The Rifles @ The Cockpit and The Fall @ Leeds Uni

The Rifles + The Maybes: Cockpit, Leeds 18th March 2008
The Fall + Bobbie Peru: Leeds University 20th March 2008

Fall ticket

Got in the cockpit to hear the last couple of Maybes songs. The lead singer/guitarist did a mean John Lennon impersonation. Dr P had introduced us to The Rifles at the last quims meeting and got us tickets too. They got off to a slow start when no-one danced to the opening track, then went mental to the next You had us worried there! said lead singer Joel, who later got his mouth bashed by his microphone as one of the crowd surfers accidentally kicked it whilst being thrown onto the stage. They impressed live with confident set that took in fast bass driven romps and sensitive acoustic guitar melodies – Peace & Quiet being my fave of the night. We pondered what makes some bands huge and what others sink without trace. The Rifles have the tunes, the hooklines, the image (even a crazy muppet-like guitarist whos not afraid to encourage the crowd to clap along) to make it. There arent many who will have a career anything like Mark E Smith mind.

The annual outing of The Fall is always a joy to behold. Most of the crowd I chatted to were pissed off that I Ludicrous had been dropped from the bill (a fall out with MES we hear) Their lyrics are second to none Well, maybe second to half man half biscuit Yeah, second to them.I was pissed off at not being served at the bar. Bobbie Peru provided support a rocking 3 piece but with a rather limited vocal range (ie shouting).
The video Jock bombed again but did a mercifully short set this time round. The Fall were good, doing stuff from their last 3 studio LPs (including my Manchester choice – the wonderful Pacifying Joint) but not great until late on in the set when the Bobbie Peru bass player joined them and MES actually turned the guitar up (instead of down as he kept doing the rest of the evening). Nobody induces a relentlessly hypnotic, head nodding sound as compulsively as they do. A short encore of white lightening and they were off. It was over far too quickly and you get the sense that the rest of the band wanted to play on.but as ev-ah MES call the shorts.

The Fall Leeds 08

A big thanks to Tony and John for the freebie. Higher Res photos of the Fall that night can be obtained from
I got home, switched the Telly on and Idea with Johnny Vegas was on BBC2 and what were they playing whilst filming a porn film in the bathroom? (there was an NCT meeting in the living room at the same time) Pacifying Joint. Joy joy joy!

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