It’s been far too long since I went to a gig with Oz so we decided to squeeze one in before the year was out. His contact got us tickets with access to the posh upstairs VIP area for Mogwai – what’s not to like.

I met him earlier in the day at Nik’s, who Oz was at Leeds Uni with many moons ago. Nik runs cookery lessons as the Spice Monkey and Oz had joined the other 7 participants on a days Vegan course. I was lucky enough to mop up what was left – gorgeous stuff! This fabulous photo was on the wall…..

The 3 of us headed to Brixton and had a drink in the wonderful Pop Brixton – made from Containers and full of food and drink stalls – like an English Blade Runner. We also explored the arcade and markets – so full of energy and life.

The Academy was packed for Mogwai – glad to see that such an uncommercial guitar band can pull such a crowd. We watched from the side of the stage for a while – I had my back-pack with me so couldn’t really head into the crowd, so we retreated to the upstairs VIP bar.

The view from upstairs was great – the power of their sound was quite breathtaking with ‘Old Poisons’ taking the biscuit

Probably a sign of the times that we ditched the after show party t so we could get home by midnight…..and talk records over a G+T of course…..

Saturday had Oz in tourguide mode. We took his boy Noah round Shoreditch, went to the Rough Trade Shop, a lovely pub under threat of redevelopment, then off to the Heavenly Social, and for a final pint near the BBC’s broadcasting house before I had to be off……

….for Dave Reed’s secret 60’s organised by Darlene at Anna’s house – he didn’t have a clue. Must’ve been a hundred or more there with fab food, a fire in the back and live music from Morrissey & Marshall (with added vocals from RowD Beats). What a top weekend!

Bob the Chiropodist

Fujiya and Miyagi were back in town for the first time sime the release of their rather brilliant self titled LP that was originally released as 3 EPs. They had us dancing and shouting for more…..

First up was Orsha from Leeds who managed to get some amazing sounds out of his macbook – dancey as hell – This guy knows how to party!

Next up were Grasshopper who banged out some nice indie pop tunes with the vocal stylings of the Sisters of Mercy – with a bit of  ‘Get Carter’ thrown in whilst a guitar string was replaced.

I first came across Fujiya + Miyagi when I heared ‘Ankle Injuries‘ on a Mojo Compilation about 10 years ago. You knew you were in for a good night when they started off with it. They’ve re-release the LP it was from and played quite a chunk of it tonight. There ws room (I’m glad to say) for Extended dance mix Flaws and Knickerbockerglory (though nothing from Ventrilioquizzing…..). If you like your electronic music with catchy repetitive beats, then go and see them – you won’t be dissapointed……

Bob the Chiropodist

I’ve been meaning to catch Euros Childs for ages now and kept on missing him for various reasons…..anyway, tonight I managed to remedy that and was mighty glad I did.

Support tonight was from Ed Dowie who’s amusing if droll banter gave no hint of the synth-drenched mega reverb ridden vocal overload we were in for…..this guy is a genuine one off!

Euros was ably supported by Rose (drums, keyboards,guitar, vocals) as he worked his magic on keyboards providing a pumping bass to a bunch of new songs that were funny and punchy. ‘Happy Coma’ was great but my favourite was the story of ‘Crystal and Misty’ and their all-you-can-eat adventure…..There was even a rendition of the ‘Auf Wiedersehen Pet‘ theme tune written by Joe Fagin…. “Is he still with us?” to which some wag shouts “He’s LIVIN” ALRIGHT!”

Looking forward to getting to know the new CD

Bob the Chiropodist

This day of Alt country was squeezed between birthdays and was suggested by Dave Hes who in the end couldn’t make it due to illness. Dave and Helen came along and the Tomothy Taylor’s Ram Tam flowed…..

William the Conquerer

We arrived just as Alessi’s Ark were finishing, so our day really started with William the Conquerer who did a good set with some lovely bass work.


Gill Landry

Gill Landry had a mixed bag of songs, some beautiful and incisive whilst others fell a bit flat – nice banter between songs though.

Seamus Fogarty

Brooke Bentham


Keston Cobblers Club

John Smith

John Smith has a wonderful gravelly voice made for murder ballads and did some lovely guitar picking – there was a lot to like here….

Josh Rouse

Josh Rouse has a voice like honey and writes beautiful, understated songs that get you smiling and swaying along – Paul Simon-esque I hear you say….maybe….have a listen to him being interviewed here

The Travelling Band

The night finished with the rousing Travelling Band who went at it full tilt….Lee and Helens favourite.


Bob the Chiropodist

I first came across Jim White on a 2001 Uncut compilation which contained the extraordinary song ‘The Wound That Never Heals’ – what kind of dark twisted mind sings songs like that? Jim White, that’s who! It was a nice surprise then to have him open up with an upbeat song about how everyone from every background seems to have a guitar. He told us he has 42 of them as he can’t see one left neglected at his local flea market. In fact, he told us a lot about himself, with the monologues often taking longer than the songs they were about…..his adventures trying to get a New York flat with ex-girlfriends, writing a song that was too weird for David Byrne and the various traumas he’s had with his mental health…..all told with wry humour and a twinkle in his eye – this guy has no off switch. “I came second in a poll of the most miserable alt country songs. Imagine how that pissed me off! What do I have to do? Sing about slitting my grandma’s throat?”

His backing band was ‘Cicada Rhythm’ who were also the support band. The lovely double bass gave a richness to the sound with great drumming and slide guitar “The best band I’ve ever toured with”. He finished his set with them playing a beautiful version of ‘Static On The Radio’ before ending with a couple of ‘encore’ tunes on his own. “Thanks for coming out tonight. If your bands ever play in Georgia I’ll come and see you”.  A wonderful evening – I can’t recommend him strongly enough – go and seek him out

Bob the Chiropodist