Apparently, Wreckless Eric gets a bit nervous when he plays Leeds for historical reasons (as told to Marc Riley on his 6Music show). On tonight evidence, he has no reason to at all – everyone loved his banter, his sonic guitar and musical box combo and his songs…old and new.

He started off by beckoning the crowd to come closer and as they shuffled forward he said “Fuckin’ ‘ell it looks like the Walking Dead” which had Sledge and I belly laughing and set the tone for the evening.  3 songs in…..”I’m gonna do an old one now – one I still quite like – so those of a certain age with prostrate problems can get off early” before a great version of ‘Reconnez Cherie‘. He goes off on wild musical tangents with ferocious strumming and it was no surprise that a string broke on his acoustic – he then proceeded to fix it (“I used to be able to this whilst still playing”) telling us a story of how he met Woody Woodmansey, one of his heroes…”and I got that fan thing where you become a twat and don’t know what to say so I says to him ‘You used to live in Woodmansey didn’t you’ and thought what the fuck did I say that for…” 10 minutes later the string is fixed and tuned up and “well for this next one I need my electric guitar” and he swaps them over.
Brilliant night – go and see him if you get the chance – highly recommended

Bob the Chiropodist

“We were told the more north we go, the more like Iceland the gigs would be – so we keep on expecting a lot of drunken farmers to come in”

I’ve been wanting to see Hafdis Huld for ages – I can’t remember now how I first came across ‘Tomoko’ but on hearing it, I instantly bought the 7″ and then the CDs ‘Dirty Paper Cup’ and ‘Synchronised Swimmers’ (limited edition No.742 no less). Hafdis explained that she wrote Synchronised Swimmers to entice her now (English) husband to stay in Iceland “Where it’s winter for 8 months a year….still, it worked!”

Tonight there was old and new material with her husband Alisdair playing beautifully on guitar. The new CD is called ‘Dare to Dream Small’ – “….and there was all this social media telling me to do better things…I’d just made a human being – what’s better than that….and are you trying this diet…No! I eat cheescake…I don’t want to dream big – I want to dream small…” She’s a fantastic orator and the chat between songs was hillarious (and lasts about twice as long as the songs).

Talking through ideas with her mum for a video about dancing, she was told about someone who used to live in a remote part of Iceland who could only be reached by boat or over a glacier – so on Fridays she would start the 6 hour walk over the glacier to meet up with other youngsters to have a dance – her dad would walk her half the way and her pals would meet her for the rest of the journey – dedication or what! ‘Vampires’ is about how they’re always touring and getting in late and sleeping during the day….songs about the dog, getting her belly button pierced, ski jumpers…..all done with a charm that had you smiling all night – a real treat! I really REALLY want to go to Iceland now….

Bob the Chiropodist

When was the last time you could truly say you were thrilled by a band? Tonight, PowerSolo were truly thrilling – best live band I’ve seen in a long long time…..possibly ever! Amazingly energetic guitar playing, funny and fast – Riff-tastic! – these guys know how to whip up a party. I doubt this will be topped any time soon – a glorious night!

You know you’re in for a good night when Russell comes on stage. I’ve previously seen him as a wild front man (Russell and the Wolves) and as a wild solo synth player (Girl Sweat). Tonight he was the wild drummer in Hamer – and a bloody good drummer too! Hamer are a high octane, take no prisoners type of band. The lead singer was prone to removing the mike with his mouth whilst howling – a great start to an amazing night.

I only came across PowerSolo fairly recently when I saw their boom ba ba da ba daba video and instantly wanted more. They’re Danish brothers and have been going for years – can’t believe I’ve missed out on them for so long. The guitar work was amazing – rockabilly style with no need for a bass. They bounce off each other, obviously having a ball. Their drummer Zack looked like the happiest man in the world……and playing for these guys, who wouldn’t be?! Suave and Super Cool…..and a little bit crazy….

I can’t think of how the gig could have been better? they played for 2 hours and it felt like 20 minutes – I could have listened all night. Managed to get some footage of them at the end of the set that kind of captures what they’re like – but you really have to be there – don’t miss out on these guys next time – an absolute treat!

Bob the Chiropodist

The Quite Interesting Music Society was born at a Dears gig (23rd January 2005) so it was only fitting that the original members conviened again to see them some 12 years later…..

First up was Montreal’s ‘Plants and Animals‘ who are a really tight band, intense with some great rocking tunes. Couldn’t really hear the lyrics except for one song where he was asking someone to sow a button on his shirt…..

The Dears have a great sound and are obviously passionate about their work. I recognised at least one tune from last time before the new stuff. Lots of bands like to pretend that their new album is the best thing they’ve ever done (and it might well be) but Murray took a more realistic view: “This is the Reward and Punishment set – we reward you with one you know, then punish you with a new one…” – I look forward to seeing them in another 12 years!

Thanks to Jez for driving – Pity John couldn’t make it for a full house of original quimmers

Bob the Chiropodist


A night of glorious riotous youth – not giving a monkeys about what people think – turn it up load, jump in the crowd and crank the fun up to 11 – I’d love to be on their tour bus…..

April have swagger and a great shambling sound that’s held together by a great frontman – not afraid to rock out, giving the crowd license to do the same – a fab start to the night.

The Shimmer Band sounded a bit more polished but no less exciting – cocky, loud and a joy to watch – haircuts that say – we don’t want proper jobs…..

Cabbage are a riot in every sense of the word. Rocking tunes, 2 frontmen, one of whom was in the audience more than he was on stage – dangerous and funny with songs about Dinner Ladies and being ‘Born in the NHS’. Their T-Shirt ‘Young, dumb and full of cabbage’ kind of says it all….The last song saw the guitarist and bassist crowd surfing too…

The only thing that annoyed me about the night was the photographers. I take one or 2 during a gig, don’t use a flash and am as quick as I can with it. I know that some of them are probably trying to make a living but tonight there were hoards of the buggars! I’ve no problem with them hogging the front for a song or two – but to be so ‘in your face’ like they were tonight, as if they own the joint, for the WHOLE gig – shoving a camera infront of your face then checking if the shot came out – just pissed me off. I’m sure Paul Husband would never do that…

Bob the Chiropodist