England – the food. Hope he’s back to enjoy some more soon – don’t miss him!

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Bob the Chiropodist