The Vaselines & Haight-Ashbury @ The Brudenell – 17/09/10


Im a new comer to The Vaselines. BBC 6Music is the soundtrack to our kitchen these days and I heard the track Sex with an X on there a while ago, instantly thinking I like this! Found out who it was, saw that they were playing the Brudenell so got a couple of tickets. Mark joined me and how glad we were that we made the effort2 fabulous Scotish bands – one old but sound brand new and one new who sound comfortingly old.

haight ashbury

First up was the wonderful Haight-Ashbury a Scots 3 piece named after the epicentre of the 60s hippie movement. The two girls looked the part with flowing hippie dresses – one in black and one in white. They were stunningly good, with a guitarist who could play anything and 2 piece harmonies to die for. All their songs had that instant recognition that classic songs have. Familiar, in a good way. Our only complaint was that there were no CDs of theirs on sale a schoolboy error.


The Vaselines (who are Eugene Kelly and Frances McKee) were a hoot from start to finish, with lots of good-natured (often sexual) banter between songs. For an ex couple who split the band when they split as a couple many moons ago, there was no detectable edge (and I guess if you call your LP ‘Sex with an X’ you’re over all that). If you buy a CD at the end says the elfin-like Frances youll get a blow job.from Eugene Theyre supposed to give me one! Nah, you dont wanna go there!


Id picked up a 2nd hand CD of their early stuff whilst in Brid recently so was familiar with their back catalogue. The old and the new blended seamlessly. Theyd had members of Belle and Sebastian playing with them until recently They got a better offer to go back but the new guys sounded great also from Scottish rock royalty I believe.

It turns out that they were one of Curt Cobains favourite bands Nirvana covered Jesus doesnt want me as a sunbeam which was greeted with a bit of pogoing. Their cover of Divines ‘You think you’re a man but you’re only a boy’ brought the evening to a close. I would go a long way see both of these bands again.

Bob the Chiropodist.

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