Sunny Bank Mills is a huge complex of old Mills that have been brought back to life with spaces for companies, artists and a wonderful open space/venue for performances that is full of character. Old steel beams are on display and there’s a comfortable shabbyness about the place – perfect for a choir like this.

To celebrate the launch of their CD – Commoners Choir put together an event that was as in character for them as the venue. Catering was by the real junk food project which started around the corner in Armley, and is now worldwide – taking the good food that supermarkets throw away to produce a feast. There was a limited run of Commoners Choir Beer (that was very nice) and of course commoners cakes. Top printer Helen Peyton was on hand to make some souvenir postcards and posters.

First up was Lancashire storyteller Ursula Holden Gill – tales of spotting the extraordinary in the ordinary, mixed with the odd bit of Clogg dancing. She did 2 engaging spots, either side of Nick Harper.

Nick Harper did a blistering set “I got a bit lost recently writing love songs but I’m back on track now”. Wonderful guitar playing and a lovely rendition of ‘Breathe’

There’s a quote from Rob Cowen’s book ‘Common Ground‘ at the beginning of the Commoners Choir CD on the song ‘Commoners Go Trespassing‘ which was also in the posters Helen was printing. He read pieces from his book between the commoners 2 sets, ruminating on those spaces between towns and the country. Although his ideas chime with those of the choir – he declined the offer of singing with them…

Commoners Choir just about managed to squeeze onto the stage and sang a good chunk of the 21 original songs from thier debut CD. The Choir started with a Manifesto  and ‘a singing newspaper’ is how they like to be described with topical songs about the flooding of the Calder Valley, The refugee crisis and our response to it, How the Victoria and Albert Museum in London has taken the photography collection from Bradford, Homelessness, Food riots from 200 years ago (maybe not immediately topical but there are echo’s of food banks there) and a couple of songs about members of the cabinet (hopefully not topical for long). Choir leader Boff got the audience to sing ‘When they go Low (we go high)’ – a phrase used in the recent Presidential elections which went down a storm!

A standing ovation greeted the end of their set and everyone went home with a bit of Hope rekindled in Humankind. Next stop for them is singing in Manchester during the Tory Party conference……should be interesting…..

Bob the Chiropodist


The family friendly Music, Arts and science festival set in beautiful north Yorkshire Parkland. We went to the first 2 but haven’t been for 6yrs so thought it was about time. Great line up and fab to bump into people we haven’t seen for years……


Let’s Eat Grandma

Let’s Eat Grandma were playing as we entered after setting up camp – they were brilliant – load, electronic beats and obviously having a laugh, running on and off stage, simulaneoulsy falling over….great stuff

H. Hawkline



3rd time this year I’ve managed to catch Cabbage and they get tighter and better each time. I wondered how they’d go down with a family crowd…..very well indeed!

Jesca Hoop

John Shuttleworth

Teenage Fanclub


October Drift

October Drift attacked the stage as if their lives depended on it – not an easy thing to do at 11 in the morning but these guys were up for it!

Kate Pankhurst teaching kids about the Suffragettes

Roody Woomble

She Drew The Gun

She Drew The Gun are a great outfit – singing protest songs from the heart – “I you could see what I see you’d pick up the fight” “This one’s called ‘Pit Pony’. It’s about having your head done in by the way things are”

King Creosote

Hooton Tennis Club

Marc Riley: I’m so famous I even have my own Chiropodist in the crowd

Ibibio Sound Machine

Hadn’t heard of these before but they stole the show for me – fantastic rhythms that got the crowd dancing and interacting – very up-beat…..very good!

Arab Strap

Kate Tempest


Gary & Son

Ilkley QUIMS member Gary did a lovely 10 minute dance with his son which had some beautifully touching moments in it – it can be difficult for some dads to show thier love in public… it!

Dave Simpson interviews Ken Scott….

….and Woody Woodmansey

The interviews with Ken Scott and Woody Woodmansey were fantastic – hearing about Kens time with the Beatles and then Bowie’s Spiders from Mars (He played just the vocal at the end of ‘5 Years’ which gave me goosebumps) and then hearing Woodys stories – wonderful.


Teleman were a highlight for me – pulsating tunes with new dub/extended segments that worked a dream….

The Divine Comedy

Maybe saving the best til last….this Divine Comedy set was fantastic – funny banter between songs with even a costume change……all delivered with Neil Hannons droll but suave manor. ‘Indie Disco’ had the Blue Monday section in it – ace!

And in true family friendly festival style – it was over by 6pm. You could have stayed another night, but with tired kids and work in the morning…..we were more than happy to call it a day – Thank you Deer Shed!!

Bob the Chiropodist

Neil Hannon as Napoleon popping out of Simons Hat


For the third year in a row Meatbodies graced the Brudenell stage with a set worthy of a stadium – “We’ve never played anywhere else in Leeds – and we wouldn’t want to” – It’s hard to describe how good they are live and I’ll be first in line for tickets when they (hopefully) come again next year……

Sledge and I were a bit late getting to the gig so missed Magic Mountain but caught Jon Jones & the Beatnik Movement. First time I’ve ever seen a bass player change his bass guitar after the first track…..Hard hitting and shouty vocals they had plenty of support in the crowd.

Meatbodies have it all – brilliant musicians who can play beautiful floaty tunes but are most at home rocking it out with heavy guitars winding around each other over a punishingly fast bass and drums onslaught – tighter than before (if that was possible) these guys are the real deal.

So, if you get the chance…..go see them……they won’t let you down….

Bob the Chiropodist

On last nights Gideon Coe show he played ‘Hope’ by Commoners Choir, a project I’ve been involved with for about 18 months. It’s a great moment to hear your stuff in amongst The Chameleons, AC/DC, Tuxedomoon and especially Y Niwl – the session tracks on this show were from 2011 and I was there – Marc Riley had invited me down to the old Oxford Road studios and what a joy it was

So, three hours of top entertainment and coincidence with great memories and Hope……god bless Gid and God bless the Beeb….click on the image below to listen….

Commoners CD available here

Listen on Soundcloud here


Bob the Chiropodist

I forgot my camera this year so only had my phone….

Wednesday: Hanging out with my eldest

Thursday Morning: Charity stuff by the pyramid tree

Mik Artistik’s Ego Trip

A 1/3 of the Pod crew


Late night wandering

Early morning home coming

Friday: Amazing Circus Acts

This was a husband and wife act, she kept clinging onto him whilst he was trying to shake her off in a hundred different ways – Fabulous!


Fugiya & Miyagi

Mark Lanegan

Angel Olsen from the Park Tower

Sophie Ellis Bexter + Drag Queen

Sleaford Mods (being watched by Jarvis Cocker)

Flaming Lips

The Mavericks

We really did dance the night away……

Saturday: Kaiser Chiefs

Managed to pop out whilst working to see the Kaiser Chiefs….

Sunday Morning: Ace Female Comedian

Mik Artistik (voice starting to fail)

Theatre field

Caught again!

King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard

Waiting for Barry Gibb

…and then Chic…

Goldfrapp then London Grammar
