DJ 1

We hadn’t heard of Damien Jurado but a friend of Lee’s recommended that we go see him, so we got thought we’d give him a try. It can be a bit of a gamble but I love going to watch someone without pre-conceptions and see if they ‘Do it’ for me……..and he did!

DJ 2

We only got to see a bit of Siv Jakobsen – very laid back, nice voice, nice guitar, with tales of bumping her car on the freeway whilst in mid composition – be careful there’s an artist out there.

DJ 3

As happens on most nights at our house, we were listening to Gideon Coe on the kitchen radio and a tune came on that made Lee and I look up at each other and say ‘Ooooh, I like this’ – turns out it was Damien Jurado – “We’ve got tickets for him!” So we knew a little of what we were in for – but the glorious wall of sound that we were hit with was beyond all expectations. His vocals and acoustic guitar rhythms were fantastic. The bass held down some superb lines that had everyone near us dancing around. There was twangy surf guitar. The analogue electronic vibes added a twist to everything and worked so well. And the drummer…..The Drumming was extaordinary – somehow ‘In your face’ and subtle at the same time…..How did he do that!?

DJ 4

He came on for a couple of solo tunes for the encore (a great song about how I’ll always remember you as you are now) and had a chat about how being an ex-punk from Seattle means you find it hard to allow yourself to think about double albums, or even bring more than one guitar on tour.

One more tune with the band and they were gone, leaving the packed crowd with smiles on their faces. “You’re so jolly!” He loves the Brudenell but then – don’t we all!

Bob the Chiropodist

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It’s been just over a year since the Meatbodies graced the Brudenell – I really hope they make it an annual event – these guys are not to be missed!

2 GSweat

First up was Girl Sweat featuring Russell who we last saw fronting his Wolves. This man needs to be on stage and we need more like him. In a Hawaiian shirt, barefooted (with Girl written on his right foot and Sweat on his left) he stormed the stage with loud, heavy beats, Neanderthal bass and screaming vocals – clearly passionate about something……but I’m not sure what…..a fantastic start to the night!

3 GSweat 4 I

Next up were Intelligence from Seattle. Suprised to see they had 6 or 7 LPs on the Merch table and chatting to their energetic guitarist afterwards, seems they’ve been going since 2000. They were a tight outfit bursting with tune after tune of spikey guitar lead songs – great stuff.

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Meatbodies were so good last year that Sledge and I just had to be there tonight too – Steve noted we’d had more that our money’s worth before they started. They turned up late due to their flight into the UK from Ireland being late but managed to soundcheck in 5 mins flat (they could teach DIIV a thing or two– Perhaps they’re a bit more laid back being from the West Coast). It’s hard to put your finger on why they’re so good… it the amazing bass and driving drums…..the interwieving guitars with those knowing smiles between them, pointing at each other……the power chords that mess with your mind… all intermingles to give you exactly the kind of band I love!!

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On a crazy tour they’re playing in Antwerp tomorrow……..Please, please, please come back to the Brudenell next year…and the next….and the next….

Bob the Chiropodist



Cowtown put on tonights show to launch their new single and put together a mighty fine show with a bonus raffle….

2 lord A

Sorry we missed Game_program (but it was a V. early start). Lord Adonis plays music that wouldn’t be out of place on a ‘Beverley Hill Cop’ soundtrack. Smooth 80’s synth sounds with Vocoder vocals and electronic handclaps…Intriguing…

3 City Yelps

City Yelps play straight up indie rock with a lot of energy and swagger. Met the drummer at the bar and for someone so small, she can certainly smack those drums.

4 ThatFT

That Fucking Tank were just great! An instrumental duo of Guitar and Drums, they impressed from the off. Who needs a bass when you can do that with a guitar. Mesmerising! I will be seeing them again for sure – don’t you miss them!

5 Raffle

There was a raffle with some amazing prizes on offer including the full Cowtown back catalogue in tote bags, keyboards, logo sweatshirts, a fishing video…..I thought I’d won the muslim ‘come to prayer’ alarm clock but it was number 278, not my 288… hard feelings…..even though that one guy seemed to win everything….grrrrrrr


Cowtown play frantic, angular, indie pop songs that keep you on your toes. Short and sweet their set seemed to be over before it began. There was a bit of guitar trouble and the sound was much better with ‘That FT’s guitar (prehaps the old one could go in the next raffle?). They’re obviously a lovely bunch of people having a ball – let’s hope the single gets lots of airplay.

Bob the Chiropodist

diiv cover

I’ve been waiting over 3 years to see DIIV again. They made a huge impression as a support act and their ‘Oshin’ LP has been a constant on my turntable since. Could they live up to my expectations……..

diiv support

Ulrica Spacek‘s set sounded great – the kind of Krautrock bass and pounding drums I love. Using the same (bright blue) guitar lick to connect songs was a neat trick & I would happily see these guys again – have a listen here.


DIIV have had some flack in the press for their live performances with a particularly brutal review in this weeks guardian. So when they came on, complained that there was no sound in their monitors and walked off….twice…you had the feeling they may not come back…. “We spent 3 hours soundchecking for this?!”

diiv 2

Eventually they did play, but the sound wasn’t great (a mystery as the support had been). Frontman Zack was clearly distressed by it all, often with his hands on his head in despair, or over his ears trying to hear himself sing. “Please don’t load any of this onto YouTube” “e-mail me and I’ll do anything I can to make it up to you”. Andrew Bailey (with his bright green guitar) jumped around seemingly oblivious, which inserted some energy that the crowd responded to (“Thank you for your positivity”) but there was no escaping the below par sound…….a real shame.

Diiv vinyl

When we got home I put the LP on for my mate BoyLee who’d come along on my recommendation…..”Now that sounds great!”…….I know, I know…..

Bob the Chiropodist

diiv guitar



My first gig at Headrow House, the new multi-floored venue for strong beer drinking, tattoo wearing beardy types. Disappointing then, that they don’t serve any of their nice beer in the gig room…….


…And what got us out early on a Saturday night? Well, the fabulous Nervous Twitch of course. Their new LP arrived on tape this week and fresh from their 6Music debut, they did a great set of punk pop with attitude. I could haver listened to them all night. Managed to have a quick chat with them afterwards – a lovely bunch (and thanks for the badges).


I hadn’t heard of the other bands which is the way I like it – no preconceptions. Next up was Leeds band Chaika who were Very, Very Good! Top indie tunes – fast, melodic and compelling, but what often seperates a great indie band from a good one is the lead singer and Chaika have enormous potential with theirs. Great lyrics (“I always pass that fucking sign, I swear!”) and not afraid to come off stage and prowl in front of it….one to watch…..


There are loads of musical genres out there rich for the picking and ‘Twin’ plough a prog-rock field (in looks as well as sound). They started quite brightly with some heavy bass, Led Zep type tunes before exploring the more experimental side…….

Virgin kids

Last up were Virgin Kids who play fuzzed-out, high energy, garage rock songs with gusto. Their rhythm section have a fantastic bass player and lead guitarist/singer seemed to do the whole gg on his tip-toes – must ahave some tough calf muscles that lad!

Bob the Chiropodist